🌷 Just Give Me One Month - March 2024 🌼



  • ManifestingToday
    ManifestingToday Posts: 489 Member
    Welcome, @Making_Impossible_Possible! I totally understand what you mean about having others in the house -- if it was just me, fine. I could get drastic. But having to also have plans for other eaters in the house makes it more challenging for sure. Wishing you success as you start back with plans.
  • Aquarian
    Aquarian Posts: 1,094 Member
    March SW 66.3kg
    March GW 65kg
    UGW 55kg

    Mar 1 66.3
    Mar 2 65.8
    Mar 3 65.7
    Mar 4 66.1
    Mar 5 65.6
  • Making_Impossible_Possible
    Highest Weight: 221 Aug 2021
    Current Weight: 216.0
    End of Month Goal: 210
    Goal Weight: 165
    Height: 5'2"

    March 3: 216.0
    March 4: 217.0

    I expected to be up today. Had a bad weekend food choice wise.

    But I did get up and do my 30min workout like I said I would. Tomorrow will be the treadmill, then another video on Wednesday.

    Food choices today we better, and I'm hoping to be back down tomorrow.
  • brittgreenlikethecolor88
    brittgreenlikethecolor88 Posts: 1,080 Member
    Mini Goals: Lose 5-10 lbs /month.
    March: 183 lb (- 10 lb)
    April: 175 lb ( -10 lb)
    May: 165 lb (-10 lb)
    June: 155 lb (-10 lb)
    July-Aug: 147 lb (- 8 lb) UGW

    February loss: - 7 lb

    Mar 1: 193.2 lb
    Mar 2: 191.8 lb
    Mar 3: 193.8 lb
    Mar 4: 193.0 lb
    Mar 5: 193.0 lb - Well, this is very anticlimactic lol
  • Plasicage
    Plasicage Posts: 355 Member
    January 24: 158
    February 24: 157.2
    March 24: 152

    March 1: 152
    March 2: 152
    March 3: 156
    March 4: 153
    March 5: 153 🤷‍♀️
  • Aquarian
    Aquarian Posts: 1,094 Member
    March SW 66.3kg
    March GW 65kg
    UGW 55kg

    Mar 1 66.3
    Mar 2 65.8
    Mar 3 65.7
    Mar 4 66.1
    Mar 5 65.6
    Mar 6 65.5
  • Making_Impossible_Possible
    Highest Weight: 221 Aug 2021
    Current Weight: 216.0
    End of Month Goal: 210
    Goal Weight: 165
    Height: 5'2"

    March 3: 216.0
    March 4: 217.0
    March 5: 216.2

    4 days no coffee
    Walked for 30 min on my treadmill
    Workout video tomorrow morning
  • Plasicage
    Plasicage Posts: 355 Member
    January 24: 158
    February 24: 157.2
    March 24: 152

    March 1: 152
    March 2: 152
    March 3: 156
    March 4: 153
    March 5: 153 🤷‍♀️
    March 6: 152

    I guess water retention could be associated with lifting weights and sore muscles?? That’s the only thing I struggle fitting in after the weekend. Regardless I’ll do some more lifting when possible.
  • brittgreenlikethecolor88
    brittgreenlikethecolor88 Posts: 1,080 Member
    Mini Goals: Lose 5-10 lbs /month.
    March: 183 lb (- 10 lb)
    April: 175 lb ( -10 lb)
    May: 165 lb (-10 lb)
    June: 155 lb (-10 lb)
    July-Aug: 147 lb (- 8 lb) UGW

    February loss: - 7 lb

    Mar 1: 193.2 lb
    Mar 2: 191.8 lb
    Mar 3: 193.8 lb
    Mar 4: 193.0 lb
    Mar 5: 193.0 lb
    Mar 6: 192.6 lb
  • Making_Impossible_Possible
    Highest Weight: 221 Aug 2021
    Current Weight: 216.0
    End of Month Goal: 210
    Goal Weight: 165
    Height: 5'2"

    March 3: 216.0
    March 4: 217.0
    March 5: 216.2
    March 6: 215.8

    I'm holding onto water cause my favorite 🙄 time of the month is coming. Plus slightly sore muscles from just starting to exercise.

    Day 5 no coffee, and I got up and did my workout this morning.

    Bad news is I may be coming down with something. My right ear, nose, sinus and throat all hurt.

  • brittgreenlikethecolor88
    brittgreenlikethecolor88 Posts: 1,080 Member
    Mini Goals: Lose 5-10 lbs /month.
    March: 183 lb (- 10 lb)
    April: 175 lb ( -10 lb)
    May: 165 lb (-10 lb)
    June: 155 lb (-10 lb)
    July-Aug: 147 lb (- 8 lb) UGW

    February loss: - 7 lb

    Mar 1: 193.2 lb
    Mar 2: 191.8 lb
    Mar 3: 193.8 lb
    Mar 4: 193.0 lb
    Mar 5: 193.0 lb
    Mar 6: 192.6 lb
    Mar 7: 190.8 lb ( -2.4 lb) Yay! Sticking to my guns seems to be working 💪 I'm tracking calories & macros, NO mindless snacking, NO alcohol on week nights, exercise > 20-40mins per day.
  • Erika59
    Erika59 Posts: 6 Member
    March Challenge

    SW: 263 (Feb 1) UGW 180
    Monthly goal 5 lb lost

    March 1: 261.9
    March 2: 261.5
    March 5: 261
    March 7 : 260

    Taking it day by day. Focusing on the food diary.
  • Aquarian
    Aquarian Posts: 1,094 Member
    March SW 66.3kg
    March GW 65kg
    UGW 55kg

    Mar 1 66.3
    Mar 2 65.8
    Mar 3 65.7
    Mar 4 66.1
    Mar 5 65.6
    Mar 6 65.5
    Mar 7 65.5
  • Plasicage
    Plasicage Posts: 355 Member
    January 24: 158
    February 24: 157.2
    March 24: 152

    March 1: 152
    March 2: 152
    March 3: 156
    March 4: 153
    March 5: 153 🤷‍♀️
    March 6: 152
    March 7: 151

    I’m almost positive my clothes are fitting a tad looser! Which is good, as I’m waiting on buying new work pants.
  • Making_Impossible_Possible
    Making_Impossible_Possible Posts: 194 Member
    edited March 8
    Highest Weight: 221 Aug 2021
    Current Weight: 216.0
    End of Month Goal: 210
    Goal Weight: 165
    Height: 5'2"

    March 3: 216.0
    March 4: 217.0
    March 5: 216.2
    March 6: 215.8
    March 7: 216.4

    I keep going up and down the same 2lbs. I'm getting frustrated. Still exercising. Though I didn't get to the treadmill tonight. Came home from work, ate dinner, then went grocery shopping (usually do this Friday's, but I picked up an extra shift). So while I didn't exercise, I surpassed my step goal.

    I'll get up and do my workout tomorrow morning though. And I'll smash my step goal since I'll be working a 12 to 13 hour shift.

    I still feel like I'm trying to catch a cold. Whole right side of my face/ear hurts. I'm gonna try and workout through it cause I feel like something always happens that makes me stop exercising and I don't want to do that this time.
  • jennigerding19
    jennigerding19 Posts: 264 Member
    MFP SW-234 (1/2017)
    Lowest weight 156 (4/2019)
    Restart mfp 211 (1/2021) 183 Dec 2021
    Second restart 192 (4/2023)
    I do weigh ins once or twice a week.

    Jan, Feb sw 190
    Mar,Apr sw 191
    May 1 sw 189.5
    June sw 184
    July sw 186
    Aug, Sept, Oct sw 188
    Nov sw 189
    Dec 1 sw, 188
    Jan 1, Feb 1 193 sw
    Mar 1 194

    Mar 1 194.
    Mar 8 193
  • jennyferngiraffes
    jennyferngiraffes Posts: 16 Member
    Highest Weight: 235, Ultimate Goal Weight: 175, Current weight today(3/8/24): 203.8

    March Goals: 1. Don't skip a workout day, do it anyway even if I don't feel like it. 2. Track meals and prioritize protein. 3. Get weight down to 199 at least

    Hi I'm Jenny, 37 yr old mom of two, I do at home dumbbell workouts, vegetarian...friend me if you'd like!
  • brittgreenlikethecolor88
    brittgreenlikethecolor88 Posts: 1,080 Member
    Mini Goals: Lose 5-10 lbs /month.
    March: 183 lb (- 10 lb)
    April: 175 lb ( -10 lb)
    May: 165 lb (-10 lb)
    June: 155 lb (-10 lb)
    July-Aug: 147 lb (- 8 lb) UGW

    February loss: - 7 lb

    Mar 1: 193.2 lb
    Mar 2: 191.8 lb
    Mar 3: 193.8 lb
    Mar 4: 193.0 lb
    Mar 5: 193.0 lb
    Mar 6: 192.6 lb
    Mar 7: 190.8 lb
    Mar 8: 190.4 lb (- 2.8 lb)

  • Plasicage
    Plasicage Posts: 355 Member
    January 24: 158
    February 24: 157.2
    March 24: 152

    March 1: 152
    March 2: 152
    March 3: 156
    March 4: 153
    March 5: 153 🤷‍♀️
    March 6: 152
    March 7: 151
    March 8: 150 🙌

    I’ve had to incorporate foods I normally wouldn’t cause don’t want food waste. Not horrible (hummus, coffee creamers, etc) but kinda empty calories that keep me running longer.

    @Making_Impossible_Possible I had Covid in January and had to stop exercising completely for a week, sometimes it’s better to just maintain, and work on behavioural changes or other things to distract from eating/illness. Can’t workout all consumed calories anyways. Good luck!!