WINTER 2024 Weight Loss Challenge (JANUARY, FEBRUARY and MARCH ) A Continuation



  • AdahPotatah2024
    AdahPotatah2024 Posts: 1,949 Member

    Last time I had challenged myself to eat at restaurants only for social activities, not alone, and then just an appetizer and drink. I lost 4 pounds. So I am going to continue this, and add another challenge. 2 bean dishes per week at home. 1 bean soup recipe and vegetarian pasta and peas...every week!

    January 1:150
    January 8:151
    January 15:Back to 149..Beans!
    January 22:?
    January 29: ?

    Feb 2: Back to 151! 🥲

    So the bean dishes are tasty & have been really good for my wallet. I have been getting entrees à la carte like one taco or a sandwich without a side instead of appetizers as sometimes that is the healthier option.
    I refuse to suffer just to lose 10 pounds! I'm brainstorming again to think of some sort of tweak to cut calories enough to start losing weight..I did just discover the smart bmi website, which puts 144 as a healthy weight for me. That made me feel a lot better!

    Feb 15:148
    I don't know how I lost a few pounds since last time, except I have been drinking less sugar in my coffee in the afternoons. I was gifted Swiss colony chocolates so I thought that it wouldn't make much difference. 😋
    Feb. 22: 149
    Feb 28: 150...It's warming up and the trees are starting to bloom. For March I am sticking to my big 2 cup coffee with cream and sugar, but 0 calorie or almost 0 calorie drinks for the rest of the day. This should cut atleast 200 calories per day!🫣
    March 7: 148! I have definitely been drinking a lot less coffee during the day!
  • takinitalloff
    takinitalloff Posts: 2,644 Member
    @jedaschultz I’m thinking of you today on the first anniversary of your beloved husband’s death. May the memory of your time together bring you comfort in the midst of your grief. I am so sorry for your loss.
  • Cheery83
    Cheery83 Posts: 208 Member
    edited March 11
    I am less than 70. I feel these changes to the first number are great. I am not taking it for granted that I will not be above it next week or the week after that. Cycle wise I am heading in to treacherous waters.
    Not sure what caused this drop. But I am going to enjoy it.

    This is where it gets tricky I am only 5 -7 kg from my goal weight and I tend to get content and slip up as I approach target. And I really want this to be the last time I loose this weight.

    Hope Saturday was as good it could be @jedaschultz. Did you do anything with the kids or something to mark the day?

    @cpanus isn't it great when grandchildren share? Everytime my mil has my kids. She seems to get what they had only 10 times as strong.


    January 1:76.7
    January 8:74.7
    January 15:74
    January 22:72.5
    January 29:72.6

    January Goal:73
    January Actual:72.6
    January Loss:4.1

    February 5:71.6
    February 12:72.6
    February 19:73.7
    February 26:72.1

    February Goal:71
    February Actual:72.1
    February Loss:-0.5

    March 4:70.8
    March 11:69.3
    March 18:
    March 25:

    March Goal:
    March Actual:
    March Loss:

    Weight loss for this week:1.5
    Current challenge loss:7.4

  • laureljenn
    laureljenn Posts: 267 Member

    January 1: 210
    January 8: 209
    January 15: 208
    January 22: 204
    January 29: 201

    January Goal: 200
    January Actual: 201
    January Loss: 9

    February 5: 197.6
    February 12: 195
    February 19: 190.8
    February 26: 188.8

    February Goal: 190
    February Actual: 188.8
    February Loss: 12.2

    March 4: 185
    March 11: 182
    March 18:
    March 25:
    March 30:

    March Goal: 175
    March Actual:
    March Loss:

    Weight loss for this week: 3
    Current challenge loss: 28
    Challenge Weight loss goal: 35
  • deepwoodslady
    deepwoodslady Posts: 11,838 Member

    My name is Donna. I am 63 years old and I live in the Midwest of the US. I am 5’ 5” tall.

    CHALLENGE TOTAL WEIGHT LOSS GOAL: Total Loss of 12 pounds to land at 171.8

    Every healthy habit brings me closer to scratching each of these off to NEVER see them again!
    250’s; 240’s; 230’s; 220's; 210's; 200's; 190's; 180’s; 170's; 160's; 150’s

    Weight in blue makes me blue because it’s a gain. Weight in fuchsia pink makes me feel cheery because it’s a loss. Weight in black means no change.

    01/01-181.6-(Trend Weight: 180.3)-
    01/08-179.8-(Trend Weight: 181.2)-
    01/15-183.4-(Trend Weight: 181.3)-
    01/22-184.2-(Trend Weight: 182.7)-
    01/29-181.6-(Trend Weight: 183.2)-
    01/31-181.6-(Trend Weight: 182.9)-

    Jan Start: 183.8
    Jan Goal: 179.8 (4 pound loss)
    Jan Actual: 181.6
    Cumulative Weight Loss so Far: 2.2 lb loss

    02/01-183.4-(Trend Weight: 183.0)-
    02/05-184.6-(Trend Weight: 183.2)-
    02/12-179.6-(Trend Weight: 181.4)-
    02/19-179.4-(Trend Weight: 180.5)-
    02/26-180.2-(Trend Weight: 180.2)-
    02/29-177.0-(Trend Weight: 179.5)-

    Feb Start: 181.6
    Feb Goal (4 pound loss): 177.6
    Feb Actual: 177.0
    Cumulative Weight Loss so Far: 6.8 lbs Lost

    Weight in blue makes me blue because it’s a gain. Weight in fuchsia pink makes me feel cheery because it’s a loss. Weight in black means no change

    03/01-DNW-(Trend Weight: DNW)-

    03/04-177.8-(Trend Weight: 179.0)- I’m doing okay for the most part. I just have to watch those night time snacks. I will say it is hard to get my fitness in with the crew that is here all day for the renovation. I’m trying to fit what I can in during the late evening but by then I’m so tired. But there is no excuse to do absolutely nothing so I am making sure I do something. I’ve also fit in a little extra strength training with arm weights.

    03/11-179.6-(Trend Weight: 179.2)- Wow! Am I EVER glad that last week is over! It was a rough one in so many ways. I’m starting off this week with a day of travel to the Dentist nearly 200 miles round trip. Not exactly a good way to start a new week but hopefully I’ll be able to make some progress as the week goes on. As for this past week, all I can say is Phooey and Good Riddance!

    03/18-xxxxx-(Trend Weight: xxxxx)-

    03/25-xxxxx-(Trend Weight: xxxxx)-

    03/31-xxxxx-(Trend Weight: xxxxx)-

    Mar Start: 177.0
    Mar Goal: 173.0 (4 pound loss)
    Mar Actual: xxxxx
    Cumulative Weight Loss so Far:
  • aablacknell
    aablacknell Posts: 856 Member

    January 1: 160.2 (+.6)...My first gain in this process. I pray this is not how 2024 will be. Been home for over a week not feeling well!
    January 8: 159.2 (-1.0) actual loss from last week (-.4) actual loss for the month...OK I'm back on track :)
    January 15: 158.0 (-1.2) This was a hard week. Really wanted to snack and not the healthy type :# ...lucky for me nothing was in the house
    January 22: No weigh in
    January 29: No weigh in

    January Goal: 154.0
    January Actual: 158.0
    January Loss: -1.6

    February 6: 162.4...I fell off the wagon and now I'm back. Actually proud of myself that I was able to get it back together in just 2 weeks
    February 12: 157.8 (-4.6)...Woo I took off what I gained plus a whole .2 pounds
    February 19: 155.8 (-2.0)...Back on the wagon :)
    February 26: 155.8 (0)...I was unable to get a workout half the week due to medical issues...Just glad I maintained. That is a Win for me!!!

    February Goal: 157.4
    February Actual: 155.8 Met my goal for the month :)
    February Loss: -6.6

    March 4: 155.8 (0) Again ZERO loss and Zero gain...fighting through some serious medical issues so really proud to maintain :)
    March 11: 155 (-.8) Very slow moving but moving...rough week :s and I'm totally SHOCKED I have not started emotional eating, which is normally my go to <3
    March 18:
    March 25:

    March Goal: 150.8
    March Actual:
    March Loss: -0.8

    Weight loss for this week: -.8
    Current challenge loss: -4.6
    Challenge Weight loss goal: -16.25
  • jedaschultz
    jedaschultz Posts: 1,020 Member

    January 1: 206

    January 8: 206 I did great all week until the weekend and then overate yesterday. Disappointing! The first anniversary of my DH death is coming up on March 9. This month marks his rapid decline. Many memories and most are sad and unpleasant.

    January 15: 206.8

    January 22: 206.8 Went up last week and stayed the same, now to bring it down. My special needs daughter had lithotripsy (sound waves) to remove a kidney stone yesterday. It's been a very stressful last few days with that and freezing rain that made driving to the hospital very tricky.

    January 29: 205.6 I haven’t felt the best this week with suffering vertigo from BPPV. Still managed a loss. Only lost .4 for the month but at least the number is down and not up.

    January Goal: 203
    January Actual: 205.6
    January Loss: .4

    February 5: 207.4 Well this is not good! Gotta watch what I’m doing, too many calories and not enough exercise.

    February 12: 208.8 Another terrible week and it's showing in my health. Developed a superficial blood clot in my leg. Treating it with just aspirin. Emotionally this is a rough time for me. My husband went into the hospital and year ago this month and died on Mar. 9. I've been coping with food and that's not good. I need to figure out something else.

    February 19: 208.2 Well at least it’s down and not up. A long way to go.

    February 26: 207.2 Yay! Still up from starting this challenge but at least another week in the right direction. I haven’t felt well most of the week as well as most of this challenge. Adding on weight certainly doesn’t help either. Traveling again this weekend to visit extended family I haven’t seen in a few years.

    February Goal: 199
    February Actual: 207.2
    February Loss: +1.6 from end of January

    March 4: 209.2 Well I knew it would be up this week. I took my mom to visit her sisters so a lot of time in the car and then eating out most meals. Hopefully most of this is salt and stress. First anniversary of my husband’s passing is on Mar.9 so some depression as well.

    March 11: 209.4 Stayed basically the same. Saturday went better than I thought it would be. Some dear friends drove 4.5 hours one way to visit me. They were there when DH passed away. There are not many friends who would do that and continue to care and watch over me. I made DH favorite meal while they were here and we did go out to eat Sunday for lunch. It's all the other times that I graze on something I shouldn't or eat poor nutritional meals. I keep thinking it will get better and I will hop back on the band wagon but it's been challenging. Hope all the "firsts" are now over and maybe psychologically and emotionally I can move on more. I know that moments of grief and the process of grief happen for a very long time. You can't move on from being married for 38.5 years and dating 2 before that easily. Two shall become one means more than you might think.

    Today is also my youngest daughters birthday.

    March 18:
    March 25:

    March Goal: 195
    March Actual:
    March Loss:

    Weight loss for this week: +.2
    Current challenge loss:
    Challenge Weight loss goal: 11 pounds
  • frankwbrown
    frankwbrown Posts: 12,824 Member
    Max weight (7/10/2020): 330
    Anniversary #1 weight (7/10/2021): 243 (lost 87 pounds first year)
    Anniversary #2 weight (7/10/2022): 226 (lost 18 pounds second year)
    Anniversary #3 weight (7/10/2023): 242 (gained 16 pounds third year)
    Anniversary #4 weight (7/10/2024): ??? (trying to lose 23 pounds during year four 🤞)
    Ultimate goal weight: < 220
    Challenge starting weight (1/1): 244.2
    Challenge goal weight: 235.0
    Challenge weight loss goal: 9.2 lbs in 13 weeks

    January 01 : 243.0 : ↓ 1.2
    January 08 : 241.7 : ↓ 1.3
    January 15 : 241.3 : ↓ 0.4
    January 22 : 243.3 : ↑ 2.0
    January 29 : 243.1 : ↓ 0.2

    January Goal: 240.7
    January Actual: 243.1 (2.4 lbs over goal)
    January Loss: ↓ 1.1

    February 05 : 243.0 : ↓ 0.1
    February 12 : 244.5 : ↑ 1.5
    February 19 : 243.7 : ↓ 0.8
    February 26 : 244.1 : ↑ 0.4

    February Goal: 237.8
    February Actual: 244.1 (6.3 lbs over goal)
    February Loss: ↑ 1.0

    March 04 : 246.8 : ↑ 2.7
    March 11 : 247.9 : ↑ 1.1
    March 18 :
    March 25 :

    March Goal: 235.0
  • takinitalloff
    takinitalloff Posts: 2,644 Member
    March 11: 209.4 Stayed basically the same. Saturday went better than I thought it would be. Some dear friends drove 4.5 hours one way to visit me. They were there when DH passed away. There are not many friends who would do that and continue to care and watch over me. [...] Hope all the "firsts" are now over and maybe psychologically and emotionally I can move on more. I know that moments of grief and the process of grief happen for a very long time. You can't move on from being married for 38.5 years and dating 2 before that easily. Two shall become one means more than you might think.
    Such lovely friends you have, you're right that not everyone would do what they have done and are continuing to do in your life. I'm glad they came to visit. There's a book that was recommended to me when I was grieving terribly, and I found it a helpful and soothing companion, so I like to pass on the favor to others. Perhaps you will find it helpful also:

    The Grief Recovery Handbook, by John W. James and Russell Friedman
    Here's their website (you can buy the book anywhere books are sold):
  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,731 Member
    I'm in!
    I'm Chris - 74 year old female...5'5" ...I used to be 5'7" but arthritis hit and I lost two inches, so now that two inches is squished around my waist like the billows of a big accordion...
    ...Oh, well. I'll just keep working on it.
    Heaviest: 192.2
    Winter GW: 145.0
    UGW: 140.0
    January 01: 147.7 at 9:20 a.m. ...6.79 miles in 146 mins
    January 08: 149.4 at 6:30 a.m. is sick
    January 15: 149.0 at 8:00 a.m. ...60 min workout w/trainer then both grandsons for the afternoon
    January 22: 145.8 at 8:15 a.m. ...caught Covid...down for the count
    January 29: 149.0 at 5:30 a.m. ...caught Covid...down for the count
    January 31: 149.6 at 5:30 a.m. ...caught Covid...down for the count
    January Goal: 147.0
    January Actual: 149.6
    January Loss/Gain: +2.6
    February 01: 149.0 at 5:30 a.m. ...Grandson Duty then zero...California Storm!!
    February 05: 151.0 at 5:30 a.m. ...Grandson Duty then 5.60 miles in 115 mins in cold wind and rain
    February 12: 149.6 at 7:30 A.M. ...60 min workout w/trainer
    February 19: 148.1 at 8:15 a.m. ...60 min workout w/trainer
    February 26: 147.2 at 5:30 a.m. ...Grandson Duty then 60 min workout w/trainer
    February 29: 150.0 at 5:30 a.m. ...Grandson Duty then DMV to renew my license and take the test!!!
    February Goal:
    February Actual:
    February Loss:
    March 01: 149.9 at 5:30 a.m. ...Grandson Duty then 60 min workout w/trainer then new bed delivered!
    March 04: 148.9 at 5:30 a.m. ...Grandson sick ... 60 min workout w/trainer
    March 11: 150.0 at 5:30 a.m. ...Grandson Duty then 60 min workout w/trainer
    March 18:
    March 25:
    March 31:
    March Goal:
    March Actual:
    March Loss:
  • Bemybestby60
    Bemybestby60 Posts: 1,699 Member

    YOUR CHALLENGE STARTING WEIGHT FOR THIS CHALLENGE: 189 lbs Gained 2 lbs in the last week

    January 3: 189 lbs
    January 10: 188.5 lbs
    January 31: 189 no movement.

    January Goal: 184 lbs
    January Actual: 189
    January Loss: 0

    February 7: 190 lbs
    February 28: 188.5 lbs

    February Goal: 182 lbs
    February Actual: 188.5 lbs
    February Loss: -1.5 lbs

    March 6: 187.5 Last day in Mexico
    March 13: 186.5 lbs
    March 20:
    March 27:

    March Goal: 180 lbs
    March Actual: 187.5 lbs
    March Loss: 2 lbs

    Weight loss for this week: 1 lbs
    Current challenge loss: 2.5 lbs
    Challenge Weight loss goal: 180 lbs
  • deepwoodslady
    deepwoodslady Posts: 11,838 Member
  • frankwbrown
    frankwbrown Posts: 12,824 Member
    Max weight (7/10/2020): 330
    Anniversary #1 weight (7/10/2021): 243 (lost 87 pounds first year)
    Anniversary #2 weight (7/10/2022): 226 (lost 18 pounds second year)
    Anniversary #3 weight (7/10/2023): 242 (gained 16 pounds third year)
    Anniversary #4 weight (7/10/2024): ??? (trying to lose 23 pounds during year four 🤞)
    Ultimate goal weight: < 220
    Challenge starting weight (1/1): 244.2
    Challenge goal weight: 235.0
    Challenge weight loss goal: 9.2 lbs in 13 weeks

    January 01 : 243.0 : ↓ 1.2
    January 08 : 241.7 : ↓ 1.3
    January 15 : 241.3 : ↓ 0.4
    January 22 : 243.3 : ↑ 2.0
    January 29 : 243.1 : ↓ 0.2

    January Goal: 240.7
    January Actual: 243.1 (missed goal by 2.4 lbs)
    January Loss: ↓ 1.1

    February 05 : 243.0 : ↓ 0.1
    February 12 : 244.5 : ↑ 1.5
    February 19 : 243.7 : ↓ 0.8
    February 26 : 244.1 : ↑ 0.4

    February Goal: 237.8
    February Actual: 244.1 (missed goal by 6.3 lbs)
    February Loss: ↑ 1.0

    March 04 : 246.8 : ↑ 2.7
    March 11 : 247.9 : ↑ 1.1
    March 18 : 248.8 : ↑ 0.9
    March 25 :

    March Goal: 235.0
    March Actual:
    March Loss:
  • jedaschultz
    jedaschultz Posts: 1,020 Member

    January 1: 206

    January 8: 206 I did great all week until the weekend and then overate yesterday. Disappointing! The first anniversary of my DH death is coming up on March 9. This month marks his rapid decline. Many memories and most are sad and unpleasant.

    January 15: 206.8

    January 22: 206.8 Went up last week and stayed the same, now to bring it down. My special needs daughter had lithotripsy (sound waves) to remove a kidney stone yesterday. It's been a very stressful last few days with that and freezing rain that made driving to the hospital very tricky.

    January 29: 205.6 I haven’t felt the best this week with suffering vertigo from BPPV. Still managed a loss. Only lost .4 for the month but at least the number is down and not up.

    January Goal: 203
    January Actual: 205.6
    January Loss: .4

    February 5: 207.4 Well this is not good! Gotta watch what I’m doing, too many calories and not enough exercise.

    February 12: 208.8 Another terrible week and it's showing in my health. Developed a superficial blood clot in my leg. Treating it with just aspirin. Emotionally this is a rough time for me. My husband went into the hospital and year ago this month and died on Mar. 9. I've been coping with food and that's not good. I need to figure out something else.

    February 19: 208.2 Well at least it’s down and not up. A long way to go.

    February 26: 207.2 Yay! Still up from starting this challenge but at least another week in the right direction. I haven’t felt well most of the week as well as most of this challenge. Adding on weight certainly doesn’t help either. Traveling again this weekend to visit extended family I haven’t seen in a few years.

    February Goal: 199
    February Actual: 207.2
    February Loss: +1.6 from end of January

    March 4: 209.2 Well I knew it would be up this week. I took my mom to visit her sisters so a lot of time in the car and then eating out most meals. Hopefully most of this is salt and stress. First anniversary of my husband’s passing is on Mar.9 so some depression as well.

    March 11: 209.4 Stayed basically the same. Saturday went better than I thought it would be. Some dear friends drove 4.5 hours one way to visit me. They were there when DH passed away. There are not many friends who would do that and continue to care and watch over me. I made DH favorite meal while they were here and we did go out to eat Sunday for lunch. It's all the other times that I graze on something I shouldn't or eat poor nutritional meals. I keep thinking it will get better and I will hop back on the band wagon but it's been challenging. Hope all the "firsts" are now over and maybe psychologically and emotionally I can move on more. I know that moments of grief and the process of grief happen for a very long time. You can't move on from being married for 38.5 years and dating 2 before that easily. Two shall become one means more than you might think.

    Today is also my youngest daughters birthday.

    March 18: 208.2 Finally in a downward direction. I go to visit my mom every other week and I usually eat too much junk, eat a lot of salt and don’t drink nearly enough water. This trip was better plus yesterday I decided I was going to stick to my mfp calorie goal. One day at a time but I know that works if I just stay disciplined. Thursday I have a doctor’s appointment to see about replacing my left knee, I had my right one done in July. Another very good reason to get this weight off.

    March 25:

    March Goal: 195
    March Actual:
    March Loss:

    Weight loss for this week: -1.2
    Current challenge loss:
    Challenge Weight loss goal: 11 pounds
  • deepwoodslady
    deepwoodslady Posts: 11,838 Member

    My name is Donna. I am 63 years old and I live in the Midwest of the US. I am 5’ 5” tall.

    CHALLENGE TOTAL WEIGHT LOSS GOAL: Total Loss of 12 pounds to land at 171.8

    Every healthy habit brings me closer to scratching each of these off to NEVER see them again!
    250’s; 240’s; 230’s; 220's; 210's; 200's; 190's; 180’s; 170's; 160's; 150’s

    Weight in blue makes me blue because it’s a gain. Weight in fuchsia pink makes me feel cheery because it’s a loss. Weight in black means no change.

    01/01-181.6-(Trend Weight: 180.3)-
    01/08-179.8-(Trend Weight: 181.2)-
    01/15-183.4-(Trend Weight: 181.3)-
    01/22-184.2-(Trend Weight: 182.7)-
    01/29-181.6-(Trend Weight: 183.2)-
    01/31-181.6-(Trend Weight: 182.9)-

    Jan Start: 183.8
    Jan Goal: 179.8 (4 pound loss)
    Jan Actual: 181.6
    Cumulative Weight Loss so Far: 2.2 lb loss

    02/01-183.4-(Trend Weight: 183.0)-
    02/05-184.6-(Trend Weight: 183.2)-
    02/12-179.6-(Trend Weight: 181.4)-
    02/19-179.4-(Trend Weight: 180.5)-
    02/26-180.2-(Trend Weight: 180.2)-
    02/29-177.0-(Trend Weight: 179.5)-

    Feb Start: 181.6
    Feb Goal (4 pound loss): 177.6
    Feb Actual: 177.0
    Cumulative Weight Loss so Far: 6.8 lbs Lost

    Weight in blue makes me blue because it’s a gain. Weight in fuchsia pink makes me feel cheery because it’s a loss. Weight in black means no change

    03/01-DNW-(Trend Weight: DNW)-

    03/04-177.8-(Trend Weight: 179.0)-

    03/11-179.6-(Trend Weight: 179.2)- Wow! Am I EVER glad that last week is over! It was a rough one in so many ways. I’m starting off this week with a day of travel to the Dentist nearly 200 miles round trip. Not exactly a good way to start a new week but hopefully I’ll be able to make some progress as the week goes on. As for this past week, all I can say is Phooey and Good Riddance!

    03/18-180.4-(Trend Weight: 180.4)- It’s been a rough week. My meals have been on target but I’ve found myself very hungry by night. I think I began to eat all my meals too early leaving me with too many hours in the evening. I also found that I was logging my food AFTER I ate it, instead of pre-logging and sticking to the planned snacks. I’ll change it back up this week! I’ve had virtually no exercise as this renovation is keeping me so busy and the guys seem to need me every minute. By the time they leave every evening I’m exhausted. I’ve got to figure this out even if it seems impossible right now. I know one thing for sure, the gains must stop and the progress must resume. My health really declines with too much weight as a diabetic and a heart patient. Health should always come first.

    03/25-xxxxx-(Trend Weight: xxxxx)-

    03/31-xxxxx-(Trend Weight: xxxxx)-

    Mar Start: 177.0
    Mar Goal: 173.0 (4 pound loss)
    Mar Actual: xxxxx
    Cumulative Weight Loss so Far: