Former MFP member, sharing double bypass surgery.

portexploits Posts: 5 Member
edited March 18 in Health and Weight Loss
Hello everyone, it feels a bit strange to be posting here again after so many years. I was a member a while back, and during that time, I managed to lose around 200 lbs. Unfortunately, I've since gained some of that weight back. On February 23rd, I underwent a double bypass surgery. It was unexpected, and I'm currently in the process of recovery.

I hadn't planned on sharing much, but I feel compelled to do so in the hopes that others can learn from my mistakes. Growing up, my father always spoiled me by buying whatever food I wanted, especially fast food. This pattern continued for decades. When I initially lost the weight, I focused solely on the concept of 'calories in vs. calories out', without paying much attention to the nutritional value of the food I consumed. While I did manage to shed a significant amount of weight, I now realize that I didn't prioritize my overall health.

Over the past few years, I've faced financial difficulties, leading me to rely more on cheap, unhealthy junk food. I began experiencing concerning symptoms such as becoming easily breathless, even during simple activities like walking my dog or doing chores. Mistaking these symptoms for anxiety, I began taking more anxiety medication than usual. However, the symptoms persisted, culminating in a frightening moment where I felt incapacitated and had to call for emergency assistance, ultimately resulting in my double bypass surgery.

As I navigate through this challenging recovery process, I'm uncertain about rejoining the community. However, I felt compelled to share my story as a cautionary tale. Please, everyone, be mindful of your health and the choices you make. It's easy to overlook the long-term consequences of unhealthy habits, but they can catch up with you when least expected. Take care, and be cautious.

By the way, I am 42 years old.


  • mlgdsantos
    mlgdsantos Posts: 14 Member
    Hi Portex,
    what a beautiful post, so inspiring!!!
    This is what I believe posts should be and I am sure it will resonate with many.
    The weight will keep on coming back no matter what we do, no matter how many diets, surgeries, ozempics etc if we do not address the real cause of the weight. Why do we eat? Trauma? Stress? Protection? Past abuse and bullying? All these things are so important. I know you already did some work on figuring those out but continue your good work and change your relationship with food. This is how I work with my clients.
    Usually the weight always comes back because it's like I explained above soothing us, protecting us etc... before you change this mindset it's really a cycle, again and again... In my programs I do this and it always works for my clients.
    I do wish you the best, but just wanted to say how inspired I felt reading your post this morning and I wish you nothing but the best and lots of success in your weight loss journey. Take care :-)
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 27,988 Member
    Thanks for sharing! I was confused at first - double bypass surgery is heart surgery, yes? Usually when we see "bypass surgery" surgery here it refers to gastric bypass, but the "double" makes me think "heart."

    That was less than a month ago - how are you doing?

    Let's us know if you are interested in tips for healthy eating on a budget. I can personally do a lot with rice, beans, and spices from a discount store!
  • portexploits
    portexploits Posts: 5 Member
    kshama2001 wrote: »
    Thanks for sharing! I was confused at first - double bypass surgery is heart surgery, yes? Usually when we see "bypass surgery" surgery here it refers to gastric bypass, but the "double" makes me think "heart."

    That was less than a month ago - how are you doing?

    Let's us know if you are interested in tips for healthy eating on a budget. I can personally do a lot with rice, beans, and spices from a discount store!

    Yes, it was an emergency heart surgery. And thanks, I think I was just limiting myself mentally in terms of food cost. I am doing okay now with food.
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,761 Member
    Thank you for sharing your story: It can help others.

    I know your priorities will be recovery and nutrition, but I hope you'll continue to participate here as you have time and the energy reserves needed to do so. Your perspective is helpful.

    I'm sending wishes for your speedy and full recovery!
  • PAV8888
    PAV8888 Posts: 13,892 Member
    Best possible yet still speedy recovery wishes on their way!

    Looking forward to more of the "lose while eating the most (not least) you can!
  • portexploits
    portexploits Posts: 5 Member
    Thank you all.
  • ridiculous59
    ridiculous59 Posts: 2,863 Member
    Thank you for coming back and writing such an honest post.

    We'd love to be part of your healing journey, but if you need to step away from MFP, that's okay too. Do whatever you need to do to become both physically and mentally healthy. Just know that we're in your corner.