H_Factor Posts: 1,722 Member
I knew I was making bad food choices, succumbing to temptations, and giving in to the complancency creep for the last 5 days. I knew my weight was going up because I weigh in every morning. Wednesdays are my official MFP weigh-in day. I knew today would not be a happy weigh-in and I thought about skipping the weigh-in and just waiting until next Wednesday for the next official weigh-in. I thought about just acting like the last week didn't happen.

However, it did happen and I did weigh in. More importantly, I input the actual weigh-in number on MFP ... reflecting a roughly 4 pound gain. I felt better after recording it. I felt like I did the right thing...like I was holding myself accountable. I felt that entering my bad weigh-in day would help ensure that I would get back on track today. I feel more confident that I am back on track having been honest with myself on official weigh-in day, rather than ignoring it.

bottom line. its Wednesday and its an official weigh-in day for me. I did what I was supposed to do. MFP works. Now its time to get on with the weight loss goodness.


  • heatheramara
    Good for you!

  • abbysmommy7
    abbysmommy7 Posts: 211 Member
    It's a hard thing to do but I think you made the right choice too. Good for you this is a NSV!
  • mrivera713
    mrivera713 Posts: 232 Member
    WOOOHOOOOOOOOOO!!!! I'm NOT Alone!!!!! That was my today too! I'm going to start doing that.... I think I will make Monday my official weigh in day! Thank you for a WONDERFUL idea AND for helping me get excited again. I did the right thing too. I didn't want to put that I had gained 4 lbs but I knew it was the right thing to do.... :) ~high five~
  • KareyMarie
    KareyMarie Posts: 26 Member
    Way (weigh?) to go! ;) If I don't weigh in (because I know I did bad) it usually just extends the bad behavior for another week instead of helping me get back on track. Way to be accountable to yourself, too, sometimes that's the hardest thing to do! That's awesome!!!
  • aquarius16
    Good for you. Being honest about it when you do slip off the rails is all part of accepting that it is alright as long as you are true to yourself. As you say, it makes you feel better about yourself. In the end it's about facing up to your problems and accepting who you are. So what if you do put on a few pounds back along the way - it's how you deal with it that counts.
    Your post has made me hopeful that I will be a shonest to myself when I (inevitably) slip up and have a week where I don't achieve what I want to do.
    Keep up the good work!
  • slnash
    Good job! For me, with food diaries in the past, I had the tendency to fudge a food or meal. But seriously, WHO was I lying to? I felt too embarrassed to put down the truth and basically just in denial to myself. This time, apparently the stars have aligned and the clouds have parted because I am putting down EVERYTHING I eat and actually being honest. Hmmm. Who knew? Like you felt better after you put your true weigh in, I have felt liberated. Yes, I ate 1/2 a funnel cake at the fair, but it was the stinking FAIR. I wrote it down, and I was still able to stay under calorie goal. I gained a pound from doing it, but I knew why, I got over it, and continued with my journey. I have a long way to go, so I have to be honest with myself. Thanks for your post - I don't feel like I am alone in this. :)
  • StaceyL76
    StaceyL76 Posts: 711 Member
    Awesome job.
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