

  • Abigailblue39
    Abigailblue39 Posts: 212 Member
    I believe, a lot of it is genetic, and in my case, it helped probably because I’m tall. Plus, unlike OP, I only had a bikini cut, so you can’t even see the scar in a bikini or low rise jeans.
    However, there are ways to prevent as much as possible stretch marks, lose skin. I adhered to the following:
    1) Cocoanut butter morning and night, every day during pregnancy
    2) True complex carbs only for skin elasticity
    3) Not gaining too much weight (I gained 30 pounds)

    Result: No stretch marks, no lose skin and six-pack (but I had that before, don’t expect a six pack if you didn’t have one pre-pregnancy).
    In any event, your stomach looks pretty good, I think!!
  • menacingsprite
    menacingsprite Posts: 37 Member
    Well I'm not a mama, but I do have a 7" appendectomy scar that's right where a c-section would be. Not the same, I know...but look at my profile pic. It's flattened out a lot, which makes me happy.

    Btw--you're gorgeous!!

    No not even close. Lol to get to the baby they have to cut through 7 different subdermal layers.

    The body is never the same. Which makes me really sad cause i'm beginning to think I will never be able to proudly sport a 2 piece.
  • mtkautz
    mtkautz Posts: 218 Member
    Thank you everyone! EVERYONE looks great!! I'll just have to kick it in high gear, I'm half way to my goal weight so it will be interesting to see what my stomach looks like when I get there!! I HOPE it looks 1000% better.... but only time will tell!!!!!
  • kapeluza
    kapeluza Posts: 3,434 Member
    I had a c-section back in Jan '10 and I still have the damn kangaroo pouch!!!

    I hope it goes away :s
  • kmart20
    kmart20 Posts: 72
    I believe, a lot of it is genetic, and in my case, it helped probably because I’m tall. Plus, unlike OP, I only had a bikini cut, so you can’t even see the scar in a bikini or low rise jeans.
    However, there are ways to prevent as much as possible stretch marks, lose skin. I adhered to the following:
    1) Cocoanut butter morning and night, every day during pregnancy
    2) True complex carbs only for skin elasticity
    3) Not gaining too much weight (I gained 30 pounds)

    Result: No stretch marks, no lose skin and six-pack (but I had that before, don’t expect a six pack if you didn’t have one pre-pregnancy).
    In any event, your stomach looks pretty good, I think!!

    I did all those things you mentioned while pregnant (plus worked out during my entire pregnancy) and only gained 20 lbs and still got the stretch marks. I do think a lot of it is genetics too
  • Abigailblue39
    Abigailblue39 Posts: 212 Member

    I did all those things you mentioned while pregnant (plus worked out during my entire pregnancy) and only gained 20 lbs and still got the stretch marks. I do think a lot of it is genetics too

    Me, too, I taught boot camp until delivery, and I ran the stairs and did external oblique work up until the c-section. I regretted running the stairwell though because I had 2 meniscus tears and arthroscopic surgery afterwards.
  • mercyyuen
    mercyyuen Posts: 21
    EVERYONE, don't worry about your mommy tummy! Even Julia Roberts has mommy tummy.


    I stumbled across the above article when I was feeling awful about my stretched belly... And basically... if even an A-List star, who is considered one of the most beautiful woman in the word has a mommy tummy... I think us moms have nothing to be ashamed of.

    I think we have to aspire to be healthier for our kids... but accept the fact that we may never get our taut bellies back again. =P (That's assuming we had tight, flat abs to begin with. lol )
  • dajm456
    dajm456 Posts: 14
    I had twins too!! I reached 235 the week before my c-section and 201 a week after. So far (4months), I have lost 22lbs since my one week check up but I didnt actually start eating better and really trying to lose until a couple weeks ago. My tummy is still there so I don't know about the excess skin yet, but I am covered in stretch marks!! Even the back of my knees have stretch marks from all of the swelling! I am a walking talking stretch mark! :(
  • mtkautz
    mtkautz Posts: 218 Member
    Thanks for all the input!!! It keeps me motivated!!

    I went from 160 when I got pregnant (the heaviest I had EVER been at that point in my life) to 200 the day I delivered, to 220 three days later leaving the hospital.
    I think my biggest problem with my stretch marks was that I hid my pregnancy for 5 months... oh yes... I sucked that baby in... So when the secret was out and I could 'release' (LOL) my skin was in shock and ripped all over. Seriously, the doc said I had one of the worst cases of stretch marks that he'd seen.

    OH WELL.... If I have a bangin body, I'm sure the stretch marks won't get to me as badly... that's why I'm going to keep on truckin!!!!!!

    Although, I am going to a plastic surgeon in a few weeks to talk about a different issue.... so I'm curious to see what he has to say about the CO2 laser and stretch marks :bigsmile:
  • I am the same, and look the same... I had both of mine as c-sections... My first Jan 2009 and my second Aug 2010. I have had a hard time staying motivated loosing the weight because the smaller I get the more I notice my sagging pooch all gross. I will never be able to afford surgery so I am hoping that as I loose this weight that the pooch will tighten up also... Oh man am I hoping!!!
  • BondBomb
    BondBomb Posts: 1,781 Member
    I am the same, and look the same... I had both of mine as c-sections... My first Jan 2009 and my second Aug 2010. I have had a hard time staying motivated loosing the weight because the smaller I get the more I notice my sagging pooch all gross. I will never be able to afford surgery so I am hoping that as I loose this weight that the pooch will tighten up also... Oh man am I hoping!!!
    Thanks for reviving this post. :)
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