Update on me

I haven't posted for awhile. I have to try to be more healthy, my doc says my cholesterol is too high, so lose the fat and lower the cholesterol or take pills for the cholesterol, so I am trying to do the right thing. So far so good. I started out at 234 and am, at last check, down to 222lb, in about a month or two.

Here are some of the habits i have developed so far and just looking for comments or observations.

For breakfast, which I feel has always been one of my downfalls especially for cholesterol intake, I have been finding a few items I gravitate towards, and bear in mind I start work at 545am, so fast food close to work has always been my "crutch". Items I have been trying, are these; 1.at Dunkin Donuts they have a 150cal "wake up wrap", which is a small shell with egg white, cheese, and veggie or veggie with turkey sausage. 2. order of pancakes at McD's with no butter, just light syrup to give it a little zip. 2. McSkillet burrito at McDs, get this, NO sausage, eggs, or the cheese slice, just the potato mixture and a bit of shredded cheese. 3. One of the microwave breakfast sandwiches, either "Healthy Ones" type I think it is, or "Jimmy D's" has a couple that aren't too bad for you, 220ish cals and low cholesterol, again due to using egg whites and whole grain buns. So that's breakfast, along with 1/2 of a Fiber One bar (I eat the rest later as I'll explain), and coffee. I have found a couple convenience stores that offer nondairy creamer so will use that, and I have never done sugar in my coffee, just milk or some type of lightener.

For lunch, such as it is, I will do the following, and I'll point out this is usually early for lunch, around 10am to 1020am or so. Breakfast is around 515 am. OK, lunch. I will pack some raw veggies to munch on quick and get some more coffee, in addition to the other 1/2 of the fiber bar from breakfast. Veggies so far have consisted of a few mini-carrots, some celery, and this week I have some radishes i sliced up, but am thinking I might skip the radishes, or find a milder type of radish. Unless anyone can suggest something else, something better.

When I get home I might have a few whole grain crackers, some diet soda or tea, nothing too heavy, maybe a few more veggies, just to tide me over before supper.

Before supper, my wife and I will go for a walk, a couple miles, takes 45 min to an hour, weather permitting. We do have an exercise plan in place for the winter (walking in a local school is allowed, we have done this before).

Supper varies a lot but we are watching it. Grilled chicken breast with veggies, also grilled turkey burgers. TV dinners, the healthy varieties, we try to keep them under 300 calorie dinners.

Snacking again is varied, one thing I do have is a big bowl with crunchy/salty things like peanuts (unsalted but I add a small amount of salt to), dried peas, and also add things like dried cranberries to. Plus I like diet ginger ale and diet Lipton tea mix, 5 cal per serving, I keep a gallon of that in the fridge and ready to drink.

I did see a dietician a few years back and am thinking on doing a revisit with her. At that time she was recommending a 1200 cal/day diet to lose weight and closer to 1400/day to maintain.

Thanks for any thoughts on any of this. I do feel fine. I seem to have hit a plateau of 222-224 pounds i can't seem to go below, but I keep chugging along. BTW I just turned 50 and an about 5'9".
Gilly Have always been kind of on the heavy side, At one time i weighed 239, so not terribly heavy. I think I should weigh closer to 180, I am pretty heavily framed.


  • lanettecream
    Hi! Congrats on your weight loss so far.

    A few ideas for Breakfast, which seems a big challenge so you have it so early. Have you tried the Lean Pockets? Might save you money over fast food. Also, I enjoy a greek yogurt with blueberries in it. Adding a piece of fruit in the morning might give you a better start along with your eggs. Also, I sometimes make this french toast that isn't too bad. 2 piece of the Franz Light bread (50 cals each), then take an egg w a sprinkle of cinnamon and a tbs milk (optional), stir it w a fork, pan fry it w butter flavor pan spray until done, then eat w light syrup. I know you don't have much time for cooking in the morning, but maybe on the weekend?

    Also, you can make yourself some lighter egg scramble w cheese at home. To do that, use egg whites from 2 eggs and the yolk from one, and then 1/4 cup sharp cheddar can add lots of flavor for scrambled eggs done light. I'm trying some turkey sausage and a vegetarian substitute this weekend. If it is any good I'll post the recipe and share it. Breakfast is a tough one when you are groggy and don't have much time, but I find if I don't eat enough it sets me up to fail for the day. Good for you for being consistent and having it every day despite the early hour.
  • asaferez
    asaferez Posts: 2 Member
    Hi, that's a good start :-)

    I know it's difficult to make yourself to actually prepare food that early in the morning - I myself get up at 4:20 am.... I have Kashi GoLean cereal - it's a great thing: 140 cal, 10 g of fiber, 13 g of protein and just 1 g of fat, 6 g of sugars. It really is plain, so I usually add some berries or raisins, and 1% milk or sometimes almond milk.

    From veggies cucumbers usually go well, even my kids eat them. Try the thin ones - they don't have big seeds and very pleasant to taste - refreshing I would say.
  • GillyWI
    GillyWI Posts: 27
    Thanks for the replies. I don't like yogurt all that much, not on my "hate" list. I have had some I like. Maybe I should think about it.

    But yes, important to be somewhat portable, which I never really explained. The reason is that I generally feel OK when I wake up, as far as not being super-hungry. I think I am better off waiting until I am at work (get there a little early) then eating, it sort of give me a head start to my day. Then I can make it until I get to where I am going, then eat my late-morning lunch (I drive for a living in case you haven't already assumed). If I eat at home, it will be a longer time period before I can eat again. If I eat at home it will be 6+ hours til lunch, if I eat at work it will be 5 or less hours.

    I will also check out the Lean Pocket breakfast. When I started out with the dieting (diet changes in other words, I hate to say I am "dieting"), I thought I looked at some of the lean pockets and thought I could do better colorie-wise than what I was seeing. At least I actually am LOOKING now! hah hah
  • GillyWI
    I should figure out how to blog or something besides keeping this thread going, maybe someone ca give some advice.

    I have been keeping up with walking and dieting. I also just got a reminder email that I haven't been here for awhile so did an update. I have hit another plateau at about 213-214, but am sure I will keep going down. I've had a few little slips but feel OK about an occasional slip, no biggie as long as "make up" for it.

    Lunch pita's are working good and also bringing some veggies with me so feel pretty good about making changes that I can keep up with.

    Will need to figure out how I am going to keep up with exercise in the cold WI winter, open for suggestions there. I could look for a special on a health club, there is one in town, not much to choose from. There is also a smallish mall in the town I work from that I could walk in. In the past my wife and I have walked school hallways in the evening, that is another option but gets boring. But they do allow the public to do that here. Anyone do winter outdoor walking here? I heard a good way is to get ski poles and use those and they help keep you from slipping and give the arms a workout and of course burn more cals.

    If there is a better way to update my status here, let me know, I'm not too sharp on computer stuff.
