Later night workouts...insomnia??

I hope someone can relate. Once in awhile my schedule and life demands a later night workout ( usually done by 9-10 pm) this appears to raise my metabolism/adrenaline/whatever it is to the point of my not being able to sleep- at all- for hours ( last night it was 2 am) . I don't have this problem when working out earlier in the evening. I don't have caffine after about 1:00 p.m. generally. Any advice??


  • mistyb47711
    mistyb47711 Posts: 861 Member
    I have that.....I have to do my workouts during the day or I can not sleep if I do them at night....So now I get it done before noon now. I work at night so that works for my schedule.
  • TomehToxic
    I tend to go jogging with my pet at about 9pm and return home at about half 10.. and i have no problem getting straight into that bed, but i know some people that do, its just beaucse you've increased your heart rate.

    IM sure its ment to be, no exercise, water or food for one hours before you go to bed? otherwise you'll want a wee, or your heart rates up! or you might want a drink to help that food go down (:
  • I've always been told not to exercise within 4 hours of bed time for the same reason you suspect you can't fall asleep. This seems to be right on target with your insomnia.

    Have you thought about biting the bullet and working out in the morning before going to work? It may be hard to do so in the beginning. I get up at 5:30am every morning (I'm a teacher) and get out of work at 3pm. Because of my early schedule, I can walk/jog with the dog when I get home and be back before rush hour.

    Whatever you decide, make sure you're not exercising that late at night. If at all possible, when you know you're going to have a later day, try working out in the morning before work.

    Good luck!
  • miss_shinobi
    miss_shinobi Posts: 37 Member
    This is exactly what im going through except i finish my work outs by 8pm and still cant sleep til 1am ish :( it sucks because my body is looking better but i have big dark circles under my eyes from lack of sleep!!!

    i have a day off tomorrow so im going to try to flip my routine so i work out in the morning/get an early night/get up early enough to work out before work friday. and hopefully ill have the will power to stick to morning workouts (fingers crossed)

    lets hope it works!