Women 200lb+, Let’s Mix It Up This March!!!



  • girlinkaz744
    girlinkaz744 Posts: 35 Member
    34 years old
    Starting weight: 222 (Feb, 2021)
    Lowest weight: 154 (Sep, 2021)
    Re-starting weight: 195 (Feb, 2023)
    Goal weight: 165-168

    March 1: 183
    March 4: 182.4
    March 11: 181.2
    March 18: 179
    March 24: 177.7
    March 31:

    I celebrated my birthday this week! I was really proud of myself because I planned my splurges (a caramel latte, a salted caramel croissant, and a whiskey sour) ended up having a GREAT day. I usually find that if I splurge unplanned, I end up going way over my calories and then I feel sick and sad the next day. But not here! I ate high protein, high veggies for the rest of the day and it balanced out.

    My husband gave me a 12kg kettlebell for my birthday which has turned out to be quite the challenge for me to use 😅 (I wanted 10kg but we live in a small country in Central Asia and you can’t always get everything you want here) But I have done 1-2 sets of squats and lunges with the heavy weight the past few days and am confident I can get up to my full reps of 3-4 sets soon. Hopefully the heavier weight will result in more muscle being built!

    I love in the 170’s.. I notice it’s easier to get up and down, to move around, to engage in my day in the way that I want. Can’t wait until I’ve gotten to goal weight and can work on maintenance!

    Sending hope and encouragement to you all this week!
  • mmatcha_latte
    mmatcha_latte Posts: 150 Member
    Name: Melissa
    38 years old, 5'8" woman

    My Numbers:
    SW: 263.4 lbs (Nov 1 2023)
    March GW: 219 lbs (-5 lbs)
    1st GW: 199 lbs
    2nd GW: 163 lbs
    Ultimate GW: 140 lbs

    Weigh-ins: Sundays
    March SW = 224.4
    3/3/24 = 221.6 (-2.8)
    3/10/24 = 220.6 (-1)
    3/17/24 = 220 (-0.6)
    3/24/24 = 216.4 (-3.6)
    3/31/24 =
    Total WL/G for the month= -8 lbs

    I thought this might be a slow month but then I had a big woosh for some reason, not that I'm complaining! Over the past couple of weeks I've been feeling changes in my body but not seeing much movement on the scale til today. I can almost zip up my old, stretched out size 14 pants so maybe in another 10 lbs or so... Gotta keep on keepin on!
  • sharon81
    sharon81 Posts: 83 Member
    Back at it today!! Took about a two-week mini hiatus. I still tried to log but was not super on top of it and just didn't care and couldn't be bothered with it as well as too many bad choice opportunities that were hard to avoid. I am paying for those choices now though, as I feel like total garbage. Sluggish and almost fluish. 🤢 I am too afraid to weigh myself just yet. We'll see how I feel tomorrow. I am confident that I will not hit my April 1 goal. but onward and upward (or should I say downward) From here. I am super excited about all the progress I see from my fellow weightless friends! Keep up the good work! You all are so inspiring to me!!
  • skintight303
    skintight303 Posts: 53 Member
    Thursday Weigh-In
    42 years old
    Re-Starting Weight (10/23) 208lbs
    March SW:181.3
    March GW: 175
    UGW 160 and I'll reassess.

    March Goals (aka non-negotiables)

    * Log my calories EVERYDAY (good, great and most importantly, UGLY)
    * NOPE

    * Climb to the 25th floor at work 3 times daily
    * I was OOO on a work trip last week--no stairs

    * 10K steps/day
    * NOPE

    3/1: 181.3ish--Spent a long weekend in Montana, no internet, no scales, no CARES :)
    3/7: 180.1
    3/14: 178.2
    3/21: OOO B)
    3/25: 181.6

    Hello Ladies! I am back after a 5 day work trip and playing catch-up over the weekend. I have been OUT OF LINE (seems to have been a theme for a couple of months). I've been trending OK, but just feeling BLAH. My habits have been slipping and I seem to be...just letting them. I made some not great food choices while out of town and beyond the scale reflection, I did not FEEL GOOD. I feel the snowball and I am determined to put an end to the slipping/mounting problem.

    I have had several trips over the last couple of months that have stalled my momentum. This is going to be a part of life and I need to learn to navigate this a bit better.

    I meal prepped all day on Sunday for the week and have set myself up for success. Once again I am focused on protein intake and lots of vegetables as I like to eat a lot of food.

    I'm recommitting. I'm saying it here. I need the drive that was carrying me through November-January. My non-negotiables have been VERY "negotiated". That changes starting today.

    Wish me luck! If anyone wants to devise some plan for direct accountability-let me know :)
  • girlinkaz744
    girlinkaz744 Posts: 35 Member
    @skintight303 You got this!! Getting back on track after a slide is the very thing that turns this from a fad into a lifestyle. Life (travel, schedule changes, stress) will always happen but being able to pick ourselves back up and recommit makes all the difference!
  • itladyee
    itladyee Posts: 4,845 Member
    I'm Charissa
    63 years young
    [Stats & Goals]
    Starting Weight: 223.6 January / 0
    Starting Weight: 215.0 February / 8.6
    Starting Weight: 215.4 March / 8.2
    Starting Weight: 219.2 April / 3.8 ( as of 3/28/2024)
    Total Loss = 4.4

    Goals for 2024 > Trend downwards. My ultimate goal weight is between 140 - 150. While I'd like to lose about 5lbs a month, I'm focusing instead on actions that could/should result in that loss.
    First Quarter Check in
    - Exercise - 6x a week (changing plan for March) ✔️
    - Water - working towards 80 to 100 ounces daily ❌
    - Better Nutrition *Work in Process Some good days...some not so good. ✔️❌
    - Less Alcohol * Work in process. Much drier March..targeting January's success.
    - January ✔️ February ✔️ March ❌
    - Get back to 10,000 steps a day (minimum) ~ weather is getting nicer so much more "doable"
    - ✔️ for good weather days. Average hitting10k steps about 5 times a month. Target 10 times for April.
    My Mantra:

    🏋🏾‍♀️ Don't think, just do it!!
    Eat well 🥗to Live Well 🚢✈️🧳

    3/2 214.8
    3/9 217.8
    3/16 216.0
    3/23 218.2
    3/30 219.2

    Mini Goal - want to see 213 by 3/30!!! Yes! Try again...6.2 lbs by 4/30/2024

    @mmatcha_latte ~ I love those non scale victories!! And... I now see scale victories! You go girl! That's so exciting.

    @Neds1980 ~ Welcome. Give yourself a break and just get started again. I'm not sure where you are located but the weather is about to become Spring like and then it's summer. For me it's a great opportunity to get outside and get more steps in. Take your time though, to prevent injury.

    @girlinkaz744 ~ Ooooo...more NSV with those push-ups! And kudos to you for controlling your weight loss. Happy Birthday and nice planning!

    @sharon81 ~ I agree with you! Mine started with the time change. I could not get a good nights sleep for over a week. Then I increased calories with snacking and a few adult beverages and up went the scale! Sometimes we just need a break. I took one too starting mid last week and will refocus come 4.1.

    @CeCeFlyy ~ You are ambitious and I admire that trait!! Good luck on 75 Hard! You also celebrated many NSV... I love it! Work that *Booty* :)

    @kristinwoods919 ~ how are those workouts going? You're doing well in March!! Keep it going.

    @Dia_R ~ Brag away! That's awesome news! You should be excited and PROUD!

    @kiteflyer105 ~ You are doing well not focusing on the scale but rather your nutrition with 3 balanced meals and 3 snacks. Kudos!

    @skintight303 ~ March seemed to a challenging month. Recommitting is a good thing and the right thing to do.

    @CupcakeCrusoe ~You're doing well in March. Looks like you should hit your goal for March! I can feel the excitement for your trip! Enjoy... we will be here when you return and can't wait to hear all about it!!
  • sharon81
    sharon81 Posts: 83 Member
    edited March 28
    42 years old
    SW (10/22) 230lbs
    Jan 1 Starting weight: 193.0 lbs
    Mar1 Starting weight: 180.2 lbs
    CW 2/29: 183.2lbs
    GW 155
    LW 180.2
    Weigh in day is Thursday.
    Total loss to date for 2024 9.8lbs
    April 4th goal: 175.2 lbs

    March 7: 182.0
    March 14: 181.6
    March 21:DNW
    March 28: 183.2
    April 4:
  • skintight303
    skintight303 Posts: 53 Member
    Good morning everyone!

    Last weigh in before Japan: 181.4. It's fine, eh.

    See you all in April after my trip! :kissing_heart:

    Have the BEST time. Can't wait to hear about the adventure :)
  • skintight303
    skintight303 Posts: 53 Member
    Thursday Weigh-In
    42 years old
    Re-Starting Weight (10/23) 208lbs
    March SW:181.3
    March GW: 175
    UGW 160 and I'll reassess.

    March Goals (aka non-negotiables)

    * Log my calories EVERYDAY (good, great and most importantly, UGLY)
    * Check, on a 4 day roll

    * Climb to the 25th floor at work 3 times daily
    * Check, on a 4 day roll

    * 10K steps/day
    * Check, on a 4 day roll

    3/1: 181.3ish--Spent a long weekend in Montana, no internet, no scales, no CARES :)
    3/7: 180.1
    3/14: 178.2
    3/21: OOO B)
    3/25: 181.6
    3/28: 180.1

    Working to move momentum in the other direction.

    @sharon81 I just want to shout out encouragement. You have made amazing progress. Lets both push forward and see the 170s next month!!
  • mkculs13
    mkculs13 Posts: 655 Member
    Hi to all. M stalled between 204-206, and just waiting to see the scale dip. Now on spring break after the long, late winter haul. Will get to see my daughter and grandson for a couple days. He was 3 months on 3/23. I’m excited to see them.

    In less pleasant news, I’ve accepted the fact I need new knees. Ugh. Hoping to get surgery scheduled for summer so I don’t have to miss much work.

    Good luck and don’t give up. Sometimes we stand still, but that’s not giving up.
  • girlinkaz744
    girlinkaz744 Posts: 35 Member
    34 years old
    Starting weight: 222 (Feb, 21)
    Lowest weight: 154 (Sep, 21)
    Re-starting weight: 195 (Feb, 23)
    Goal weight: 165-168

    March 1: 183
    March 4: 182.4
    March 11: 181.2
    March 18: 179
    March 25: 177.7
    March 31: 176.9

    March total loss: 6.1lbs

    I’m happy with this overall loss for the month! This week has been TOM of me and it’s just wrapping up today, so I imagine next week I will have a nice loss that’s not currently reflected. And, to be fair to my body, I also had 2 days this week where I ate about 200 over my allotted calories because I was hungry and crabby 😅 So, any loss is still a victory!

    The weather is getting warmer here and I’ve gone for a couple of extra walks on my lunch break this week, which has been fun. Moving more helps keep me motivated to stick to my eating plan.

    But, I also did a bad job of planning one day this week - I had a friends’ kids over to bake a cake after work one day and I had had zero time to prep any food that I could eat. So, I ate cake scraps and frosting with the kids for dinner 🤦🏻‍♀️ Did I weigh or log any of those things? I definitely did not. But, I’m proud of myself because the next day I picked it right back up and that’s all that matters. Anyone can have an off day, it’s an off lifestyle that makes me sliiiiide right back to where I was in 2021.

    My husband and I are TTC but I have PCOS and we’ve had some life changes this year that have made my cycles get super out of whack. I had a 48-52 day cycle in 2020, then got serious about my health and lost a bunch of weight in 2021, which made my cycles go to about 34-36 days. They stayed there for 2 years (even with my weight regain) and then we moved to a new country and they went whacko again. 44-48 days for the last 8 months! Buuuut I have cut out all sugar (including fruit, sigh) and am aiming for under 50g of carbs a day (which is what my doc said will help with my PCOS) and this month my cycle was 38 days!! Hoping if I stick to this my health can get better again.

    Thanks for a great month! See you all in April!!
  • mmatcha_latte
    mmatcha_latte Posts: 150 Member
    edited March 31
    I started losing weight on Nov 1 2023 at 263.4 lbs, class 3 morbid obesity.

    March SW = 224.4
    3/3/24 = 221.6 (-2.8)
    3/10/24 = 220.6 (-1)
    3/17/24 = 220 (-0.6)
    3/24/24 = 216.4 (-3.6)
    3/31/24 = 215.2 (-1.2)
    Total WL/G for the month= -9.2 lbs

    I hope I can see a lot of good progress next month in April too! I'm feeling extra motivated to push hard in time for my birthday in May and do some low impact exercise plus try out some new healthy recipes. Being healthier and more mobile are the only birthday presents I want 💖
  • RavenStCloud
    RavenStCloud Posts: 362 Member
    💜💜💜Hello, ladies!💜💜💜

    Next month's group has been posted in the Motivation and Support forum. Hope to see you there!

    🌻Women 200lb+, Let's Apply Ourselves This April!!!🌻
