I feel terrible... (first post)

Okay, I usually don't announce things on here because I don't think anyone would care, but I'M ASHAMED!!!! I ate lots of cake last night and today (I'm terrible w/ sweets). It was my brother's birthday yesterday and we made him a big cake. I'm not going to eat anymore, but I feel so guilty. Yesterday I went on the scale and was so happy to see that I had lost a pound...then after my cake binge I had yesterday AND today...I found that I had gained the pound I had lost. :sad: I knew this would happen! What's wrong with me? I felt exactly how I felt when I was bigger and how I used to stuff my face until I couldn't take anymore!!! I was so ashamed, I haven't even logged all the cake and food I ate today....Plus I haven't exercised for 3 days so I feel sluggish... I have a big test to study for tomorrow and I wanted to squeeze in at least an hour at the gym before I go to bed tonight! If I don't I'm afraid I'm gonna go on the scale tomorrow and it's going to say I gained another pound! Should I go to the gym for a little bit and stay up late studying??? or should I just keep studying and wait until after school tomorrow and workout like crazy??? I'm not really comfortable asking for advice, but I really need it and I hope all you nice people can help me. Thanks.


  • Artemis_Acorn
    Artemis_Acorn Posts: 836 Member
    Forgive yourself, study for your test, get in a workout if you can, and move on - tomorrow is a new day.
  • Jacquelyn913
    Jacquelyn913 Posts: 300 Member
    Stay off the scale for a few days, that pound was most likely just water weight and will be off in a day or two. Weighing yourself everyday can make you go crazy with all the fluctuations. Hit the gym and you will feel much better. Remember tomorrow is a new day and you will do this. A few days of cake is not going to kill you.
  • rikisue206
    rikisue206 Posts: 99 Member
    First off stop weighing in every day. It will just make you stressed out! Second, don't feel guilt about it! Just accept that you did it and move on! Stop beating yourself up. I think some exercise would do you some good right now so that you can have a little stress relief. That way your mind will be more open to accepting new information.

    Good luck on the test! Take it one day at a time!
  • rikisue206
    rikisue206 Posts: 99 Member
  • First, stop beating yourself up :-) We all have those days and times where we go a little over or eat some things that aren't necessarily the healthiest in the world. You can't take back what you ate, but, you can make up for it little by little at the gym or by doing some exercises or walking around your house and neighborhood. It's a day by day process. Some days are going to be better than others. If you know you've eaten something out of proportion, make up for it by trying to eat better throughout the rest of your day. I still eat sweets, just gotta do moderation ;-) You can do it! I'd study, because the school is definitely important, but, then, try really hard to get back into a routine at the gym. Once you've started back with a routine you and your body will feel great :-) Best of luck!!!
  • Relax. One day does not negate all the positive, hard work. Forgive yourself. You had some cake. I did on Monday for my hubby's 40th. It's part of life. Study for your test, get in a workout if you can, and move on. Tomorrow is a new day. ENJOY today and quit beating yourself up.
  • 2bFitNTrim
    2bFitNTrim Posts: 1,209 Member
    Been there, done that. If this were me:

    1. Stay off the scales for a few days. Get back on track ASAP & drink plenty of water.
    2. If you need to study, then study. If you can make time to workout without having to stay up half the night, then do it.
    3. If you choose to workout tomorrow, do a little extra if you want, but don't overdo.

    Thing is, we all have bad days. While it is upsetting, there's no need to punish yourself.
  • qplv
    qplv Posts: 2
    Don't beat yourself up. We all have our bad days and like you sweets are my downfall. I just don't have them around me but I know somedays will be harder than others. If you exercise you will feel better and open your mind up a little more and be able to concentrate on your studies. I hope this helps.
  • mcjabber
    mcjabber Posts: 374 Member
    Step one: don't beat yourself up! We all have cake binges (well, for me it's ice cream, but same idea). The guilt is certainly not going to help you.

    My advice would be to hit the gym for part of the time, so you've kind of got the best of both worlds. Every little bit of exercise counts, and even a short burst of cardio will probably help clear your mind (and negative thoughts), help with the sluggishness, and make your studying a lot more focused, since you won't be feeling guilty about missing the gym while hitting the books.

    And remember: this happens to most of us, just try to get back on track. Hope that's helpful! :smile:
  • Chaos5150
    Chaos5150 Posts: 25 Member
    its done, and tomorrow is a new day. Do what you have to do today, and then go back to eating right and working out tomorrow. :)
  • Marig0ld
    Marig0ld Posts: 671 Member
    Cake happens! It did to me yesterday, as a matter of fact! I was 400 calories over!!!

    I am 100 cals over today, too, but I have NO time to work out because I have a paper to finish tonight, so I know how the school stress is! But I told myself yesterday that slow weight loss is better than gaining, and school has to come first. Besides, I'm not paying a bunch of money to lose weight, I'm paying a bunch of money to get my education. Pounds can come and go, but no one can take my education from me once I get it! Sounds cheesy, but very true!

    I say wait until tomorrow and work it all out in the gym!!! You got this, girl!!
  • Becky1971
    Becky1971 Posts: 979 Member
    I agree stay off the scale. Study, if there's time do your workout. Otherwise get back on track with eating, and work out when theres time. No worries, it's not as big of a deal as it feels like right now.
  • anubis609
    anubis609 Posts: 3,966 Member
    It's not the end of the world. Consider it a day of increased calorie intake and go back to healthy/clean eating. If school is a priority, do that. Working out can come after the test.
  • pelleld
    pelleld Posts: 363 Member
    Don't beat yourself up....its done. It happens to all of us at some point and its nothing to be ashamed of. Just forgive yourself, get back on track and don't do it again :)

    The exercise can wait until tomorrow. Study for your test and get plenty of rest. Tomorrow is a new day!
  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    As someone who works full time, goes to school part time and also tries to work out a bit, I say STUDY. School is more important than a pound you can work at losing tomorrow.

    Yesterday was my son's birthday and guess what, I ate cake, too. And had both lunch and dinner out. I didn't log it all because once I was over, it didn't really matter how much I was over, as far as I'm concerned. Today is a new day and the cake sits in the fridge and I won't have another piece today (but maybe tomorrow I will, who knows?) Do I feel guilty? Heck no. It was a special day and I was going to have a piece of cake with my family. Did it keep me from losing .2 pounds this week? Maybe, but so what! I'm not on a schedule to lose weight, I'm doing this for the rest of my life and birthdays, and cake, they happen. And I plan to enjoy them when they do.

    I say forget the guilt, study for your exam, get a good night's rest and get back on the diet and exercise wagon tomorrow.
  • richardholt2011
    richardholt2011 Posts: 118 Member
    It's just one day. It puts back the date when you get to your goal by a day. So? Its not a disaster. You had a nice time, you indulged, you didnt shoot anybody and you didnt do anything that will mess up today or tomorrow or the next day. Dont feel ashamed.

    Strike a balance between the studying and the gym. Key question - with the studying do you get a second chance? Because with the gym you definitely do
  • Krisengel
    Krisengel Posts: 161 Member
    Don't beat yourself up. We all give in to temptation from time to time. Sleep and studying is as important as working out. Maybe you should compromise and workout for half an hour, instead of the hour you were hoping for. That would give you a little extra study time and maybe help you focus better. Can you study while on the treadmill or exercise bike? Good luck, don't stress.
  • The biggest thing to remind myself is that I'm going to enjoy life, but just make better choices whenever I can. If its someone's birthday, I am NOT going to sit and snack on carrot sticks while everyone enjoys cake. We are working hard to lose weight, but we still deserve some good things along the way. I hope you have time to study and work out, but I would study first. There will always be time to get to the gym, but probably a deadline for your test. GOOD LUCK! Feel free to add me as a friend, I personally love the motivation I'm getting on MFP, and try to return the favor as much as possible. :)
  • paticksmama07
    paticksmama07 Posts: 49 Member
    Magic Girl:

    Forgive, forgive yourself!! Tomorrow is a new day with new opportunities. This is a journey and there unfortunately are tough days in this battle to lose weight. I have been trying to lose 30lbs for 2 and half years since my last son was born and I have had my days of bingeing even after great success. I have eaten an entire cake after the Thanksgiving holiday because I too love sweets. I have the worst sweet tooth known to man. Literally I have to keep chocolate out of my house or I will eat it :(

    I commend you for admitting it on here. I just hope there are other members who can honestly say that they've walked in our shoes as well. Do not be ashamed you are human. Talk to yourself like you would your best friend. Keep going strong! You can do this. Remember you have 7 more days to makeup for that cake. Start drinking your water and get some activity/exercise in. I believe in all activity as exercise I may get blasted for this but if you aren't sitting in front of your couch munching down potato chips we should all be commended for getting up and doing something.

    You aren't alone. I had a horrible week last week and I am so happy to know that I maintained my weight even with my setback. It has encouraged me to keep going despite my bad choices I made. I am looking forward to next Wednesday (weigh-in day).

    Good luck!
  • i think everyone has a day that they fall off the boat, this past weekend, I had one, I drank to much and snacked all day, and the scale said I had put on 4lbs.....i said "ouch", but then said oh well whats done is done, time to get back on that boat!!!