❤️⭐️2024 Weekly Weigh-in Challenge⭐️❤️



  • ATnowornever
    ATnowornever Posts: 389 Member
    edited March 31
    YES! I made it to my goal weight for March! 🥳

    SW for March - 318.4
    GW for March - 314

    March 1: 318.4
    March 7: 319.4
    March 15: 317.4
    March 22: 316.9
    March 29: 316.0
    March 31: 314.0

    Total weight lost in March: 4.4 lbs.

    Total weight lost in February: 3.6 lbs.

    MFP SW: 9/15/23 (368)
    UGW: 170
    TWL: 54 lbs.
  • stormywxs288
    stormywxs288 Posts: 811 Member

    Jan 1- Feb1: 180.0 – 177.6 (-2.4)
    Feb 1 – Feb 28: 177.6 – 170.8 (-7.6)
    Mar 1 - Mar 31: 170.8 - 174.0
    Mar 3: 169.0
    Mar 10: 172.0
    Mar 17: 171.0
    Mar 24: 169.4
    Mar 31: 174.0

    March started with great promise. Unfortunately, I didn't maintain the discipline to stay on track each week. The net result are a gain of 4.2 pounds for the month. Hope I can do better in April?
    "Heaviest Weight: 210 BMI 36.0
    Heaviest Weight in 2023: 194.0 BMI 33.6
    Start Weight 2024: 180 BMI 30.9 Obese
    Goal Weight by Feb 29, 2024: 170 BMI 28.5 Over Weight
    Goal weight 2024: 160 BMI 27.0 Overweight
    Ultimate Goal: 147 BMI 24.9 Normal

    BMI Ranges
    Underweight = <18.5
    Normal weight = 18.5–24.9
    Overweight = 25.0–29.9
    Obesity = BMI of 30 or greater
  • koeitjiesa
    koeitjiesa Posts: 364 Member
    Hi all. Newbie to this challenge. Thanks for the chance to keep myself accountable.

    SW for April - 94.2kg
    GW for April - 90kg

    April 1: 94.2kg
    April 8:
    April 15:
    April 22:
    April 29:

    Total weight lost in April:

    MFP SW: 1 April 2024 (94.2kg)
    UGW: 58kg
  • judefit1
    judefit1 Posts: 973 Member
    Hi, I'm Jude. I'm 67 YO, 5' 2" and starting my 3rd month in this challenge. My history includes large swings in weight with up to 50 lb weight gains. Two years ago I was 125 lbs; I started 2024 at 147 lbs.

    My goal for 2024: to gradually lose the weight by changing the habits that hurt me and to learn how to integrate and maintain healthy eating habits for good.

    previous months:
    January goals:
    * continue my exercise routine- which has been pretty good
    * eliminate evening snacking- which is my downfall
    * weigh every day- which I avoid and then gain
    * log in here every week on Monday so I can't pretend the weekend is "free"!

    1/1: 146.6

    1/8: 142.6 

    1/15: 141.4

    1/22: 140.2 (a day early, we're away and traveling tomorrow)

    1/29: 139.2
    Starting weight: 146.5

    Goal weight: around/under 142
    Actual: 139.2
    Loss: 7.4 lbs

    February goals:
    * continue exercise routine, weighing and logging- I know what works, now do it.
    * continue to make good choices every day, enjoy food appropriately and within healthy numbers.
    2/5: 137.2
    2/12: 136.8
    2/19: 135.0
    2/26: 134.2
    Starting weight: 139.2
    Goal weight: around/under 136
    Actual: 134.2
    Loss: 5.0 lbs

    March goals:
    * stick with the plan, it gets harder to lose as I get closer to the goal
    * enjoy all our March birthdays and be conscious of portions
    * continue to log consistently
    3/4: 135.0 (birthday dinners!)
    3/18: 131.4
    3/25: 131.4
    Starting weight: 135.0
    Goal weight: around/under 132
    Actual: 131.4
    Loss: 3.6 lbs
    April goals:
    * stick with the plan, it gets harder to lose as I get closer to the goal
    * continue to log consistently
    4/1: 130.2
    Starting weight: 130.2
    Goal weight: around/under 127
  • deepwoodslady
    deepwoodslady Posts: 11,884 Member

    My name is Donna. I am 63 years old and I live in the Midwest of the US. I am 5’ 5” tall. My highest weight was 253 in 2016. My MFP start weight was 235 in 2018.

    Ultimate Goal Weight: 145-155 (I’ll know it when I get there!)[/b][/b][/color=green]

    Start Weight (from February 29th 2024 ): 177.0
    Goal Weight: (4 pound loss) 173.0
    End of Month Final Weight: 179.6
    Total lost/gained this month: xxxxx
    2.6 Gained

    Weight in blue makes me blue because it’s a gain. Weight in fuchsia pink makes me feel cheery because it’s a loss. Weight in black means no change.

    03/01-DNW-(Trend Weight: DNW)-

    03/04-177.8-(Trend Weight: 179.0)-

    03/11-179.6-(Trend Weight: 179.2)-

    03/18-180.4-(Trend Weight: 180.4)-

    03/25-DNW-(Trend Weight: DNW)- Early and all day/evening travel today. I’ll catch up on reading the posts tomorrow and will post a weight in a few days when travel weight/sodium is released.

    03/31-179.6-(Trend Weight: 180.6)- February was a good month for me but March was horrible. I managed to reign it in at the end to minimize the damage because it was much worse, but I’m still very disappointed to have ended with a gain. Bring on April!

    Every healthy habit brings me closer to scratching each of these off to NEVER see them again!
    250’s; 240’s; 230’s; 220's; 210's; 200's; 190's; 180’s; 170's; 160's; 150's

  • deepwoodslady
    deepwoodslady Posts: 11,884 Member

    My name is Donna. I am 63 years old and I live in the Midwest of the US. I am 5’ 5” tall. My highest weight was 253 in 2016. My MFP start weight was 235 in 2018.

    Ultimate Goal Weight: 145-155 (I’ll know it when I get there!)[/b][/b][/color=green]
    Start Weight (from March 31st 2024 ): 179.6
    Goal Weight: 175.6 (4 pound loss)

    End of Month Final Weight: xxxxx
    Total Lost/Gained this Month: xxxxx

    Weight in blue
    makes me blue because it’s a gain. Weight in fuchsia pink makes me feel cheery because it’s a loss. Weight in black means no change.

    04/01--(Trend Weight: )- Good luck everyone this round!

    04/08-xxxxx-(Trend Weight: xxxxx)-
    04/15-xxxxx-(Trend Weight: xxxxx)-
    04/22-xxxxx-(Trend Weight: xxxxx)-
    04/29-xxxxx-(Trend Weight: xxxxx)-
    04/30-xxxxx-(Trend Weight: xxxxx)-

    Every healthy habit brings me closer to scratching each of these off to NEVER see them again!
    250’s; 240’s; 230’s; 220's; 210's; 200's; 190's; 180’s; 170's; 160's; 150's

  • ATnowornever
    ATnowornever Posts: 389 Member
    My goals for April:

    *Be consistent in prepping food weekly (Sunday) so I'm more prepared for busy days
    *Increase exercise (walking, swimming, gardening, housework) to 25 minutes a day
    *No eating after 6 pm

    SW for April - 314
    GW for April - 310

    April 1: 314
    April 8:
    April 15:
    April 22:
    April 29:

    Total weight lost in April:

    Total weight lost in February: 3.6 lbs.
    Total weight lost in March: 4.4 lbs.

    MFP SW: 9/15/23 (368)
    UGW: 170
    TWL: 54 lbs.
  • Patti241
    Patti241 Posts: 4,899 Member
    edited April 3
    March 13: 138
    March 20: 137
    March 27: 138

    April 3: 137
  • Sweetzyd
    Sweetzyd Posts: 919 Member
    Hey, I'm Crystal! ❤️ Goal for April is to be in the mid 160's or lower by the 30th. Still watching macros (1260 calories/day, low sugar and carb but not keto). Also continuing the increase of protein and to walk most days!

    SW: 198 lbs (Oct. 2023)
    GW: 140-145 (By June, 2024)
    Feb 1st SW: 184.5
    March 1st SW: 176.8
    April 1st SW: 178.1 😒 (gain from a bad weekend)
    Feb 1st: 184.5
    Feb 7th: 183.6
    Feb 14th: 182.1 (weight was 181.4 yesterday). I expected a little increase, as some ladies and I had a Gallentines party last night with all sorts of goodies and champagne 🍾
    Feb 21st: 180.6 yayyy! Still loving OMAD. I think this number could have been better because I didn't put all the work in I should have. I only walked 2 times this week. Also, my sleep has been awful. If I can do better about those things then I know the loss will be better. Still satisfied though.
    Feb 28th: 177.2 had a couple of very low calorie days the past week due to sickness but all is better now! Didn't get as many walks in as I planned, but I'm happy to see a good loss! (7.3 lbs lost total in February)
    March 6th: 176.6 I could have done better this past week. Looking back at the week, there were a lot of social outings. Had a bunch of junk that I didn’t need. (Pizza, fries, candy, burger etc). I know these things are ok sometimes but when it's several days in a row, it doesn't do me any good. Didn't stick with Omad the whole week either, or my calorie/carb goals. The plan for this next week is to stay on track with my goals and omad.
    March 13th: 176.1 I did have a better week this past week, so I was hoping for more of a loss. The only thing I can figure is that it could be that I'm not sleeping well. Only got decent sleep maybe half of the days. At least it's not a gain. Just a little discouraged.
    March 20th: 175.5 Sloww loss for sure. I've changed some things since last week. Added more protein in my diet and getting more steps in. Hopefully this will help.
    March 27th: 173.1 Thank goodness for more of a loss this week. I was starting to wonder if I was going to lose anymore. I added more protein in and am aiming to walk most days. I stopped OMAD too because I dont think I was eating enough protein with the 1 meal. I'm having a protein shake and a cucumber for lunch. Still fasting, but doing 16:8 and 2 meals/day. Doesn't look like I'll meet my goal of the 160's by the end of the month but hopefully soon.
    April 3rd: 174.8 I was traveling this past weekend and I had a 5lb gain from not tracking, eating all the foods I normally do not and several alcoholic beverages. Most of it has came back off thankfully but it's still upsetting that it set me a week behind. Next week will be better.
  • iLive2Walk
    iLive2Walk Posts: 4,858 Member
    edited April 6
    Hello I'm Darlene, retired, 63-year-old. Married (Greg), one adult daughter (Allyson), and one goldendoodle (Monty).

    My Goals for 2024

    ⚖️ Get to my Ideal weight - another 24 pounds
    👣 Log 2,024 miles n 2024 (I count all steps towards this goal - not just intentional miles)
    📝 Log Daily
    🥗 Stay under my calorie range
    🫀 Aerobics 3 days per week
    💪 Strength Train 3 days per week
    🧘‍♀️ Tai Chi or Yoga 1 day per week
    💦 6+ glasses of water

    Highest Weight 228

    SW Dec: 228 | Jan: 217 | Feb: 212 | Mar: 207.6 | Apr 200.2 | May 194.8 | Jun: 189.6 | Jul: 187.4 | Aug: 179.8 | Sept: 174.2 | Oct: 169.6 | Nov 164.6 | Dec 164 | Jan 159.8 | Feb 156.8

    December Ending Weight 164

    I'll weigh in on Saturdays to be on the same day as my other challenges (and the last day of the month).

    Jan 1: 163.8 Happy New Year!
    Jan 6: 162.8 😁
    Jan 13: 162 😁
    Jan 20: 161 😁
    Jan 27: 162.2 ☹️ Not the right direction
    Jan 30: 159.8 😁 Will be traveling January 31, so will not have access to a scale - so this is my official end of month weight.

    Total weight lost in January: 4.2 Pounds

    Feb 3: 160.6 Not as bad as I expected. Have been traveling and eating out every day since Jan 31.
    Feb 12: 159.8 😁 I am so happy with this - been on vacation since Jan 31 - got back yesterday and today weigh the same as I did when I left. Now to focus and lose some weight in February!
    Feb 18: 158.8 😁 Forgot to post on Saturday - but I was one more down!
    Feb 29: 156.8 😁 Nice way to end the month

    Total Weight Lost in February: 3 Pounds

    Mar 2: 156.8
    Mar 9: 154.8 😁
    Mar 16: 154.2 😁
    Mar 23: 153.4 😁 I am really liking this weekly weigh in, I flucuate so much daily and forget that it is actually a trend downward week to week.
    Mar 30: 152.6 😁

    Total Weight Lost in March: 4 Pounds

    Apr 6: 153 ☹️ My first up in a long time. Had a self sabatoge day yesterday - and expected this. Will have a tough week ahead (which probably caused my self sabatoge) with Easter tomorrow and then going on a small trip for two days.

  • LillianRen
    LillianRen Posts: 23 Member
    edited April 6

    Start: 169 / End Goal: 135 (-34 total)

    March 1: 169
    March 8: 166 (-3)
    March 15: 162 (-7)
    March 22: 162 (-7)
    March 29: 162 (-7)
    April 5: 161 (-8)
  • koeitjiesa
    koeitjiesa Posts: 364 Member
    SW for April - 94.2kg
    GW for April - 90kg

    April 1: 94.2kg
    April 8: 92.7kg (-1.5kg)
    April 15:
    April 22:
    April 29:

    Total weight lost in April:

    MFP SW: 1 April 2024 (94.2kg)
    UGW: 58kg
  • judefit1
    judefit1 Posts: 973 Member
    Hi, I'm Jude. I'm 67 YO, 5' 2" and starting my 3rd month in this challenge. My history includes large swings in weight with up to 50 lb weight gains. Two years ago I was 125 lbs; I started 2024 at 147 lbs.

    My goal for 2024: to gradually lose the weight by changing the habits that hurt me and to learn how to integrate and maintain healthy eating habits for good.

    previous months:
    January goals:
    * continue my exercise routine- which has been pretty good
    * eliminate evening snacking- which is my downfall
    * weigh every day- which I avoid and then gain
    * log in here every week on Monday so I can't pretend the weekend is "free"!

    1/1: 146.6

    1/8: 142.6 

    1/15: 141.4

    1/22: 140.2 (a day early, we're away and traveling tomorrow)

    1/29: 139.2
    Starting weight: 146.5

    Goal weight: around/under 142
    Actual: 139.2
    Loss: 7.4 lbs

    February goals:
    * continue exercise routine, weighing and logging- I know what works, now do it.
    * continue to make good choices every day, enjoy food appropriately and within healthy numbers.
    2/5: 137.2
    2/12: 136.8
    2/19: 135.0
    2/26: 134.2
    Starting weight: 139.2
    Goal weight: around/under 136
    Actual: 134.2
    Loss: 5.0 lbs

    March goals:
    * stick with the plan, it gets harder to lose as I get closer to the goal
    * enjoy all our March birthdays and be conscious of portions
    * continue to log consistently
    3/4: 135.0 (birthday dinners!)
    3/18: 131.4
    3/25: 131.4
    Starting weight: 135.0
    Goal weight: around/under 132
    Actual: 131.4
    Loss: 3.6 lbs

    April goals:
    * stick with the plan, it gets harder to lose as I get closer to the goal
    * continue to log consistently
    4/1: 130.2
    4/8: 128.8
    Starting weight: 130.2
    Goal weight: around/under 127
  • deepwoodslady
    deepwoodslady Posts: 11,884 Member

    My name is Donna. I am 63 years old and I live in the Midwest of the US. I am 5’ 5” tall. My highest weight was 253 in 2016. My MFP start weight was 235 in 2018.

    Ultimate Goal Weight: 145-155 (I’ll know it when I get there!)[/b][/b][/color=green]
    Start Weight (from March 31st 2024 ): 179.6
    Goal Weight: 175.6 (4 pound loss)

    End of Month Final Weight: xxxxx
    Total Lost/Gained this Month: xxxxx

    Weight in blue
    makes me blue because it’s a gain. Weight in fuchsia pink makes me feel cheery because it’s a loss. Weight in black means no change.

    04/01-DNW-(Trend Weight: DNW)- Easter dinner was at Golden Corral all-you-can eat buffet. I didn’t need to weigh to know I overate and gained.

    04/08-DNW-(Trend Weight: DNW)- I hate that I couldn’t weigh again but I have a foot and lower leg injury that put me to the ER Saturday. I have a club foot right now and my entire right foot and lower leg is HUGE with swelling and fluid. Any weight I would get would be wrong, big and skewed so there is no point until this swelling goes down. I also want any losses in the future to be true losses, not just this known fluid. I can’t exercise right now which also affects things. I am, however, doing some chair yoga with upper body, mainly arms just to get some sort of calorie burn in but it’s so minimal I’m sure. Very disappointing. Anyway, have a great week everyone and for those of you in the path of the eclipse, enjoy and keep those eyes safe!

    04/15-xxxxx-(Trend Weight: xxxxx)-
    04/22-xxxxx-(Trend Weight: xxxxx)-
    04/29-xxxxx-(Trend Weight: xxxxx)-
    04/30-xxxxx-(Trend Weight: xxxxx)-

    Every healthy habit brings me closer to scratching each of these off to NEVER see them again!
    250’s; 240’s; 230’s; 220's; 210's; 200's; 190's; 180’s; 170's; 160's; 150's
  • ATnowornever
    ATnowornever Posts: 389 Member
    SW for April - 314
    GW for April - 310

    April 1: 314
    April 8: 312.4
    April 15:
    April 22:
    April 29:

    Total weight lost in April:

    Total weight lost in February: 3.6 lbs.
    Total weight lost in March: 4.4 lbs.

    MFP SW: 9/15/23 (368)
    UGW: 170
  • Sweetzyd
    Sweetzyd Posts: 919 Member
    Hey, I'm Crystal! ❤️ Goal for April is to be in the mid 160's or lower by the 30th. Still watching macros (1260 calories/day, low sugar and carb but not keto). Also continuing the increase of protein and to walk most days!

    SW: 198 lbs (Oct. 2023)
    GW: 140-145 (By June, 2024)
    Feb 1st SW: 184.5
    March 1st SW: 176.8
    April 1st SW: 178.1 😒 (gain from a bad weekend)
    Feb 1st: 184.5
    Feb 7th: 183.6
    Feb 14th: 182.1 (weight was 181.4 yesterday). I expected a little increase, as some ladies and I had a Gallentines party last night with all sorts of goodies and champagne 🍾
    Feb 21st: 180.6 yayyy! Still loving OMAD. I think this number could have been better because I didn't put all the work in I should have. I only walked 2 times this week. Also, my sleep has been awful. If I can do better about those things then I know the loss will be better. Still satisfied though.
    Feb 28th: 177.2 had a couple of very low calorie days the past week due to sickness but all is better now! Didn't get as many walks in as I planned, but I'm happy to see a good loss! (7.3 lbs lost total in February)
    March 6th: 176.6 I could have done better this past week. Looking back at the week, there were a lot of social outings. Had a bunch of junk that I didn’t need. (Pizza, fries, candy, burger etc). I know these things are ok sometimes but when it's several days in a row, it doesn't do me any good. Didn't stick with Omad the whole week either, or my calorie/carb goals. The plan for this next week is to stay on track with my goals and omad.
    March 13th: 176.1 I did have a better week this past week, so I was hoping for more of a loss. The only thing I can figure is that it could be that I'm not sleeping well. Only got decent sleep maybe half of the days. At least it's not a gain. Just a little discouraged.
    March 20th: 175.5 Sloww loss for sure. I've changed some things since last week. Added more protein in my diet and getting more steps in. Hopefully this will help.
    March 27th: 173.1 Thank goodness for more of a loss this week. I was starting to wonder if I was going to lose anymore. I added more protein in and am aiming to walk most days. I stopped OMAD too because I dont think I was eating enough protein with the 1 meal. I'm having a protein shake and a cucumber for lunch. Still fasting, but doing 16:8 and 2 meals/day. Doesn't look like I'll meet my goal of the 160's by the end of the month but hopefully soon.
    April 3rd: 174.8 I was traveling this past weekend and I had a 5lb gain from not tracking, eating all the foods I normally do not and several alcoholic beverages. Most of it has came back off thankfully but it's still upsetting that it set me a week behind. Next week will be better.
    April 10th: 172.0 Aiming for no cheat days in April, and at least 20 minutes of exercise each day. So far, so good 😀.
  • jm216
    jm216 Posts: 3,919 Member
    edited April 10
    Hello, I’m Jill. 🥰I’m 54, 5’7” and I live in Michigan. I'm looking forward to spring, more walking, and being outside.

    Total weight lost in January: 2.9 pounds.🥰
    Total weight gained in February: 3.2 pounds
    Total weight gained in March: .9 pounds

    April is my month of consistent logging…. Let’s do this!!

    April 01: 208.2
    April 03: 209.6
    April 10: 208.2

    Jill 🥰
  • Patti241
    Patti241 Posts: 4,899 Member
    March 13: 138
    March 20: 137
    March 27: 138
    April 3: 138
    April 10: 139
  • LillianRen
    LillianRen Posts: 23 Member
    edited April 12

    Start: 169 / End Goal: 135 (-34 total)

    March 1: 169
    March 8: 166 (-3)
    March 15: 162 (-7)
    March 22: 162 (-7)
    March 29: 162 (-7)
    April 5: 161 (-8)
    April 12: 160 (-9)
  • iLive2Walk
    iLive2Walk Posts: 4,858 Member
    edited April 13
    Hello I'm Darlene, retired, 63-year-old. Married (Greg), one adult daughter (Allyson), and one goldendoodle (Monty).

    My Goals for 2024

    ⚖️ Get to my Ideal weight - another 24 pounds
    👣 Log 2,024 miles n 2024 (I count all steps towards this goal - not just intentional miles)
    📝 Log Daily
    🥗 Stay under my calorie range
    🫀 Aerobics 3 days per week
    💪 Strength Train 3 days per week
    🧘‍♀️ Tai Chi or Yoga 1 day per week
    💦 6+ glasses of water

    Highest Weight 228

    SW Dec: 228 | Jan: 217 | Feb: 212 | Mar: 207.6 | Apr 200.2 | May 194.8 | Jun: 189.6 | Jul: 187.4 | Aug: 179.8 | Sept: 174.2 | Oct: 169.6 | Nov 164.6 | Dec 164 | Jan 159.8 | Feb 156.8

    December Ending Weight 164

    I'll weigh in on Saturdays to be on the same day as my other challenges (and the last day of the month).

    Jan 1: 163.8 Happy New Year!
    Jan 6: 162.8 😁
    Jan 13: 162 😁
    Jan 20: 161 😁
    Jan 27: 162.2 ☹️ Not the right direction
    Jan 30: 159.8 😁 Will be traveling January 31, so will not have access to a scale - so this is my official end of month weight.

    Total weight lost in January: 4.2 Pounds

    Feb 3: 160.6 Not as bad as I expected. Have been traveling and eating out every day since Jan 31.
    Feb 12: 159.8 😁 I am so happy with this - been on vacation since Jan 31 - got back yesterday and today weigh the same as I did when I left. Now to focus and lose some weight in February!
    Feb 18: 158.8 😁 Forgot to post on Saturday - but I was one more down!
    Feb 29: 156.8 😁 Nice way to end the month

    Total Weight Lost in February: 3 Pounds

    Mar 2: 156.8
    Mar 9: 154.8 😁
    Mar 16: 154.2 😁
    Mar 23: 153.4 😁 I am really liking this weekly weigh in, I flucuate so much daily and forget that it is actually a trend downward week to week.
    Mar 30: 152.6 😁

    Total Weight Lost in March: 4 Pounds

    Apr 6: 153 ☹️ My first up in a long time. Had a self sabatoge day yesterday - and expected this. Will have a tough week ahead (which probably caused my self sabatoge) with Easter tomorrow and then going on a small trip for two days.
    April 13: 151.6 😁 Worked super hard this week to get back to where I was!