My Workout Times...Help!

Does it matter what time of the day you work out? As in, is there a certain time that is best to work out? And if i worked out super early in the morning, do i need to eat something before my workout? Or if i workout late, like 8 p.m., do i need to eat something afterwards? Sorry it's so many questions but I hope i can get some help!


  • Good questions! I'm curious about this myself!
  • HolleeERL
    HolleeERL Posts: 313 Member
    I agree with the answer that anytime you can and like to work out is the BEST time to work out. I usually like to workout in the morning and with a little food on my stomach, but it's not a must. If you are doing some weight training, I think you might want to consider eating something after any workout unless you have just eaten.
  • heaverchell
    heaverchell Posts: 513 Member
    I am not able to work out until around 9-10pm usually. I don't think it matters what time you work out. The only problem I have run into was having way to much energy to go to sleep after. I normally have a glass of skim milk & protein bar about 30 min after working out.

    I would like to see what other's say.
  • I work out first thing in the morning. I usually grab a protein bar to eat as I head to the gym. I find if I don't I don't have the energy to give it all I have. Once I get home it is easy to eat breakfast with the rest of my family. I don't know when it's "best" to work out. This is just what works in my schedule. One of the things I really like about starting my day with a work out, is it helps remind me to stay on track for the day. Plus then I find it is easy to add a extra walk at the end of the day if needed.
  • I think it is generally accepted that working out in the morning is considered best. For one, it jump starts your metabolism that will last for the entire day (well, at least morning). I think it also sets you up for the day to make more wise decisions concerning food choices. It is also thought that you will have more energy through out the day when you hit it early in the am. Most importantly though, I think it is beneficial because you are less likely to skip your workout, like you might at the end of a long day (and you might possibly add a second workout in the evening if you have a lot of time or energy). This all being said, I find it soooo difficult to get up at workout at 6:00 am so I am a 5:00 pmer. Every now and then I make it in the morning, and I have to say I feel amazing the entire day. Like everyone else said though, any workout is a good one!! Keep it up!!