Could be pregnant can I still loose weight if I am still unh

Hi everyone,

The title says it all. I have not found out for sure if I am pregnant but there is a really good possibility. I still have 40lbs to loose, but I don't want to endanger my baby by not eating enough.

Any suggestions?

Thanks. God bless!


  • mamamc03
    mamamc03 Posts: 1,067 Member
    Talk to your doc. Best place for that kind of advice. :)
  • lee112780
    lee112780 Posts: 419 Member
    Just eat what your doc tells you. Make sure not to eat for emotional reasons, like I did! I gained 60 lbs..way too much. You dont need much more food the first trimester. Congrats! And remember baby comes first
  • SparkleShine
    SparkleShine Posts: 2,001 Member
    Talk to your doctor. Congrats!
  • amberdaniels
    Just eat what your doc tells you. Make sure not to eat for emotional reasons, like I did! I gained 60 lbs..way too much. You dont need much more food the first trimester. Congrats! And remember baby comes first

    I totally agree. and I will ask my doc once I find out if I am or not...think I am still a little to early to know for sure, but my body is acting all sorts of insane! lol
  • Megan2Project
    Megan2Project Posts: 351 Member
    I maintained my weight with my daughter, so when she was born I lost 20lbs.

    Just do as much light/moderate exercise as possible, and eat a healthy balanced diet... Just make sure you don't go below 1200cals, and make sure you get enough iron.
  • Mama_CAEI
    It is not generally considered safe to diet or lose weight during pregnancy. I would just put it on hold for now if I were you. You need to eat healthy: baby gets what baby needs from you no matter what, so if you're not consuming enough calories or nutrients, you could be at risk for ill health. Just watch what you eat, stay moderately active, drink lots of water, then after baby comes, you can start actively losing weight again.
  • JJeMitchell
    JJeMitchell Posts: 160 Member
    Have you ever watched the show "The Doctors"??

    Dr. Lisa Masterson (Ob/Gyn) said this: 1800 calories in the 1st trimester, 2100 in the 2nd trimester, and 2400 in the 3rd trimester, which will ensure that the baby gets enough calories to grow properly.

    At this point in your pregnancy, quality counts a lot more than quantity. You could eat a cupcake for 500 empty calories, or a bowl of high fiber oat meal, yogurt, a piece of fruit and a scrambled egg for roughly 500 calories, but the latter is WAY better for you and know??

    Plus, every pregnancy book I have ever read said that if you gain the weight eating healthy foods, it comes off much quicker and much easier postpartum.

    Hope that helps!!!
  • sagetracey
    sagetracey Posts: 607 Member
    Like everyone else said, see your doctor and follow his/her advice. But I actually lost 20kg when I was pregnant with my second son (now 18 yo) and my dr was very pleased with me. I didn't do anything special other than eat properly and walk for exercise, but son and I were both so much healthier for it.

    Best of luck!
  • StaceyL76
    StaceyL76 Posts: 711 Member
    You may want to put the weightloss on hold. Growing a baby is exhausting and takes good fuel. Stay active, eat healthfully, and grow a healthy baby.

    Lose the rest later...
  • chocoholicandbaby
    Definitely talk to your Doctor. However in the mean time, make sure that you eat a well-rounded and balanced diet - including all the food groups and nutrients. Folate is important to take (if you aren't already). You don't need to "eat for two", just listen to your body. There are certain foods you should avoid while pregnant (just do a google search).

    Hope that helps a bit.

    (Also, my sister was morbidly obese when she became pregnant and actually weighed less at the end of her pregnancy than at the start - she just made sure she was eating healthy and cut out soft drinks and did gentle exercise. Baby was healthy and she was really healthy. The important thing is not to "diet" - just eat a balanced diet. But definitely talk to your doctor).
  • missebony88
    Eating healthy is even better for the baby so it's probably great to continue. As long as your not putting your baby under extra stress (don't push yourself too hard). But deifinatly speak to the doctor because there's somethings you should eat more of, some to eat less and some you shouldn't eat at all. And no jumping on trampolines :p Good luck :)
  • questionablemethods
    questionablemethods Posts: 2,174 Member
    Just eat what your doc tells you. Make sure not to eat for emotional reasons, like I did! I gained 60 lbs..way too much. You dont need much more food the first trimester. Congrats! And remember baby comes first

    I totally agree. and I will ask my doc once I find out if I am or not...think I am still a little to early to know for sure, but my body is acting all sorts of insane! lol

    I'm guessing you'll get to find out soon (can't be much more than 2 weeks, right?). In the meantime, why not just eat at maintenance. I have heard that you really don't want to eat at too much of a calorie deficit even when you are trying to conceive (assuming you are). It stresses the body and can make it harder to conceive (our bodies don't want us to be pregnant if they think we're in a time of famine). I don't know if this advice differs for people who are really overweight, but that doesn't really sound like your case.

    Eating at maintenance until you find out your status and/or talk to your doctor won't do any harm, it just might slow your progress.
  • renee474
    renee474 Posts: 58 Member
    I'm no expert but I do believe that what you eat isn't going to have major affects your baby this early. Just maintain a healthy diet until you find out for sure and then switch to "pregnancy" diet. And by that I mean, don't try to lose any more weight and increase your calories by the amount recommended by your doctor. :smile: And congrats (hopefully)
  • BrewerGeorge
    BrewerGeorge Posts: 397 Member
    See your doc.

    Like others have said, though, the baby comes first. If you don't eat properly, the baby will TAKE what it needs from you including calcium from your bones
  • killerqueen17
    killerqueen17 Posts: 536 Member
    Well if you are pregnant, you will need to gain anywhere from 20-35 pounds during the pregnancy to allow the baby to develop properly. Until you know for sure, I'd suggest maintaining and spendig some time trying to come to terms with the fact that your weight loss might need to be put on hold for a bit!

    Im specifically trying to avoid pregnancy for the time being, and I know that if I found out I was, there would definitely be a mix of happy and sad/scared, along with coming to terms with the impending weight gain... Lol
  • E_Cee83
    E_Cee83 Posts: 22 Member
    It is not generally considered safe to diet or lose weight during pregnancy. I would just put it on hold for now if I were you. You need to eat healthy: baby gets what baby needs from you no matter what, so if you're not consuming enough calories or nutrients, you could be at risk for ill health. Just watch what you eat, stay moderately active, drink lots of water, then after baby comes, you can start actively losing weight again.

  • hazysusan
    And if at all possible, breastfeed the baby (if you do turn out to be pregnant). I lost my pregnancy weight very quickly by nursing my son. Breastfeeding burns up to 500 calories a day!
  • bitterbb
    bitterbb Posts: 10 Member
    Everything I have read says you don't need ant extra calories 1st trimester and only need to eat an extra 300 extra calories a day for the rest of the pregnancy. I'm doing no more, no less. It is hard to come to terms with the postponement if weight loss though.
  • TheDrBuchanan
    TheDrBuchanan Posts: 89 Member
    There's a great book called "I'm Pregnant! Now what do I eat?" It has a lot of good information on how much and what types of food are good for each trimester. And there's also awesome recipes!! I would just set your food diary to 'maintain' until you know for sure. That way, you're not depriving you and your kid if you are pregnant, and if you aren't you won't have gained anything.
  • kfitz10103
    Well if you are pregnant, you will need to gain anywhere from 20-35 pounds during the pregnancy to allow the baby to develop properly. Until you know for sure, I'd suggest maintaining and spendig some time trying to come to terms with the fact that your weight loss might need to be put on hold for a bit!

    Im specifically trying to avoid pregnancy for the time being, and I know that if I found out I was, there would definitely be a mix of happy and sad/scared, along with coming to terms with the impending weight gain... Lol

    Not if you are overweight to begin with. My doctor told me to gain NO MORE THAN 15 lbs with each of my pregnancies, BUT the first I gained 38 lbs. and the second 43 lbs. Unfortunately the babies were only 7 lbs each.