
I am new as well and I had a question regarding my calorie totals...if my daily looks like this:
Total: 1,122 and normal daily goal without exercise is 1240 and with exercise it is this Your Daily Goal: 1,692
Remaining: 570
for my calories after i enter my exercise for the day does that mean that i need to eat an additional
570 calories to lose the weight or maintain the weight?
Thanks for any help


  • elilexi
    elilexi Posts: 4
    I am new as well and I had a question regarding my calorie totals...if my daily looks like this:
    Total: 1,122 and normal daily goal without exercise is 1240 and with exercise it is this Your Daily Goal: 1,692
    Remaining: 570
    for my calories after i enter my exercise for the day does that mean that i need to eat an additional
    570 calories to lose the weight or maintain the weight?
    Thanks for any help
  • Corsira
    Corsira Posts: 7 Member
    It means you have to eat an additional 570 to maintain your goal.
    If you are trying to lose weight then you will drop those additional calories. So it is telling you that you will be losing more fat faster then you said you wanted to in your goal. (If you find that are are just starting to workout and you gain instead of lose weight keep in mind muscle is leaner and heaver then fat. There is 3500 calories in a pound.
    If you are trying to gain weight (which some people do need to do) then please try to eat those additional calories.
  • elilexi
    elilexi Posts: 4
    So I shoud always adhere to what my daily goal states instead of totals after I put in the exercise to lose what I need?
    I know it sounds silly that I am asking the question but I feel like I already am eating constantly!!!!
  • pipinana
    pipinana Posts: 2,356 Member
    Hi Elilexi,
    Actually you need to eat your exercise calories. If not all, try to eat most.... MFP already gives you a deficit in your calories.... For instance, I'm 5'2" weight 167, and burn ~1500 cals by sitting on my butt doing nothing.... MFP tells me to eat 1200 cals/day. Already a 300 call difference = loss of weight. If you are working out, and let's say burning 300 calories, you'll only be getting 900 cals... This is not enough fuel for you body. You may see big numbers at first if you don't eat your exercise cals, but don't let that fool you. You are doing more harm to your body than good.... Slowing down you metabolism..... You should eat the cals....

    I'm probably not the best person to explain this.... Perhaps Love Conquers All or kerrilucko, annabannana, tamtastic? You guys there and can give more insight? :tongue: :flowerforyou: :heart: :bigsmile:

    I found some other postings on this same subject, thought it may help.... - if you go to the community tab, then the message board tab, you can search through posts........ Just as an FYI. :smile: :flowerforyou: :heart:
    MOMOFTWO29 Posts: 8,276 Member
    Hello and welcome to MFP. I just know you will love this site if you don't already, I love it here. It is so motivational, supportive, helpful, and everyone here is so nice, and friendly. I just wanted to tell you good luck on your weight loss journey. You can do this.:smile::smile: :smile: :smile: