40+ Club: Fall Fitness Fanatics



  • Texssippian
    Hi all! Am back from a weekend trip to Mississippi to see family. First time the hubs and I have been there together without our kids (who are almost 27 and 22). No fighting in the car was nice! It was nice being there when it was not so darn hot like it is in the summer when we would go and take our kids when they were little. I planted daffodil bulbs in my mom's garden, trimmed the tree by the driveway so it does scratch cars going up the driveway and got her some Halloween lights for her fireplace and for a tree outside that she can see from her kitchen and den. Cooked a mess of Tex-Mex for family on Saturday. Our lady who delivers homemade tamales here in Denton, TX was not able to bring us some before we left. So we stopped in Vicksburg to get tamales. Mississippi tamales are not Texas temales! I cook a lot more than I eat so I consider that a workout!

    Crewel: Hope you are able to manage with your mom. It is so hard parenting the parents.

    MK: I fear the same thing is going to happen with our son who finishing up his master's of fine arts in illustration in San Francisco. He is in an art show in October, so we will see... He has to begin paying his student loans after he graduates in December.

    Tron: I hope your brother's family finds healing as they work through losing baby Jimmy. My little sister is a gym rat: workouts all the time but her daughter is 9 and wears a size 16 (ladies). She lets her eat all kinds of nasty food. What is she thinking? OK, I admit to eating sugar sandwiches when I was little. Being one of six kids, there were not lots of snack options...

    Take care all! TxMs
  • crewellademel
    crewellademel Posts: 168 Member
    Tex: Your comment about the sister who is a gym rat with the daughter that is a size 16 womens reminded me of a story I heard once from another veterinarian. There was this beautiful chocolate lab who was grossly obese....the owner, a noted human cardiologist and fitness freak would not do anything about his pet's wt. When questioned about what he fed the dog he admitted to feeding it Bagels with Lox and cream cheese every morning for breakfast, when questioned further as to WHY, he admitted that he himself loves bagels with lox and cream cheese and gave them up years ago because he knew it wasn't good for him but he really enjoyed watching the dog eat and "enjoy" it....Therefore.....living vicariously through the dog eventhough it was endangering the dogs health. Some people just successfully switch the food addiction to someone or something else without ever dealing with the root of the food based issue.....it is sad but true. I feel for that kid.....the mom my be thin but my bet is that she still doesn't have control of her food issues, IMO. Hope this doesn't come off too harsh, didn't mean it to.:flowerforyou:
  • hewhoiscd
    hewhoiscd Posts: 1,029 Member
    Yesterday was Strength Training Day: DB Squats, DB Standing Overhead Press, Barbell Deadlifts...feels good man :D

    Now that I have the barbell set, I am going to *try* and concentrate more on strength training and less on cardio. Meaning that I will be eating more and doing less cardio at the same time. Scary thought, but it's what I have to do to get the strength gains I want. I will probably end up hedging my bets by doing 3 or 4 weeks of strength training with minimal cardio followed by one week of hard core cardio, then repeat. Will still sprinkle Yoga in from time to time as well. I'm sure I'll modify/change this plan as I go though, lol.

    *crew: glad your knees are doing good! My allergies have been acting up too. Grass and weed pollen counts are high in my area.

    *Donna: It's all about portion control :)

    *Robin: Glad you enjoyed the fly fishing class! I bet your husband is happy :D
  • LadyPersia
    LadyPersia Posts: 1,444 Member
    In this post you will note I missed you ALL!!!

    Welcome newbies!!!

    Mkwood- I understand the trials our children put us through. everything will work out though. (at least thats what my Nana use to tell my Mom anbout me:)

    Alf- Hope you are feel better and the car issues become resolved. Glad you are safe!

    SwissMiss- Feel better and you post are always inspiring. Thank you

    sdereski- Welcome back! How was running camp? Sounds awesome!

    Robin 1117- hi

    Texssippian- Glad you have a nice trip

    Crewellademel- Great post about transferring addictions. Very true...sad but true. Mind body and soul needs to be worked on daily.

    Conversations about parenting parents should be its own forum. I dont think Mike(MFP) would have enough space on the website:) Humor Laugh....

    I am currently going through pubity and deoends. I thought after four boys the last one would be easy. NOT!

    hewhoiscd Allergies are worse in the fall for me than any other season. A trick I use is to was the inside on my nose out often. especially at night.

    Life for me is full of stress. My kids are outta sync, my mother is stressing me and I miss my Dad. I have not stopped completing my tasks but I feel blah. If that makes sense. The only awesome thing is my husband has been my keystone!!!

    Hugs to everyone who needs them. Hydrate yourself today!!
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    hewhoiscd, your day yesterday sounded like mine. I had my strength training class last night. I love the way it makes me feel. Your plan sounds great!!!

    :flowerforyou: crewell, interesting point. I have never considered that. I am now wondering if I am pushing my old bad eating habits onto my daughter. I certainly hope not.:noway:

    :flowerforyou: TxMs, wow a size 16 at 9 years of age. Something should be done. And, it probably should start with an appointment with the girl's doctor.

    :flowerforyou: Robin, that is great. You can go out and catch your healthy food.:wink:
  • crewellademel
    crewellademel Posts: 168 Member
    Hi everyone! Much better day for me today. I ran last night and exceeded my expectations! :drinker: I ran for a total of 13.5 minutes instead of the 9 min I was supposed to. The last 3 minutes I just decided to run until I felt like stopping, kinda like going to point of exhaustion on weights to build strength? Anyway....ran 6 min instead of 3 minutes. Then got my breath back pretty quickly so decided to run another 90s as I was still pretty far from my house and then walked the last bit to cool down. Also did REALLY GOOD stretching before and after for 10 minutes each FELT SOOOOO GOOOD! :happy: I weighed on my Mom's scale today and I was down per her scale so can't wait till Sat. to see what my OFFICIAL Wii wt is....LOOKING TO LOSE BABY! :tongue:

    Swiss absolutely LOVE your new pic (can see your face better) AND it has food in it WTG! Sometimes people trying to lose wt seem to be afraid of food, or they want to give people the impression that they never eat.... but it really and trully is one of our best friends if we know how to use it. You are doing so well with your wt loss.

    Chris: Good luck on your new regime....I have no doubt you'll figure it out....but HUGS I feel for how scary that could be. :flowerforyou:

    Alf: I'm sorry about your car accident. Hope you are feeling OK and that everything is working out. I'm having visions of being able to run outside a lot at that resort down there in Nov. Looking forward to meeting you. :smile:

    Gotta Run! Take care everyone. :flowerforyou:
  • tladame
    tladame Posts: 465 Member
    Well, yesterday I decided to leave work a little earlier to go to this type of whole foods store to pick up some healthy take out for dinner. On my way there I got rear ended on the highway very hard. Luckily I was driving my big truck, Dodge Durango, and the girl that hit me was in a small car. So my car only got the bumper damaged but her car got to be towed, was smashed in the front and was spilling all the radiator fluid. I tried my best to get on the side to avoid her when I saw her coming at full speed towards me in the rear view mirror but I had no chance. My head banged on the back of the seat and I was pretty shaken up. EMS came, a firetruck full of firemen :love: :laugh: and two police cars...it was quite a spectacle. They offered me to take me to the hospital but I declined...I ended up going to the military hospital later on with my husband because I was feeling kinda funny and everyone kept telling me to go. There were no injuries found. The girl's insurance, she looked very young, said that she was not covered under the insurance she presented to the cops so it is now under investigation... :grumble: The good thing is that I was not injured, at the speed she was going if she would have been in a bigger car I dont think I would be writing this right now...BTW, Tron and Chris, thank you for your well wishes in FB.

    Alf - Yikes! Glad you're ok. Just wanted to comment because my brother and his family were hit head-on by a drunk driver (who also had HIS wife & 2 kids in the car) a few years ago. Not sure what vehicle the drunk was driving, but my brother's car was a Durango. They believe that car truly saved them from serious injury. It was totaled, and they went out and bought another Durango to replace it. Those things are sturdy!
  • rdvincent
    Hi everyone!, well I had been doing the 30DS for about 2 weeks and I think I over extended my left knee, it's tight and hurts, so I figure that I'll work on abs and arms until it feels better, the thing is, is that my oldest son is getting married on Oct 15th and I have been working on getting into the dress I planned on wearing, I'm so close, but may have to change the plan. :grumble:
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    Hello!!! Thank you to all the well wishes. I am doing just fine. The appraiser took a look at the car today and wrote an estimate. The case is still under investigation so the repairs cannot be done until everything is approved. We will see...

    Robin, good to see you! I love your new picture. I enjoy all your beautiful outdoor pictures.

    Tex, glad to hear you had a great time with your family. You are always traveling!!!

    Lady Persia, I hope you are feeling better today. ((((((((((((((((((HUGS)))))))))))))))))) :flowerforyou:

    Crewell, I really hope we can meet in person. I am hoping the weather is a little better, it is still hot over here. I cannot believe your story about the dog owner, wow!!! But it does make sense...poor dog! My husband doesnt do that, he shares his food with our three dogs. LOL :grumble: :noway:

    Chris, you are going to look like Hulk if you keep it up. LOL :laugh: Good thing you will keep up with the yoga to stretch all those muscles... And speaking of yoga, anyone tried Bikram? I am thinking about trying it for the first time this Friday.

    Have a great one!! :flowerforyou:
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    Oh I also wanted to say...

    tladame, thank you! I am glad to hear your family was saved by their Durango. I am very lucky the girl that hit me had a small car, being in Texas most people drive big trucks and at the speed she was going it could have been worse.

    rdvincent, sorry to hear about your injury. I would suggest you focus in clean eating, lean meats, veggies, fruit, unprocessed foods, low salt, drink lots of water, do some walking daily if you can, nothing strenous and any other physical activity...you should be able to fit in your dress. Also spanx can help!! :)
  • sdereski
    sdereski Posts: 3,406 Member
    Hi All,

    Alf, so glad to hear you are okay! :flowerforyou:

    Crewel - glad to hear you are feeling better. :flowerforyou: Allergies can be debilitating at times. I suffered with allergies for years, and then was finally put on weekly shots. They were a life saver!

    Robin - fly fishing!? OMG - you are like my son's dream. If it has anything to do with fishing, he does it. Loves, loves, loves to fish. He even studied Fish and Wildlife in College and University. :smile:

    I am in the last taper week for my marathon. I am still struggling with my sore leg which is stemming from my back or hip. Not sure. Two different chiros have given me two different stories. Probably a bit of both. I am stretching, but have also tried taking some advil and that seemed to help. At least the pain after running was not nearly as bad.

    The weather here has been so nice. Beautiful fall weather. We are still seeing mid 70s temps! This can last until May for as I'm concerned. :happy:

    Did well yesterday with my eating and today wouldn't have been bad, except for the darn fudge I ate!!!!!!:grumble:

    Have a great night all. :flowerforyou:
  • LadyPersia
    LadyPersia Posts: 1,444 Member
    Mid week hugs to everyone!!
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    sdereski, thanks! Cute baby!!! Your grandbaby? :flowerforyou:

    Lady Persia, hugs to you too!!! :flowerforyou:

    How is everyone else doing? Kinda quiet in the thread. :laugh: At work, kinda bored, LOL Did my upper body/core trng this morning. I was tired, didnt finish one last set of core work. I dont think I ate enough yesterday and today I have been overly hungry. I wore my HRM on Mon for Zumba class and burned 525cals in 57mins. I am sure I burned around the same last night but didnt turn on the monitor. Duh!!! LOL I think I should just listen to my body and eat more and not worry so much about the calories and definitely going over or below macronutrients...what do you guys think? I am reading this book called Menoupause Reset (not there yet but soon) and it suggest pre and menoupausal women should eat a low fat diet, no more than 30grams of fat (regardless what kind of fat) to prevent weight gain. Stiring or anyone else, what is your input on that. I have also read in other places that we should be eating more protein and mono and poly fats than carbs...yikes!!! so much confusion. I dont feel that I have been gaining with the foods I am eating but I do feel that I feel bloated and my abs can use some help...I feel I need to change it a bit somewhere but dont know where...makes sense?

    Take care!!! :flowerforyou:
  • crewellademel
    crewellademel Posts: 168 Member
    Alf: Kinda right about the thread it's a bit quiet. I do hope the weather is nice when we are there I really don't do heat well. Anything over 80 and I'm a limp noodle! :laugh:

    I biked yesterday. For real biking ups, downs, and arounds no stationary bike for me! I was a bit sore last night...quads and knees a bit sore but woke up today with no problem. I love my stationary bike...I'm mean hey I can watch football while I bike but it was really good for me to do the real thing. There are some things that just can't be duplicated on a machine no matter how good they are! 7.5miles in 42minutes with a calorie burn of 398c per my HRM. Am very pleased with myself. Tonight is a rest night from cardio but will try and do my total body strength training then tomorrow I run again. At least that's the plan.

    For those of you have have and use one...do you think HRM are accurate for calories burned during strength training?

    I kinda overdid today on my carbs, I had tortilla's and a bagel. Don't know what I was thinking. Tomorrow will be a better day in THAT regard! Hope everyone else is doing well. Hope to hear from you all soon! :flowerforyou:
  • hewhoiscd
    hewhoiscd Posts: 1,029 Member
    Strength Day: DB Squats, DB Bench Press, Bent Over Barbell Rows, Barbell Glute Bridges. I'm very glad I can do the Barbell Glute Bridges in the privacy of my home, lol. Definitely needed a shower afterward!

    *Becky: There's just something about a good weight lifting session that lifts the spirits :)

    *crew: grats on the run!

    *Renee: If you aren't already, stretch!

    *alf: I don't know about Hulk, lol. My goal is just to be as strong as my body will realistically let me be. I know what you mean about being overly hungry the next day. I'm at a stage now where I have to make sure I eat pretty much all day long or I get behind. I focus more on making sure I get at least a certain amount of protein in grams (don't care if I go over it), and not more than a certain amount of fat in grams (I try to stay pretty close to the goal, don;t want to go too low on fat either), and however many complex carbs I need for the day to keep my energy up is what I eat. I'm not looking at total calories any more. If I am overly hungry the next day, or during the day, then I know I have to eat more overall. The trick of course is making healthy choices in what I eat to get the cals and macro nutrients I need. Can't help on the menopause :D Far as bloating is concerned, sodium levels good? Drink lots and lots of water (especially with your Zumba classes all week)?
  • hewhoiscd
    hewhoiscd Posts: 1,029 Member
    *Crew: If the strength training is a circuit style like P90X, I think an HRM is a good indicator of cals burned. If it is a more traditional strength training where you rest a couple minutes between each set, then it's not going to be a good indicator IMO. Beside, you get more of an afterburn with strength training that keeps on going far longer than cardio IMO. This is another reason why I am not counting total cals any more. Sorry, not much help I suppose :D
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    Good evening!

    Sorry i was out of the loop for a while, but i was kinda busy and did not have enough ambition to post.

    Alf, I just read about your accident. I'm soooo glad you are ok!! :flowerforyou: Good thing you were driving a big vehicle!! Take care!!

    All is well here. It's been nearly non-stop rain around here with more coming. We had about 15 inches this month. Very unusual weather pattern. We are usually sunny and dry this time of year. I think I just heard it starting to rain again here at work...

    I've been eating a lot more protein and less carbs and it seems to be paying off somewhat. I don't feel so bloated and my clothes are fitting a bit better.

    Have a great day!
  • sdereski
    sdereski Posts: 3,406 Member
    Hi all,

    Well I had a round of visiting health care professionals today. First off, saw my doc about some issues I am having when running, then spoke with another doc as he saw me limping. He advised me to stop running until marathon day. I think I'll take his advice on that. It's not like the few miles I would have put in the remainder of this week will make or break my run.

    In the pm I was off to see the chiro about my leg /hip/back - whatever it is that is causing me to limp. This came out of nowhere and is very frustrating. I have my marathon this coming Sunday and I am getting quite concerned whether I will be able to complete it or not. Anyway, the chiro did some ultrasound to reduce inflammation and advised me to start taking advil a couple of days beforehand. Then, saw a massage therapist this evening and she did some manipulation to realign my hips and did some muscle release. I actually feel better this evening. :happy:
    I just want to be able to run on Sunday with minimal pain!

    Did my strength training tonight. This leg makes everything a chore. It's tough not being able to move your body in the way you are accustomed to. I read something today that pain in the body's way of telling you, you have not been kind to it. When the pain is gone, we need to remember to be kind, so we don't experience the pain again. That's the part we usually forget. :huh:
    So true!

    Alf - yes, that is my precious granddaughter. Isn't she adorable?! :heart:

    Chris - good on you for doing your w/os at home! That does take discipline. :happy:

    Well, time for bed. It's been a long day - started packing for my marathon. Oh, need to check the weather forecast before I forget!

    Have a good night all. :flowerforyou:
  • LadyPersia
    LadyPersia Posts: 1,444 Member
    Good morning,

    With all this rain, many areas are flooding in NEPA. Even though my elevation is 2000ft I can't go into town cause all the roads are blocked. Goals for Oct- I am increasing my protein and cutting back on carbs. I moved( walked/run combined) 130 plus miles this month. My goal was 130. Happy about that but not enough strength training. Going to incorporate strength this month.

    Have a great day!
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    :flowerforyou: Good morning, Early Bird LadyPersia.:laugh: Good goals for next month. And congrats on getting in the miles that you wanted. I love strength training. I always walk away feeling so good. Stronger, healthier.

    :flowerforyou: sdereski, probably would be better to follow your doctor's advice. Take it easy and allow your body to heal. I would love a massage.:bigsmile:

    sing, we are really getting the rain also. Broke a record for amount the other day.:grumble: I have also found that carbs make me feel fat.:laugh:

    I was not here yesterday with the exception on logging in for my diary. Very busy day yesterday and today may be a repeat.