help me out!!!

i have reached my limit. 212 lbs. Lets just say that is alot!!! way to much weight im only 5'3.... geez. im loosing this weight.
i will be doing the 30 day shred. and watching what i eat. but i need suggestions on healthy food options im a medical assistant so im on my feet and my days start at 4 and i also have a toddler so i need easy simple foods with little calories.

any suggestions?


  • vbuckley83
    Hey there,

    I too am a medical assistant and have kids so I can relate to the being on your feet and need quick "no thought" meals. I found that doing a shake for breakfast or a protein bar, a frozen lunch and then a light dinner works best. Pre-packaged stuff is great for the day time when you cant figure out serving sizes; makes calorie counting super easy!

    Good Luck on your journey to a healthier lifestyle! :)
  • kmeekhof
    kmeekhof Posts: 456 Member
    Hey there,

    I too am a medical assistant and have kids so I can relate to the being on your feet and need quick "no thought" meals. I found that doing a shake for breakfast or a protein bar, a frozen lunch and then a light dinner works best. Pre-packaged stuff is great for the day time when you cant figure out serving sizes; makes calorie counting super easy!

    Good Luck on your journey to a healthier lifestyle! :)

    Watch out for the sodium in the pre-packaged meals. They are not as "healthy" as they are advertised to be.

    Greek yogurt or a piece of fruit and some almonds for snacks. Protein shake ( you can make your own really quick and multiple ways for variation) for any meal when you are short on time. Cut up veggies and put them all in containers in the fridge as soon as you buy them...this will save you time when preparing meals. Scrambled eggs with peppers and tomatoes in it for breakfast- yum! I usually do 1 whole egg and 2 egg whites. There are a lot of options out there. Good luck.
  • megloewen
    Hi, I am not a medical assistant although I am a student nurse as well as a waitress so I am on my feet alot. I find a good idea for quick dinners and then I use the leftovers for lunch is spaghetti squash. It tastes similar to pasta and you can put pasta sauce, light cheese and maybe some ground turkey/pork(whatever your thing is) and it tastes delicious. Just cut in half, put it on a bowl with a little bit of water face down and zap it in the microwave for 7-9 minutes!

    Take a fork and scrap it and it looks like pasta! Has a lot less calories/carbs/fat then even whole wheat pasta but gives you the feeling your full etc. Now its all i eat! then I just bring the leftovers for lunch and so does my boyfriend because one squash makes alot of 'pasta'.

    Hope this helps a bit!

    Good luck!