
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,098 Member
  • dlfk202000
    dlfk202000 Posts: 3,166 Member
    Allie- I am so sorry to hear about Tracy. Prayers are with all of you. Hugs!!!
  • ginnytez
    ginnytez Posts: 1,389 Member
    Preparing for widowhood-I wasn't referring to the doing things as much as if you have someone with some sort of illness, you practice the solitary nature of life before they are physically gone. To me that was different than just doing things separately at times.

    Allie-Prayers for Tracy and family. Very hard situation.

    Take care all,

    Ginny in Ohio

  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 4,221 Member
    MFP Timeless Tale of Treachery and Treason in a Kingdom Far, Far Away”

    Part 1.

    Our MFP Murder Mystery characters and players so far:

    Fairy Godmother [b/]- Rita (Still doting over the disappearance of her goddaughter, Felicity continues to hope that Cinderella will reappear and everyone will live happily ever after.)
    Jinn ——————-Vicki (Jinn wants to get out of her lamp forever and become human. Perhaps her friendship to Rita is causing some mischief?)
    Dwarf (Herbbette) ———Tracey (Like a sister to Sleeping Beauty, Allie’s dependence on Herbbette is endearing to some an annoying to others.)
    Red’s Gran ———Barbara AHMOD (having escaped from the Wolf, Barbara is plotting something, but what or who will be affected?
    Red ——————-Kylia (Red came to the Ball with her Gran. Unaware that she is plotting something. Red suspects something is wrong, but what?)
    Rapunzel (Princess)————-Machka (Depserate to get out of her tower, this trapped temptress may have more than one offer on the table… the question is which one will she pick?)
    Pixie ——————Rebecca (Pixie is flitting around the Ball everywhere. She is gathering information about each party guest to report back to??)
    Nosey——————Michele (Nosey is walking from one group of guests to another. Not staying in any one place for very long. What’s this? She stops and writes notes in a notebook between each group. For what purpose??)
    Sleeping Beauty——Allie (With hopes of moving out of the bed, this princess hopes to soon be known not as the daughter of an evil queen, but as the wife of prince that is charming.)
    Cinderella ———-Lisa in AR (After being missing for a month, Cinderella shows up at the ball, dirty, tired, and ready to confront her kidnapper(s). She simply wants to rest first, but the Ball has disoriented her.)
    Jasmoor———Heather (Heather thought that Jinn was her friend and would help her through anything. But now, she is questioning this friendship..)
    Belle——Joy (Having tamed the ‘Beast’, Joy is happily going about her life. But no one knows her true motives…)
    Grettel—- Linda (Wandering the woods and destroying the evil witch, Linda is becoming more confident and independent. But will that lead her to her goals?)
    Griselda (Cinderella’s Stepsister)——Rusty (After years of animosity, Griselda has earned Cinderella’s trust and her place in the castle. Now that Cinderella is gone, will Griselda be next to disappear mysteriously?)

    Prince Charming——Terri. (I (Prince Charming) am having second thoughts about looking for a new bride. Cinders is just to difficult to get out of my heart. I wish I knew where she has gone. I’m lying low for a bit 😝)

    “MFP Timeless Tale of Treachery and Treason in a Kingdom Far, Far Away”

    “After the mysterious disappearance of Cinderella, Prince Charming is throwing a fancy dress ball to find a new bride. Some of the kingdom residents question how the prince could move on so quickly, while others are jumping at the chance to earn their spot as the new princess in the castle. No one has seen the Prince since Cinderella disappeared and the rumors are rampant!”

    During the ball, as the dancing and rumors escalate, someone dies in the palace. Who died? Where? When? Why? How long was the victim dead? How did the victim die? What is happening?????

    RVRita (Fairy Godmother) from the Kingdom of Roswell…….

    Part 2:

    The Ball has begun and people are arriving in droves. The entire MFP Women’s 50 plus group have arrived. The band has begun with background quiet music to welcome the guests. The servers are wandering among the guests with low carb, low calorie snacks, water, flavored waters, wine and diet drinks.

    Fairy Godmother stands at the entrance welcoming the guests. Look! Here comes Jinn, Dwarf, Red’s Gran, Red, Rapunzel, Pixie, and Nosey! No one has seen Prince Charming. When will he arrive? The party is for him to choose a new bride. The crowd talks about the missing Cinderella and what they feel the Prince is rushing the search for a new bride.

    The night progresses with more questions as it is near Midnight now, but the Prince has not shown up for his own Ball. Questions are floating among the guests as the band plays on.

    The guest gasps in shock as Sleeping Beauty has just shown up with Cinderella!!

    Prince Charming = Terri. To Fairy Godmother “ (I am having second thoughts about looking for a new bride. Cinders is just too difficult to get out of my heart. I wish I knew where she has gone. I’m lying low for a bit…)

    Fairy Godmother = RVRita To Prince Charming “ I will cover for you until Cinders is found. Please reconsider. Oh, my dear!!!! Cinders is at the door with Sleeping Beauty! I have to see what happened to her!!) {In her mind, she thinks ‘I need to do something more with her! My plan is not working!!}

    Cinderella = Lisa in AR
    Sleeping Beauty = Allie
    Red’s Gran = Barbara AHMOD
    Red === Kylia
    Rapunzel == Machka
    Jasmoor= Heather
    Aladdin == Ginny
    Belle= Joy
    Grettel == Linda
    Hansel == Lanette
    BabaYaga= KJ
    Griselda== Rusty
    Jinn = Vickie
    Dwarf (Herbbette) = Tracey

    PART 3

    Cinderella (AKA Lisa in AR) turns to Sleeping Beauty (AKA Allie) at the door, "Look, SleeBea, I REALLY am not up for this. Look at all these people dressed to the nines!" She gestures to her feet, which are in some seriously dirty white Crocs, with weeds and dirt scattering from the holes. "You know how the Prince feels about shoes, he can't see me in these..." and gesturing to the rest of her tattered, filthy ballgown, with a few shiny bits showing through the dirt here and there, "And I look like I've been rode hard and put away wet." Sleeping Beauty, who's hoping the Prince will finally see her at her best standing next to a bedraggled, less-than-spiffy Cinderella, drags her further into the ballroom. There they bump slap up against the Fairy Godmother, who had been greeting the rest of the guests, but looks completely shocked to see the two of them...

    At the same time, Nosy and Pixie are working around the crowd gathering the gossip and any hints about where or when Prince Charming will appear, and what happened to Cinderella. Pixie is flying around and Nosy is walking around the talking groups. They plan on joining up and sharing what they found out to try to work out what is REALLY happening.

    (Earlier, before the guests started to arrive), I don't know why Fairy God mother is so unaware that Aladdin swung by on his carpet to get is BF Prince C away for awhile so he could think things out. Aladdin thought introducing him so some of Jasmine's friend might help him realize the possibilities he has.

    The Prince thinks: {I was quite pleased with Aladdin sweeping by with his carpet, and helping me to escape from the palace for a while. And then he goes and starts trying to pair me up with Jasmine’s friends. That’s a dead liberty! I’m perfectly capable of making up my own mind.}

    Red is overwhelmed with all the people and conversations going on. She is curious as she notices all the note taking and flitting about. She is ready to jump to help Cinderella get presentable for the ball, but grandma is holding her back.

    Meanwhile, Rapunzel is standing on the stage singing (because we all know she attracts her suitors with her lovely singing voice) and watching everything going on.

    When she sees Cinderella and Sleeping Beauty come in, Rapunzel goes into a rousing rendition of "Do you believe in life after love?" Then Rapunzel slides into "I'm Gonna Wash That Man Right Outa My Hair" and then into a female version of Elvis Presley's - "I'm Moving On" with Grettel showing her stuff on the piano.

    By the time Rapunzel breaks into "I Will Survive", Grettel begins to think something's up.

    BabaYaga has shown up, much to Hansel and Grettel’s dismay. She has brought sweets to pass around to the guests. Nosy and Pixie are right there greeting her, then begin to follow her around.

    Cinderella elbows Sleeping Beauty, and whispers, so the Godmother can't hear, "Are you listening to what Zel's singing? You think she's right? I need to just wash the Prince right out of my hair? I thought he was my destiny, but after this last business, when he didn't even show up to rescue me, I just don't know." Sleeping Beauty looks at her with wild speculation in her eyes. Could Drilly FINALLY be releasing her hooks from the Prince? Or was she just joshing her? Did Sleeping Beauty finally have a chance for her own one true love that didn't just go around waking people up for a living? Human alarm clocks were just sooo 1540s... and annoying.

    In a corner of the ball room, we find the Jinn, BabaYaga, Red’s Gran, Herbbette, and Fairy Godmother with bent heads talking suspiciously.

    Cinderella and Sleeping Beauty make their way through the crowd and up the back stairs to Cinderella’s room to get cleaned up. On their way up, they pass the kitchen to find all the servants bent over looking at……. A dead body!!! Cindy and Sleeping Beauty scream. The piano and singing play on…..

    PART 4[b/]

    Jinn is begining to think being in the bottle is the only safe place while others are missing, but who does she want to keep her company??

    Gretel is sipping some wine when she notices BabaYaga walk in. She suggests to Hansel that since BabaYaga is here, this would be the perfect time to go to her house and eat it. They decide to sneak out the back so Fairy Godmother doesn’t see them. As they pass the kitchen, they notice Cindy, SB, and THE BODY!

    Cindy and SB look down at what is very definitely a dead body, and Sleeping Beauty slaps her hands over eyes and starts screaming. So Cindy started screaming. Then she caught herself, and caught her friend by both shoulders. "Stop it, girl, stop screaming!" She gestured to the body in what looked like a pool of old red wine... "Screaming won't do them any good, now will it!" She turned, and saw Hansel and Gretel peeking at them, googly-eyed, "Go get the Godmother, you two! Someone's been murdered!" Sleeping Beauty, peeking between her fingers, said, "How do you know it's murder?" Cinderella opened her mouth, and as she began to speak, a voice interrupted...

    Cindy and SB look down at what is very definitely a dead body, and Sleeping Beauty slaps her hands over eyes and starts screaming. So Cindy started screaming. Then she caught herself, and caught her friend by both shoulders. "Stop it, girl, stop screaming!" She gestured to the body in what looked like a pool of old red wine... "Screaming won't do them any good, now will it!" She turned, and saw Hansel and Gretel peeking at them, googly-eyed, "Go get the Godmother, you two! Someone's been murdered!" Sleeping Beauty, peeking between her fingers, said, "How do you know it's murder?" Cinderella opened her mouth, and as she began to speak, a voice interrupted...

    At the screams, Jinn retreats to her bottle, Fairy Godmother, pops in by Cinderella, Red’s Gran and Herbette run into the kitchen to see what the fuss is about. BabaYaga takes her time walking to the kitchen to join the others. The rest of the guests begin to croud into the hallway to the kitchen.

    In the kitchen, Sleeping Beauty drags Cindy out of the kitchen and pushes her up the stairs to her room to calm down and clean up. Aladdin has returned with the Prince to everyone’s surprise. They run to the kitchen just in time to spot Cindy and Beauty going up the stairs, but stay to help with the dead body. No one recognizes this body, and Aladdin discovers no visable reason for the person to be dead. Everyone is suspecting Jinn, but Jinn in is the bottle shaking in fear. Pixie and Nosey go to the kitchen with Pixie shinking and flitting around the body to see what she can find out. Nosey is roaming about the croud to see if there are any clues. The Prince makes everyone leave the scene and he covers the body until more can be discovered. The kitchen is now closed with the servents joining the guests in the Ballroom.

    Fairy Godmother who is WHERE??????

    Part 5

    Meanwhile, back at the castle, up in one of the many bedrooms, Sleeping Beauty finishes combing the bits of tree trash out of Cinderella's hair. Cindy is oblivious to the yanks and mild curses, simply smoothing the same gown the Fairy Godmother made her what seemed like a hundred years ago, and saying as much to Sleeping Beauty. "Don't even TALK to me about a hundred years until you've slept that long," said SB. Finishing Cindy's hair with one last yank, she lays the ornate hairbrush on the dresser, and they both head for the door of the room and then down the stairs once more. There, the Prince is just coming out of the kitchen, looking harried and worried.

    "Who is it," Cindy asks, "And what happened?"

    "I don't know," the Prince said, and in a low voice, "But whoever, or whatever, did the killing, they may still be here in the castle." And then, realizing who he's talking to, "And where have you been?"

    On her way to the tower:\
    Zel tied her hair around her waist and sprinted across the drawbridge and down the road, through the wood and into the meadow ... then disappeared from view.

    A few minutes later, she sprinted up the winding stairs to her tower floor.

    Sure enough.

    There stood the old witch herself, Dame Gothel.

    "How did you get out? The door at the bottom is sealed!", screamed the old witch, "Where have you been?"

    "How did you get in?", asked Zel

    "They have created ladders, little girl. I had to go and get a ladder! And now I am going to cut your hair off and close you in this tower forever!

    As Gothel lunged for Zel, a hand reached out, grabbed Zel's hand and pulled her down the stairs and into Zel's secret tunnel.

    Gothel ran after the pair, but lost her footing and tumbled down the stairs before she could see where they had gone.

    The couple popped up in the meadow and ran into the wood, then stopped to catch their breaths behind a tree.

    "Won't everyone be surprised to see YOU!", cried Zel.

    Outside the castle:

    Spotting BabaYaga in the now crowded kitchen, Gretel grabs Hansel and heads for the front door of the castle. At least the dead body has provided a distraction for them to leave to party and look for BabaYaga’s delicious house.
    They push through the large wooden doors into the cool night air. As they are descending the castle steps, they spot a cloaked figure lurking at the bottom of the steps. They tip toe as far as they can along the opposite side of the large stone steps. When they get to the bottom, they turn onto the pathway leading away from the castle and to the main road. Just when they think they are in the clear, a hand harshly grabs Hansel’s shoulder. He yells. Gretel turns to see the cloaked figure grabbing Hansel. She body slams the figure to the ground, pushes back the hood of the cloak to see that it is….

    In the ballroom, the servants, some with trays, some without are mulling around nervously. Suddenly, one of them drops his tray and faints. Coming too, he mumbles that he saw the body fall out of the larder when he went to get more snacks. “The body fell knocking the wine bottle out of my hand and scaring the life out of me!” He didn’t want to say anything but “I was scared they would blame me for the death! I swear I didn’t do it!”
    In the kitchen, before he covered the body, The Prince took a look at the face and recognized the body! He hurriedly put the face back down and covered the body. He is stumped as to what happened to his friend. He orders the servants to lock all the doors and windows and not let anyone else in or out. Too late for Hansel, Gretel, and Zel who are also in trouble now…

    Gothel —Witch
    Shrek—-Friendly Ogre
    Fiona—-Shrek’s Ogre wife
    The Beast—Belle’s partner
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,480 Member
    Did Cathe Hardcore ExtremeDVD. I don’t think I’m going to like it since it seems to be very high impact. Then went for a walk around the neighborhood. Honestly, I’m getting somewhat bored with the same scenery. Gotta think of something else. Maybe it has been opened and I can now walk in the neighboring development.

    Bought some cookie dough (formed cookies) and making them for Vince now. Have a lasagna in the oven for next week and the freezer. Jess just told us that she’ll be here May 2, so I’ll probably take some out of the freezer. Glad I made it.

    Kylia – what would your SIL say if you were to say to her “sure you can. I’ve many times been here with my blind husband and we’ve managed. I’m sure you will do just fine.”

    Rosemarie – that preplanned garden is gorgeous! You’ll do well. Did I tell you that I transplanted a weed (I just thought it was pretty and thought it might grow in one spot that I have). I killed it!

    Rita – I am nowhere as prolific a writer as you gals are! Glad all went well at the doc’s

    Linda – you have me wishing I was back in FL!

    Taking cookies off the cookie sheet. I tell you, I LOVE these silicon mats

    Allie – I’m so very sorry for you, Kyle, and Tracey. Sending big virtual hugs along with prayers.

    Dec – the is ABSOLUTELY the group for you. So many on here have/are dealing with a parent/spouse with dementia. You will get so many ideas of things to do/say/dealing with things while trying to lose weight

    Vicki – I’m so sorry for you about your friend

    Michele NC
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,819 Member
    Allie … hugs and prayers…

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,098 Member
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,479 Member
    edited April 25
    kevrit wrote: »
    MFP Timeless Tale of Treachery and Treason in a Kingdom Far, Far Away”

    Part 1.

    Our MFP Murder Mystery characters and players so far:

    Fairy Godmother [b/]- Rita (Still doting over the disappearance of her goddaughter, Felicity continues to hope that Cinderella will reappear and everyone will live happily ever after.)
    Jinn ——————-Vicki (Jinn wants to get out of her lamp forever and become human. Perhaps her friendship to Rita is causing some mischief?)
    Dwarf (Herbbette) ———Tracey (Like a sister to Sleeping Beauty, Allie’s dependence on Herbbette is endearing to some an annoying to others.)
    Red’s Gran ———Barbara AHMOD (having escaped from the Wolf, Barbara is plotting something, but what or who will be affected?
    Red ——————-Kylia (Red came to the Ball with her Gran. Unaware that she is plotting something. Red suspects something is wrong, but what?)
    Rapunzel (Princess)————-Machka (Depserate to get out of her tower, this trapped temptress may have more than one offer on the table… the question is which one will she pick?)
    Pixie ——————Rebecca (Pixie is flitting around the Ball everywhere. She is gathering information about each party guest to report back to??)
    Nosey——————Michele (Nosey is walking from one group of guests to another. Not staying in any one place for very long. What’s this? She stops and writes notes in a notebook between each group. For what purpose??)
    Sleeping Beauty——Allie (With hopes of moving out of the bed, this princess hopes to soon be known not as the daughter of an evil queen, but as the wife of prince that is charming.)
    Cinderella ———-Lisa in AR (After being missing for a month, Cinderella shows up at the ball, dirty, tired, and ready to confront her kidnapper(s). She simply wants to rest first, but the Ball has disoriented her.)
    Jasmoor———Heather (Heather thought that Jinn was her friend and would help her through anything. But now, she is questioning this friendship..)
    Belle——Joy (Having tamed the ‘Beast’, Joy is happily going about her life. But no one knows her true motives…)
    Grettel—- Linda (Wandering the woods and destroying the evil witch, Linda is becoming more confident and independent. But will that lead her to her goals?)
    Griselda (Cinderella’s Stepsister)——Rusty (After years of animosity, Griselda has earned Cinderella’s trust and her place in the castle. Now that Cinderella is gone, will Griselda be next to disappear mysteriously?)

    Prince Charming——Terri. (I (Prince Charming) am having second thoughts about looking for a new bride. Cinders is just to difficult to get out of my heart. I wish I knew where she has gone. I’m lying low for a bit 😝)

    “MFP Timeless Tale of Treachery and Treason in a Kingdom Far, Far Away”

    “After the mysterious disappearance of Cinderella, Prince Charming is throwing a fancy dress ball to find a new bride. Some of the kingdom residents question how the prince could move on so quickly, while others are jumping at the chance to earn their spot as the new princess in the castle. No one has seen the Prince since Cinderella disappeared and the rumors are rampant!”

    During the ball, as the dancing and rumors escalate, someone dies in the palace. Who died? Where? When? Why? How long was the victim dead? How did the victim die? What is happening?????

    RVRita (Fairy Godmother) from the Kingdom of Roswell…….

    Part 2:

    The Ball has begun and people are arriving in droves. The entire MFP Women’s 50 plus group have arrived. The band has begun with background quiet music to welcome the guests. The servers are wandering among the guests with low carb, low calorie snacks, water, flavored waters, wine and diet drinks.

    Fairy Godmother stands at the entrance welcoming the guests. Look! Here comes Jinn, Dwarf, Red’s Gran, Red, Rapunzel, Pixie, and Nosey! No one has seen Prince Charming. When will he arrive? The party is for him to choose a new bride. The crowd talks about the missing Cinderella and what they feel the Prince is rushing the search for a new bride.

    The night progresses with more questions as it is near Midnight now, but the Prince has not shown up for his own Ball. Questions are floating among the guests as the band plays on.

    The guest gasps in shock as Sleeping Beauty has just shown up with Cinderella!!

    Prince Charming = Terri. To Fairy Godmother “ (I am having second thoughts about looking for a new bride. Cinders is just too difficult to get out of my heart. I wish I knew where she has gone. I’m lying low for a bit…)

    Fairy Godmother = RVRita To Prince Charming “ I will cover for you until Cinders is found. Please reconsider. Oh, my dear!!!! Cinders is at the door with Sleeping Beauty! I have to see what happened to her!!) {In her mind, she thinks ‘I need to do something more with her! My plan is not working!!}

    Cinderella = Lisa in AR
    Sleeping Beauty = Allie
    Red’s Gran = Barbara AHMOD
    Red === Kylia
    Rapunzel == Machka
    Jasmoor= Heather
    Aladdin == Ginny
    Belle= Joy
    Grettel == Linda
    Hansel == Lanette
    BabaYaga= KJ
    Griselda== Rusty
    Jinn = Vickie
    Dwarf (Herbbette) = Tracey

    PART 3

    Cinderella (AKA Lisa in AR) turns to Sleeping Beauty (AKA Allie) at the door, "Look, SleeBea, I REALLY am not up for this. Look at all these people dressed to the nines!" She gestures to her feet, which are in some seriously dirty white Crocs, with weeds and dirt scattering from the holes. "You know how the Prince feels about shoes, he can't see me in these..." and gesturing to the rest of her tattered, filthy ballgown, with a few shiny bits showing through the dirt here and there, "And I look like I've been rode hard and put away wet." Sleeping Beauty, who's hoping the Prince will finally see her at her best standing next to a bedraggled, less-than-spiffy Cinderella, drags her further into the ballroom. There they bump slap up against the Fairy Godmother, who had been greeting the rest of the guests, but looks completely shocked to see the two of them...

    At the same time, Nosy and Pixie are working around the crowd gathering the gossip and any hints about where or when Prince Charming will appear, and what happened to Cinderella. Pixie is flying around and Nosy is walking around the talking groups. They plan on joining up and sharing what they found out to try to work out what is REALLY happening.

    (Earlier, before the guests started to arrive), I don't know why Fairy God mother is so unaware that Aladdin swung by on his carpet to get is BF Prince C away for awhile so he could think things out. Aladdin thought introducing him so some of Jasmine's friend might help him realize the possibilities he has.

    The Prince thinks: {I was quite pleased with Aladdin sweeping by with his carpet, and helping me to escape from the palace for a while. And then he goes and starts trying to pair me up with Jasmine’s friends. That’s a dead liberty! I’m perfectly capable of making up my own mind.}

    Red is overwhelmed with all the people and conversations going on. She is curious as she notices all the note taking and flitting about. She is ready to jump to help Cinderella get presentable for the ball, but grandma is holding her back.

    Meanwhile, Rapunzel is standing on the stage singing (because we all know she attracts her suitors with her lovely singing voice) and watching everything going on.

    When she sees Cinderella and Sleeping Beauty come in, Rapunzel goes into a rousing rendition of "Do you believe in life after love?" Then Rapunzel slides into "I'm Gonna Wash That Man Right Outa My Hair" and then into a female version of Elvis Presley's - "I'm Moving On" with Grettel showing her stuff on the piano.

    By the time Rapunzel breaks into "I Will Survive", Grettel begins to think something's up.

    BabaYaga has shown up, much to Hansel and Grettel’s dismay. She has brought sweets to pass around to the guests. Nosy and Pixie are right there greeting her, then begin to follow her around.

    Cinderella elbows Sleeping Beauty, and whispers, so the Godmother can't hear, "Are you listening to what Zel's singing? You think she's right? I need to just wash the Prince right out of my hair? I thought he was my destiny, but after this last business, when he didn't even show up to rescue me, I just don't know." Sleeping Beauty looks at her with wild speculation in her eyes. Could Drilly FINALLY be releasing her hooks from the Prince? Or was she just joshing her? Did Sleeping Beauty finally have a chance for her own one true love that didn't just go around waking people up for a living? Human alarm clocks were just sooo 1540s... and annoying.

    In a corner of the ball room, we find the Jinn, BabaYaga, Red’s Gran, Herbbette, and Fairy Godmother with bent heads talking suspiciously.

    Cinderella and Sleeping Beauty make their way through the crowd and up the back stairs to Cinderella’s room to get cleaned up. On their way up, they pass the kitchen to find all the servants bent over looking at……. A dead body!!! Cindy and Sleeping Beauty scream. The piano and singing play on…..

    PART 4

    Jinn is begining to think being in the bottle is the only safe place while others are missing, but who does she want to keep her company??

    Gretel is sipping some wine when she notices BabaYaga walk in. She suggests to Hansel that since BabaYaga is here, this would be the perfect time to go to her house and eat it. They decide to sneak out the back so Fairy Godmother doesn’t see them. As they pass the kitchen, they notice Cindy, SB, and THE BODY!

    Cindy and SB look down at what is very definitely a dead body, and Sleeping Beauty slaps her hands over eyes and starts screaming. So Cindy started screaming. Then she caught herself, and caught her friend by both shoulders. "Stop it, girl, stop screaming!" She gestured to the body in what looked like a pool of old red wine... "Screaming won't do them any good, now will it!" She turned, and saw Hansel and Gretel peeking at them, googly-eyed, "Go get the Godmother, you two! Someone's been murdered!" Sleeping Beauty, peeking between her fingers, said, "How do you know it's murder?" Cinderella opened her mouth, and as she began to speak, a voice interrupted...

    Cindy and SB look down at what is very definitely a dead body, and Sleeping Beauty slaps her hands over eyes and starts screaming. So Cindy started screaming. Then she caught herself, and caught her friend by both shoulders. "Stop it, girl, stop screaming!" She gestured to the body in what looked like a pool of old red wine... "Screaming won't do them any good, now will it!" She turned, and saw Hansel and Gretel peeking at them, googly-eyed, "Go get the Godmother, you two! Someone's been murdered!" Sleeping Beauty, peeking between her fingers, said, "How do you know it's murder?" Cinderella opened her mouth, and as she began to speak, a voice interrupted...

    At the screams, Jinn retreats to her bottle, Fairy Godmother, pops in by Cinderella, Red’s Gran and Herbette run into the kitchen to see what the fuss is about. BabaYaga takes her time walking to the kitchen to join the others. The rest of the guests begin to croud into the hallway to the kitchen.

    In the kitchen, Sleeping Beauty drags Cindy out of the kitchen and pushes her up the stairs to her room to calm down and clean up. Aladdin has returned with the Prince to everyone’s surprise. They run to the kitchen just in time to spot Cindy and Beauty going up the stairs, but stay to help with the dead body. No one recognizes this body, and Aladdin discovers no visable reason for the person to be dead. Everyone is suspecting Jinn, but Jinn in is the bottle shaking in fear. Pixie and Nosey go to the kitchen with Pixie shinking and flitting around the body to see what she can find out. Nosey is roaming about the croud to see if there are any clues. The Prince makes everyone leave the scene and he covers the body until more can be discovered. The kitchen is now closed with the servents joining the guests in the Ballroom.

    Fairy Godmother who is WHERE??????

    Part 5

    Meanwhile, back at the castle, up in one of the many bedrooms, Sleeping Beauty finishes combing the bits of tree trash out of Cinderella's hair. Cindy is oblivious to the yanks and mild curses, simply smoothing the same gown the Fairy Godmother made her what seemed like a hundred years ago, and saying as much to Sleeping Beauty. "Don't even TALK to me about a hundred years until you've slept that long," said SB. Finishing Cindy's hair with one last yank, she lays the ornate hairbrush on the dresser, and they both head for the door of the room and then down the stairs once more. There, the Prince is just coming out of the kitchen, looking harried and worried.

    "Who is it," Cindy asks, "And what happened?"

    "I don't know," the Prince said, and in a low voice, "But whoever, or whatever, did the killing, they may still be here in the castle." And then, realizing who he's talking to, "And where have you been?"

    Zel and Gretel have taken a break from the stage and passed the singing onto Pixie (Rebecca). Pixie, has taken a break from gathering information and has opted to watch the crowd from the stage while entertaining them with a popular selection of opera favourites.

    Zel slips over to Griselda (Rusty), and asks her if she knows where Cindy was and why she looks so dirty. Why did Cindy look like she had been digging? Griselda notices that Zel seems quite edgy ... almost nervous.

    "She better not have been digging around my tower", mutters Zel as she moves off to try to find Fairy Godmother who doesn't appear to be in the ballroom.

    "Everyone is disappearing around here!" complains Zel. "Who would know what Cindy was up to? Pixie? She's singing. Oh, maybe Nosey (Michele). Nosey seems to know everything."

    Zel rushes up and grabs Nosey by the shoulder, "Nosey ... you must know what's going on. What happened to Cindy? Where was she?"

    Nosey shakes her (his?) head to indicate she (he?) doesn't know then says, "But someone saw a light on in your tower window this evening while you were here. Did you leave the light on?"

    Zel looked horrified for a moment and then ran out of the ballroom.

    On her way to the tower:\
    Zel tied her hair around her waist and sprinted across the drawbridge and down the road, through the wood and into the meadow ... then disappeared from view.

    A few minutes later, she sprinted up the winding stairs to her tower floor.

    Sure enough.

    There stood the old witch herself, Dame Gothel.

    "How did you get out? The door at the bottom is sealed!", screamed the old witch, "Where have you been?"

    "How did you get in?", asked Zel

    "They have created ladders, little girl. I had to go and get a ladder! And now I am going to cut your hair off and close you in this tower forever!

    As Gothel lunged for Zel, a hand reached out, grabbed Zel's hand and pulled her down the stairs and into Zel's secret tunnel.

    Gothel ran after the pair, but lost her footing and tumbled down the stairs before she could see where they had gone.

    The couple popped up in the meadow and ran into the wood, then stopped to catch their breaths behind a tree.

    "Won't everyone be surprised to see YOU!", cried Zel.

    Outside the castle:

    Spotting BabaYaga in the now crowded kitchen, Gretel grabs Hansel and heads for the front door of the castle. At least the dead body has provided a distraction for them to leave to party and look for BabaYaga’s delicious house.
    They push through the large wooden doors into the cool night air. As they are descending the castle steps, they spot a cloaked figure lurking at the bottom of the steps. They tip toe as far as they can along the opposite side of the large stone steps. When they get to the bottom, they turn onto the pathway leading away from the castle and to the main road. Just when they think they are in the clear, a hand harshly grabs Hansel’s shoulder. He yells. Gretel turns to see the cloaked figure grabbing Hansel. She body slams the figure to the ground, pushes back the hood of the cloak to see that it is….

    In the ballroom, the servants, some with trays, some without are mulling around nervously. Suddenly, one of them drops his tray and faints. Coming too, he mumbles that he saw the body fall out of the larder when he went to get more snacks. “The body fell knocking the wine bottle out of my hand and scaring the life out of me!” He didn’t want to say anything but “I was scared they would blame me for the death! I swear I didn’t do it!”
    In the kitchen, before he covered the body, The Prince took a look at the face and recognized the body! He hurriedly put the face back down and covered the body. He is stumped as to what happened to his friend. He orders the servants to lock all the doors and windows and not let anyone else in or out. Too late for Hansel, Gretel, and Zel who are also in trouble now…

    Gothel —Witch
    Shrek—-Friendly Ogre
    Fiona—-Shrek’s Ogre wife
    The Beast—Belle’s partner

    Added a missed bit. :)

  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,998 Member
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,621 Member
    edited April 25
    Last night was a bit of a revelation! :o
    My old earbuds didn't fit my ears well, fell out, and kept their charge for no time at all. If I wasn't going out of the house, it was more trouble than not, to use them. Basically, they were a pain.
    I'm someone who is used to soldiering on with sub-par things, blaming myself for their poor performance. I also don't like spending money that I don't need to. But, I'm changing. If something is irritating me, then I feel more empowered to change it. So I reluctantly, guiltily, looked for new earbuds and was amazed to see how cheap they were! The price of a takeaway pizza!
    Mine arrived yesterday evening. All charged up and ready to go. Oh my! I hadn't realised how bad the sound quality was on my, more expensive, old ones. These opened up a whole new world. I truly was stunned and couldn't stop listening.
    I still haven't mastered the tapping business, but I can practice.
    They are cheap. They probably won't last long. But, for now, I'm happy.

    I'm looking forward to seeing the kids today. I saw Edie three times over the holidays (though never enough!) Max twice, but Bea not at all. It will be an expensive time of day for an Uber, but needs must. I can't book a regular taxi because I don't know what time they will get back to the house. John is going to text me when they exit the park.
    John will have to have a discussion with Max about their hat expedition. :p

    My bag inner organiser is arriving this morning, so I will take my revived bag with me. It feels as if I have brought something back from exile and near death. I've ordered some cream to keep the real leather nourished. It's a lovely bag, (cost a lot) but heavy and bulky. Now I go everywhere in a car, it's fine.

    Puttanesca for dinner as that's really quick for when we get back. I will put extra chilli slices on mine. We use wholegrain spelt spaghetti. Love it.

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxxx