Calorie/macro counting

Hiiii everyone!! This might be a useless question but while logging should I log ground chia and ground flax that I’m putting in my morning water? I have issues with regularity :/ (sorry too much info) hence using this now to see if will work! Point is lol should I log this I’m not taking the full amount of 2 tbps spoons each since would be 150calories and want to start off small

Best Answers

  • AmunahSki
    AmunahSki Posts: 111 Member
    edited May 6 Answer ✓
    I think the two most recommended weight trend apps on MFP are Happy Scale and Libra Weight Manager - both have free version you can try.

    I subscribed to lifetime deluxe membership of Happy Scale as I think it’s great, and I wanted to contribute to the upkeep of the app. I love the data it provides, which helps me to keep perspective through the ups and downs:

    IOS also has the free Health app, which can give you a pretty basic weight trend:


    NCGOALIEMOM Posts: 80 Member
    Yes they are a fat and a protein macro
  • Retroguy2000
    Retroguy2000 Posts: 1,538 Member
    Hiiii everyone!!I’m not taking the full amount of 2 tbps spoons each since would be 150calories and want to start off small
    Of course you should track it. It's not called Most Calories In Calories Out. If you take 2/3rds of that daily, that's 700 per week, equivalent to 0.2 pounds of potential fat loss weekly. That 100 calories might be 5% of your recommended daily calorie intake.
  • glassyo
    glassyo Posts: 7,633 Member
    Not even just for the calories. With your issue, you're probably tracki g fiber, which they add to.

    So, yes, log them.
  • nadia22f1818
    nadia22f1818 Posts: 18 Member
    Thank for that also @Strudders67 I was out of control this morning and even this afternoon I had the urge to eat chips and chocolate.. I just really wanna do this right :)
  • nadia22f1818
    nadia22f1818 Posts: 18 Member
    @sollyn23l2 yes pretty sure ur right! I was dizzy a lot and when I’d look up would spin I do have vertigo but could’ve been not eating enough so I upped it’s yesterday to
    1200 calories
    Net Carbs 105 g
    Protein 90 g
    Fat 47 g

    I really don’t want to go threw what I did yesterday .. 😒
  • neanderthin
    neanderthin Posts: 10,002 Member
    edited April 30
    Not really much point adding traffic to a traffic jam, try removing some fiber, or most of it and see what happens.
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 27,986 Member
    Hiiii everyone!! This might be a useless question but while logging should I log ground chia and ground flax that I’m putting in my morning water? I have issues with regularity :/ (sorry too much info) hence using this now to see if will work! Point is lol should I log this I’m not taking the full amount of 2 tbps spoons each since would be 150calories and want to start off small

    How much chia and flax are you taking? Run a report on fiber - over the past month, what are you actually hitting compared to the fiber goal in MFP?

    While fiber can indeed help with constipation, too much can be counterproductive. A serving of whole chia seeds for me is 8 grams = 3/4 tablespoon, which gives me 3 g of fiber. I soak the whole seeds in water before adding to other foods.

    Are you drinking enough water? Now that it is gardening season, I am struggling to find the right amount of extra water to drink to avoid constipation when gardening 2-3 hours per day. I've ADDED 24 oz and still struggle with constipation.

    Fat is also important to prevent constipation - I get plenty of that - how about you?
  • nadia22f1818
    nadia22f1818 Posts: 18 Member
    @kshama2001 I just started taking chia and flax in ground form and I’m only taking 1.87 grams of each, the serving is 15 grams each I wanted to start off slow and see if would help with being regular and just checked my last weeks and I’d say I average 26-35 grams of fiber daily.. MFP had put 25, I upped to 30grams … I drink a lot of warm water in morning around 1000ml and after breakfast another 250ml then during the day maybe 500ml and at night another 500ml of warm water .. I take seed pro/prebiotic , even tried eating 1-2 dates in morning and nothing seems to work 🫤 it’s so frustrating and as for fat I’m always on for it .. was 42 grams now it’s 47grams daily
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 27,986 Member
    @kshama2001 I just started taking chia and flax in ground form and I’m only taking 1.87 grams of each, the serving is 15 grams each I wanted to start off slow and see if would help with being regular and just checked my last weeks and I’d say I average 26-35 grams of fiber daily.. MFP had put 25, I upped to 30grams … I drink a lot of warm water in morning around 1000ml and after breakfast another 250ml then during the day maybe 500ml and at night another 500ml of warm water .. I take seed pro/prebiotic , even tried eating 1-2 dates in morning and nothing seems to work 🫤 it’s so frustrating and as for fat I’m always on for it .. was 42 grams now it’s 47grams daily

    Thanks for adding your water intake.

    Sounds like you are doing everything right for constipation. At this point, I'm going to suggest you discuss with your doctor.
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,660 Member
    As an aside, @nadia22f1818, that was not TMI. (We talk about constipation and similar stuff here often: It's just part of the territory.)

    Also, it wasn't a dumb question, either. The only dumb questions are ones people don't ask, that end up being stumbling blocks for them. Sure, the occasional person here might make a joking or even snarky reply, but the majority of us just want to see others succeed in their healthy goals. (Even some of the jokes/snark have a well-intended point, and that's a communication style that oddly works for some questioners. 🤷)

    At 120-121 trying to get to 110, your best bet would be slow loss, like half a pound a week, tops. Yes, that requires patience. But it's also less likely to trigger that uncontrollable "chips and chocolate" urge, cause fatigue that reduces movement so makes a person burn fewer calories, or trigger additional amounts of stress-related water retention that can cause stalls on the scale even though it's not failure to lose body fat.

    You might get some good from this, especially the article linked in the first post, if you haven't read it already:

    Going to at least 1200 calories was a good move. See how that works out; more might even be more effective, depending on your lifestyle.

    Best wishes!
  • nadia22f1818
    nadia22f1818 Posts: 18 Member
    @AnnPT77 thank you so much for ur info and basically all that u said :) I’m new to this and just get so mixed up and confused … some say this some say that and it’s just like wow am I doing it wrong or not and at the end I guess gotta see all options and see what works best for me and yes some make “snark” remarks and it’s like ok I’m just asking obvi I don’t know right 🤷🏻‍♀️ and I’ve been stuck at same weight for past 1 month or so and it’s discouraging me a lot and comments like yours give me some positivity… truly appreciate it!! Have a great week to come 🙂
  • PAV8888
    PAV8888 Posts: 13,847 Member
    You ARE using a weight trend app, right?
  • nadia22f1818
    nadia22f1818 Posts: 18 Member
    @lynn_glenmont exactly right ?! It’s normal and that’s why I try so much to be regular but it’s out of my hands , I’ve tried high fiber & low fiber , warm water, chia soaked , probiotics , minerals etc and unfortunately I’m only good when I take cascara with mag citrate and I reaaaalllyyyt don’t want too since it’s not good to take daily and rely on those pills for being regular
  • nadia22f1818
    nadia22f1818 Posts: 18 Member
    @PAV8888 ummmm no 😳 I’m only using this app by entering my weight myself daily? Any good ones u can suggest me pls ?