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Gym or Home

lisakatz2 Posts: 245 Member
Do you prefer to work out at home, or in a gym?

I'm currently working out at home (going for brisk walks daily, exercising with fitness bands). I'd like to join a gym eventually. I find it more motivating. I find working out at home more challenging because I work full-time at a fairly stressful job and find it easy to head to bed to rest before dinner (my hubs does the cooking).


  • springlering62
    springlering62 Posts: 7,704 Member
    edited May 6
    It’s whatever gets you off your bottom.

    I prefer a gym or yoga studio setting, because I can’t slack. There’s also an annoying silent part of me that wants to be the hardest working person in the room. I don’t get that at home.

    If I were to rely on home workouts, they might never get off the ground. Too many reasons to make excuses, too many other distractions vying for my attention.

    However, OTOH, I take a lot of solo walks with the dog and earbuds.

    During the pandemic lockdown, I did make myself do zoom classes. But, they were still group classes with favorite instructors and familiar classmates. And when I travel, I download some of my daughter’s yoga classes to do.

    But again, whatever works for you and gets you moving is the very best plan of all for you.
  • rileysowner
    rileysowner Posts: 8,188 Member
    I prefer home. I started out working out at home a long time ago. Then I got a gym membership. It was nice to have the extra equipment, but in the long run I realized two things. First, for what I was paying for a gym membership I could put together all I needed for my workout and never have to pay a membership fee again. Second, that I was like most people in that I didn't really make true use of my membership so it was wasted money. I would much rather that through those times where I stop working out that I was not paying for it. I am also by nature more introverted, so the abundance of people, especially when my social energy was low having people around was not motivating.
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,558 Member
    I prefer to work out in a rowing shell on the river (at a rowing club), or on a bike on the trail system.

    When I can't do that (serious Winters here), I mostly work out at home.

    I don't have anything against gyms. It's more about going certain places to do certain activities. Obvious example: I don't have a pool, so if I want to swim, I'm going to the Y. I've taken group classes (spin, strength training, yoga, etc.) in the past, and enjoyed that. I've done weight workouts at the Y for various reasons, even though I have some weights at home.

    In Winter, I do like having the basic equipment at home to do the kinds of workouts most important to me, just as a convenience thing. (For one thing, I often choose to work out in the evening when my Y is already closed.) I have a rowing machine (bought in about 2004), a stationary bike (bought during the pandemic to replace my former twice-weekly spin classes), some weights, and other small stuff. I use the rower/bike routinely in Winter, weights somewhat less.

  • sollyn23l2
    sollyn23l2 Posts: 1,649 Member
    I'm a home workout person. Used to love the gym, but then found I just couldn't convince myself to go. So I started doing it at home.
  • MargaretYakoda
    MargaretYakoda Posts: 2,686 Member
    Back in the days when I was going to the gym I admit I enjoyed it.
    But, small town life being what it is, the gym was only open a limited number of hours. And not on Sunday.

    I’m a night owl. I’d feel like going to the gym and look at the clock and realize that by the time I got there I would have maybe 45 minutes to exercise.
    And all their group classes will mostly full up, and scheduled for 8 or 9 in the morning.

    Disability has made it even harder, as most of the machines in the gym are now not appropriate for me or my husband.

    Bought a NuStep at the beginning of the pandemic. It’s in our living room. I can exercise whenever I want. Best choice I ever made, health wise.
    I prefer a gym or yoga studio setting, because I can’t slack. There’s also an annoying silent part of me that wants to be the hardest working person in the room. I don’t get that at home.
    My NuStep has a “pace partner” setting where you are accompanied around the digital track by a little red dot. And for some reason it really ticks me off if I let that sucker get ahead of me.
    It’s just a red dot! But I absolutely can’t stand to see it “winning”