im new

hi everyone i got recommended this site and so far im loving it, im new so please add me as a friend, i have 4 children the eldest being 6 then 5, 3 and the youngest 3 and a half months so it hasn't been easy to lose the weight but im determined to give this a good go, anyway thanks for listening :)


  • mrblaze211
    Add me if you would like
  • suavequeen
    suavequeen Posts: 273 Member
    Sending a request now... I love having new friends!
  • tbkelly6
    If you have cable go to the fitness on demand channel, it helps when you have a 6 minute break to get up on a workout and go for it. You can do it!!!! I put reminders in my phone so that I make sure that I work out at least four times a day and that they are intervals. Whatever else I do is icing on the cake! I have four kids too and I know how hard it is to get things done and my eldest is five, the next is 4, then 2 then 11 months. I schedule their naps as well so that I can get the things that I need to get done accomplished and they workout with me. To them its play time. I run sprints with them and to them it's racing with mommy. You can do this, you are worth it! We make time for anything else, why not your body?