How do you stop boredom eating?

I think my BIGGEST problems are not getting enough exercise and the fact that I eat when I'm bored! Unfortunately, due to some different things going on with my job right now...I'm in a desk job with not a lot of things to do except eat! EEK!

How can I control my boredom cravings and eating habits?


  • Do something else! At work when you feel like munching stand up and stretch or go get some water and walk the long way back to the office. I don't know what your day is like or the kind of work you do so I don't know if when you get the urge to eat of you can log in here to MFP and post instead of munch.
  • jgic2009
    jgic2009 Posts: 531 Member
    Don't get bored! :laugh:

    I am the same way when I get home from work, so I just have to find things to keep myself busy. Flipping through a magazine, painting my nails, cleaning, playing games on my phone, etc. all help keep me out of the pantry after dinner.
  • ladyphoto
    ladyphoto Posts: 192 Member
    Yes I do the same thing- but not until the late evening usually. For me, a good trick has been to make hot tea and sip it. I can have two or three mugs of it- no problem and it keeps my mouth busy- and not with bad food.
  • When I get bored I make myself a big cup of ice water and much on the ice. Helps me get my 8 glasses a day too and I don't feel like eating afterwards
  • SCR56
    SCR56 Posts: 64 Member
    I find keeping my hands or mind busy stops me from munching. I taught myself how to crochet, so when sitting there watching a movie I don't want to eat. And I make cute scarves and hats and can use them as presents for people. I also love playing bejeweled or any other mindless game to keep me from eating.
  • mjshmily
    mjshmily Posts: 137 Member
    I have the same issue at work. Munching through the day.

    I've changed WHAT I munch on. No more cookies or crackers-i have a bag of caramel flavoured mini rice cakes here and I eat 11 of them so I can log the right amount :-) I keep loads of little diet yogurts as they really fill me up (though I have found when you forget your spoon and have to eat them with a stir stick they last way longer!!) Celery with a yogurt dip, chopped fruit. cucumber slices...lots of options!

    I can't keep stuff like cookies or boxes of those 100 cal portioned treats. Or I would just eat them all. The snacks I keep in my office all have to be non binge eating stuff. I have several emergency cans of tuna for when I am starving and ate all my lunch. THAT fills you up too.

    It isn't the snacking that is so bad-it's just what you snack on. Between that and reading through the forums here that should alleviate bad boredom munchies at work :tongue:
  • ojell
    ojell Posts: 748 Member
    I have the same issue at work. Munching through the day.

    I've changed WHAT I munch on. No more cookies or crackers-i have a bag of caramel flavoured mini rice cakes here and I eat 11 of them so I can log the right amount :-) I keep loads of little diet yogurts as they really fill me up (though I have found when you forget your spoon and have to eat them with a stir stick they last way longer!!) Celery with a yogurt dip, chopped fruit. cucumber slices...lots of options!

    I can't keep stuff like cookies or boxes of those 100 cal portioned treats. Or I would just eat them all. The snacks I keep in my office all have to be non binge eating stuff. I have several emergency cans of tuna for when I am starving and ate all my lunch. THAT fills you up too.

    It isn't the snacking that is so bad-it's just what you snack on. Between that and reading through the forums here that should alleviate bad boredom munchies at work :tongue:

    This sounds great!

    Yea...I think work is where I have the most problems with wanting to just eat all day...and I mean I can be FULL and STILL want to eat something. It's like I'm just looking for some other kind of fulfillment. You know? Ugh! hehe

    Thanks for the advice everyone!