Looking for Motivation and Advise


I go by Kiki ;D I have been a member of MFP for quite a while but I have never logged in until recently. I would workout and log for about a week at a time then stop for about 2 months. This time I plan to stay focused, I had no idea how much this site had to offer and I'm really excited about it. I have been married for a year now and I have put 20 lbs on in that year, but before the wedding due to stress and vacationing to relieve the stress (hahah right) I gained about 30 lbs, needless to say this is adding up and I need to shake it off...PRONTO!!! also my DOC has diagnosed me with 'boarderline diabetes' which I'm starting to believe is a nice way of saying 'your getting obese, and you need to lose weight' however she did not put me on any restrictions, only prescribed me Metforim, which makes me sick and I take inconsistantly. I do have some concerns, as I want to start a family but I think my weight may get in the way of it. I'm have a lot of muscule, so I don't look like I weigh 200 lbs. My goal weight is 155, so any advise is welcome. I plan to cut carbs so anyone with any recommendations on how to eat successul while working out that would be great!! For the past week I have been doing better, but I think with motivation I would be more consistant.

Can't wait to be sharing my success story!!


  • AliceRabbit13
    AliceRabbit13 Posts: 138 Member
    I also had no idea what this site could offer. I'm here to help and cheer and hopefully get the same :) Friend me if you'd like.
  • Staying motivated is the hardest part. My husband and I are doing this together. We both have health issues. I have arthritis and a chronic pain disorder. He has Chronic kidney disease and diabetes. My husband is on dialysis and has loss 100 lbs since May (mostly excess fluid from the CKD). I have lost 35 lbs since April. Checking inhere everyday has helped me tremendously!! My ultimate goal is to get back to 165! I haven't seen that since 1983!!!!! I wish you luck and know you can do it!!!!!!!
  • Do you have an iphone or android? They have an awesome MFP application and you can scan barcodes that will automatically plug in calories for you!!! It makes it easier sometimes on the go!!!
  • HugznKiki
    HugznKiki Posts: 170 Member
    I do, and I have had the app uploaded on my phone for a while, but leave it to me to just now figure out that there is a bar code scanning option smh ;D
  • :D I haven't used that feature yet either. ;)

    We are all in this together. You can do it!