LESS Alcohol ~ MAY 2024 ~ One Day at A Time



  • lmlmrn
    lmlmrn Posts: 788 Member
    Took me a bit to catch up! The changes everyone is making to feel better is amazing. I can say I am leaning more towards the few that don't have the hard pull of alcohol. It is still in the background but not a scream more of a 'hey you'.

    I have been working on finding other ways to use my time other than an evening of sipping I am painting. Now I have all these mandala's (large and small) to do something with. I have given away all my small circle of acquaintances. I don't think I can push anymore their way.

    I will pop back in again in the near future. Please keep up the great work xxoo
  • Michieb125
    Michieb125 Posts: 685 Member
    Went to barre class with a friend this morning and will head out to work in the garden this afternoon.
    Logging AF tonight as I have an early morning zoom call tomorrow! Good excuse but helps me with a sound decision.

    May goals: 18 AF days / 58% LA
    Accountability log:
    AF - 8
    A - 7
    LA - 6
  • tmbg1
    tmbg1 Posts: 1,418 Member
    11 - AF
    7 - A
    3 - LA
  • zensome
    zensome Posts: 104 Member
    10 AF
    7 LA
    4 A
  • tmbg1
    tmbg1 Posts: 1,418 Member
    12 - AF
    7 - A
    3 - LA
  • Womona
    Womona Posts: 1,710 Member
    AF = 16
    A = 5

    Visited MIL last night at the hospital. She seems to be doing a little better which is encouraging, but she still has so far to go. Fortunately, she doesn’t qualify for a long-term care facility, so she’ll go back to the rehab facility when she is able to be released from the hospital. From the sounds of it, they may be hoping to move her by next week. But, she has a few hurdles to overcome first before my husband consents to her being moved.

    Speaking of my husband, he was diagnosed with prostate cancer, and he is being referred for either radiation and/or prostatectomy. Appointments are next week, so we’ll have a better idea of what to expect then.

    I’m trying to find an exercise routine that will fit into my going back to work, supporting hubby and MIL, and taking care of my kids. All I can say is, “God, help me!” I am down 1.6 lbs this week. So, I’ll get some more scrapbooking funds as part of my reward. I haven’t gotten last week’s reward yet… not sure hubby is really on board with the reward system🙁. Oh well… I’ll keep harassing him.

    Sorry to hear about your husband’s diagnosis, but luckily it’s a slow growing cancer. Still scary though! Hope your MIL can get to where she needs to be so she can go back to rehab. Congrats on the weight loss!!
  • Womona
    Womona Posts: 1,710 Member
    Only one glass of wine last night, and one glass of my low alcohol wine tonight, which is basically half a glass. That’s my low alcohol!!!! I’ll take it.

    Ugh I lost my tennis match yesterday, but it was soooo close! It was really anyone’s game. At least we didn’t get smoked.
  • SparkSpringtime69
    SparkSpringtime69 Posts: 1,111 Member
    AF: 9
    A: 13
  • Michieb125
    Michieb125 Posts: 685 Member
    Had a long day yesterday! Went to my grandkids little graduation ceremony to celebrate them moving up grades, had three phone calls with my different volunteer groups, then ran around looking at bark and rock for the backyard before hitting up Costco in the late afternoon.

    I was like IDGAD at 6:00 pm and decided to have pizza, wine and a movie with DH! It was nice even though mid-week.

    Had 2 small glasses of Josh Rose (under 5 oz each - 11%) and a glass of another 1 1/2 of glasses of 7% low calorie wine. That was way more than I’ve been drinking and eating lately and shocked at the calories too - dang!!
    Today is a new day!

    Planned AF tonight! I reserved a place in the 13-station circuit training for tomorrow morning. That will be a challenge enough!

    May goals: 18 AF days / 58% LA
    Looking ahead, I will be coming in closer to 14 AF days for May which is a little improvement from April.

    Accountability log:
    AF - 8
    A - 9
    LA - 6 (low cal wine or less than 8 oz)
  • chicbuc
    chicbuc Posts: 556 Member
    Just checking in...everyone have a lovely holiday weekend! Going to try to get the over on the AF over the next few days...lol

    AF = 9
    A = 13
  • NonnieDoiron
    NonnieDoiron Posts: 273 Member
    AF = 18
    A = 5

    No wine last night or tonight. I’m sick… head cold. 🥴
  • SparkSpringtime69
    SparkSpringtime69 Posts: 1,111 Member
    AF: 10
    A: 13
  • SparkSpringtime69
    SparkSpringtime69 Posts: 1,111 Member
    @NonnieDoiron sorry to hear you're sick - I hope you recover quickly, hugs.
  • Womona
    Womona Posts: 1,710 Member
    @SparkSpringtime69 amazing how many calories are in pizza! Hope you enjoyed your workout and NA beer!

    @NonnieDoiron sorry to hear you are sick. Feel better!

    Tennis match this morning, golf this afternoon, errands in between. Wine night was the less alcohol wine, and I didn’t have a glass of it when I came home, so that is a win for me! I need to be very mindful of the food and drink this weekend- win the weekend (food wise and alcohol consumption), win the week.
  • Michieb125
    Michieb125 Posts: 685 Member
    Happy Memorial Day weekend to my LA friends!
    Yesterday, I followed through on my AF night which was a win for me. Scale is back up from a couple of days ago, likely from my own high sodium pizza and wine night on Wednesday and bits of sweets here and there this past week. Planning lots of water and activities for the weekend.

    @Womona good luck at your tennis match and have fun at your golf game!

    Off to the gym for a circuit training class - will see if I can survive this!

    Be kind to yourselves today!

    Accountability log including today:

    AF - 9
    A - 9
    LA - 6
  • itladyee
    itladyee Posts: 4,844 Member
    Back for May!
    Goals for May
    Mostly Dry (no more than 4 days (ie: 1 day per weekend)
    Exceptions & Stats
    5/5 ~ Cinco De Mayo ~ My husband already has margarita's planned.
    5/26 ~ Birthday party at a baseball game.

    Month Stats
    Current Streak - AF = 0
    Longest Streak 2024 - AF = 16

    5/18 - 5/24 = A
    A = 16
    AF = 8

    Boy, has it been a tough month. I've been focusing on AF vs. LA, and that's not working—and not for any reason or excuse that I can think of. Just keeping it real.💯 I've noticed others have added a LA category, I will join them next month in my reporting.


    Speaking of my husband, he was diagnosed with prostate cancer, and he is being referred for either radiation and/or prostatectomy. Appointments are next week, so we’ll have a better idea of what to expect then.

    Sorry to hear about your husband. My husband was diagnosed in 2020 (right in the middle of Covid). He opted for radiation. Please be sure to read and learn about ALL your options and look into life after treatment. 🙏🏽🙏🏽

  • Womona
    Womona Posts: 1,710 Member
    Hope you all have a safe and enjoyable Memorial Day weekend as we remember all of our fallen heroes.

    We lost our tennis match, which is a bummer, just a lot of errors on our part. My partner was having an off day and she kept apologizing, but honestly, no need, we all have off days!!!! We went for a quick drink afterwards.

    Then hubby and I played 9 holes- and he didn’t book a cart! Ugh dude, I played tennis for two hours in the hot sun! Why are we walking??? Grrr. So dinner and one glass of wine.

    I didn’t go over my alcohol limit, ate two salads with protein plus half a burger and some nuts…. And the freaking scale didn’t move! I must have burned 600 calories yesterday, and nothing. So frustrating.