Diet Coke Addiction

I thought about posting this in nutrition but since there is no value in diet coke, I thought better of it.

I sincerely believe I am addicted to diet coke. I also am quite sure it is a major contributing factor to eating bad foods. I've read about the conection between artificial sweetners and the brain craving actual sweets and that may be part of it but also, it's one of my comfort food companions. Pizza, spaghetti, any form of junk food, pretty much anything with a high GI must be eaten with diet coke. There are days when 100% of my hydration comes from diet coke. I also think it's making my skin look icky, just tired.

I have started drinking more water and everyday I try not to drink diet coke, though I always end up with a killer headache and cave. I've tried tea to compensate for the caffiene, no luck. I don't like coffee.

Have any of you had this experience? Any tips on how to break this habit?



  • aymie24
    aymie24 Posts: 227
    I thought about posting this in nutrition but since there is no value in diet coke, I thought better of it.

    I sincerely believe I am addicted to diet coke. I also am quite sure it is a major contributing factor to eating bad foods. I've read about the conection between artificial sweetners and the brain craving actual sweets and that may be part of it but also, it's one of my comfort food companions. Pizza, spaghetti, any form of junk food, pretty much anything with a high GI must be eaten with diet coke. There are days when 100% of my hydration comes from diet coke. I also think it's making my skin look icky, just tired.

    I have started drinking more water and everyday I try not to drink diet coke, though I always end up with a killer headache and cave. I've tried tea to compensate for the caffiene, no luck. I don't like coffee.

    Have any of you had this experience? Any tips on how to break this habit?

  • Dave198lbs
    Dave198lbs Posts: 8,810 Member
    I thought about posting this in nutrition but since there is no value in diet coke, I thought better of it.

    I sincerely believe I am addicted to diet coke. I also am quite sure it is a major contributing factor to eating bad foods. I've read about the conection between artificial sweetners and the brain craving actual sweets and that may be part of it but also, it's one of my comfort food companions. Pizza, spaghetti, any form of junk food, pretty much anything with a high GI must be eaten with diet coke. There are days when 100% of my hydration comes from diet coke. I also think it's making my skin look icky, just tired.

    I have started drinking more water and everyday I try not to drink diet coke, though I always end up with a killer headache and cave. I've tried tea to compensate for the caffiene, no luck. I don't like coffee.

    Have any of you had this experience? Any tips on how to break this habit?


    cold turkey and aspirin.....quit the soda, take aspirin for the withdrawal,,,,,you will be totally amazed how much better you feel and how much more energy you will have when you quit giving that crap to your takes 4-7 days to get over it and then it gets better..
    good luck
  • flcaoh
    flcaoh Posts: 444
    I had a best friend in the Army that was addicted to Diet Coke. He went craaaazy when he didn't have it. I read an article a while back about Diet Coke being an actual serious addiction... so you're not alone. I don't remember where I read the article, but I am sure you can find plenty of info on it if you google it.

    As far as advice, I don't like colas... so I can't really give any :) But good luck!
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
  • nickelmel
    nickelmel Posts: 87
    I totally get what you mean. I have a serious Diet Dr. Pepper addiction but I will only have a small glass at night if i've had all of my water for the day. You can make that your snack at night if it's something you really want. As far as the headaches go.....i'm not really sure. I drink coffee which is probably why I don't get headaches from not drinking the diet soda. Also the water additives like crystal light have a little caffeine in them - try having a few of those and maybe it will help with your headache!

    Good luck! :flowerforyou:
  • aymie24
    aymie24 Posts: 227
    LOL<> darn it! Thanks, I was hoping some little known herbal tea would kick it or something. Or even a gradual process, but once I have some, it's over for the day....that's all I drink.

    I do believe it's a true addiction. I feel like total crap right now, with my wonderful water bottle half full in front of me. If I were to go downstairs to the vending machine and get a diet coke, I would feel better as soon as I took a sip. I've been known to get very irritable and shaky while trying to quit and as soon as I have some, all is right in the world again. I instantly calm down, my body feels more at ease, my head will start to feel's terrible!

    Oh well, a few advil a day will still be less expenisve than all that soda!
  • sassekel
    sassekel Posts: 114 Member
    me too! I am a diet coke addict. I don't care for coffee/tea either. I have been gradually replacing it with water so I didn't get withdrawls, seems to be working, no headaches yet. I use crystal light or something similar to flavor water.
  • aymie24
    aymie24 Posts: 227
    I totally get what you mean. I have a serious Diet Dr. Pepper addiction but I will only have a small glass at night if i've had all of my water for the day. You can make that your snack at night if it's something you really want. As far as the headaches go.....i'm not really sure. I drink coffee which is probably why I don't get headaches from not drinking the diet soda. Also the water additives like crystal light have a little caffeine in them - try having a few of those and maybe it will help with your headache!

    Good luck! :flowerforyou:

    I don't think Dr. Pepper has caffeine in it, but I could be mistaken.

    Other than diet coke, I don't consume artificial anything so the crystal light stuff wouldn't work for me, but thanks. I am a 100% organic eating diet coke junkie, LOL.
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    I'm not of the cold turkey camp, although it might work for some.

    Here's how I quit (mostly).

    I gave myself a cut-off time. For example the first week, no diet coke after 5pm. Every week I took away another hour. This made for minimal (serious migraine headaches that would have pointed and laughed at tylenol) withdrawal symptoms.

    I'm now able to have 2 or so per week, and don't really crave it anymore. 98% of what I drink now is water.:drinker:
  • Dave198lbs
    Dave198lbs Posts: 8,810 Member
    LOL<> darn it! Thanks, I was hoping some little known herbal tea would kick it or something. Or even a gradual process, but once I have some, it's over for the day....that's all I drink.

    I do believe it's a true addiction. I feel like total crap right now, with my wonderful water bottle half full in front of me. If I were to go downstairs to the vending machine and get a diet coke, I would feel better as soon as I took a sip. I've been known to get very irritable and shaky while trying to quit and as soon as I have some, all is right in the world again. I instantly calm down, my body feels more at ease, my head will start to feel's terrible!

    Oh well, a few advil a day will still be less expenisve than all that soda!

    as someone said..(.Emi?) embrace the is a good thing even though it hurts temporarily,,,,plus your skin gets clearer! its all good:smile:
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    I totally get what you mean. I have a serious Diet Dr. Pepper addiction but I will only have a small glass at night if i've had all of my water for the day. You can make that your snack at night if it's something you really want. As far as the headaches go.....i'm not really sure. I drink coffee which is probably why I don't get headaches from not drinking the diet soda. Also the water additives like crystal light have a little caffeine in them - try having a few of those and maybe it will help with your headache!

    Good luck! :flowerforyou:

    I don't think Dr. Pepper has caffeine in it, but I could be mistaken.

    Other than diet coke, I don't consume artificial anything so the crystal light stuff wouldn't work for me, but thanks. I am a 100% organic eating diet coke junkie, LOL.

    Dr. Pepper does have caffeine.
  • jamielbeck
    jamielbeck Posts: 188 Member
    I agree! Stop cold turkey! I used to drink water with a crystal light packet every morning. I would feel horrible when I didn't have one. After reading an article about diet sodas as well as crystal light containing Aspartame and that it can cause you to be addicted among other things I decided to stop cold turkey. I felt horrible for about a week but it passed. Good luck! :smile:
  • kak1018
    kak1018 Posts: 183 Member
    I struggle with my addiction to Diet Coke as well, I am very fond of fountain Diet Coke that is my true vice. I gave it up for lent, cold turkey and honestly my skin has never looked better, and I feel great. I really hope I licked this one for good.

    I make pitchers of Green Tea and drink it on ice. I really like it and I know it is a better substitute.
  • plussizemommy
    I was that way with Pepsi and I agree with Dave. I had to just quit it cold turkey on the day of this journey (Jan5th). I knew I would not quit if I just kept saying "oh I'll only have a small glass or just a sip" So, when that day rolled around I was done! I had horrible headaches for a few days but just kept pushing through. It has now been 3 months since I've had a soda!! I took a sip the other day because I was coughing and had no water....IT WAS HORRIBLE!! The taste of the soda literally made me gag because I had not had it in so long!! You can do it! Yeah, it will be hard but since when is doing something good for yourself ever easy? Has this weight loss been easy? Have you not sweated, cried from pain, worked your *kitten* off, and still pushed through? OF COURSE YOU HAVE!!!
  • sportygal
    sportygal Posts: 221 Member
    Set a goal and ween off from it. I went from drinking almost 2 liters a day, to not touching the stuff. (and that was regular coke) Caffeine headaches will go away eventually. Months later, you'll try one and it'll taste like battery acid! If you say, "only 1 a day" this week...then 3 only the next week, and 2 the next and so on, you could get off diet coke in a month. I did it cold turkey and the headaches were tremendous, but at least with the weening, you'd probably have less stress about it!
    Good luck!:drinker:
  • phatphanny
    Im another that has to agree with Dave..with me being a diet pepsi addict (6-8 a day) I believe it has to be cold turkey. I quit altogether the day I started on here (3 weeks ago). Someone told me that sodas promote belly fat!!!!! YUK!!!! so I gave them up and replaced them with water. I know that if I have just one...I will want one I stick with the water. There are so many changes going on with counting calories, trying to make better food choices, lots of exercise, loads of water...that if I had any withdrawl symptoms I didn't notice. Ive lost 9 lbs so far and if the quitting the soda had any help in that , don't know...but I do feel alot better for it.
  • Catherine10
    Catherine10 Posts: 24 Member
    I was a 6 to 8 cans of Diet Pepsi a day. My friends and doctor have been trying to get me to quit. My Doctor was adamant that I would never loose weight if I kept that habit, because there is something in "black" pop that triggers sugar hunger, he said if I had to drink a pop drink 7-up or Rootbeer on a very occasional basis. I too suffered with withdrawal but it wore off, and I do feel better with water and skim milk. Keep to it.
  • jessmomof3
    jessmomof3 Posts: 4,590 Member
    Yep, stop cold turkey. I used to LOVE Diet Coke (especially the one w/ Lime). But I found out that aspartame was a huge migraine trigger for me. That was enough reason for me to give it up. I gave it up over 3 years ago now and do NOT miss it. I do drink coffee (black) and green tea, but that's it. (oh, and at least gallon of water a day) I tried a sip of DC a while back and it tasted horrible to me. :sick:

    I have a friend that was severely addicted to Diet Coke, she drank pretty much no other liquids. She had some health complications and finally gave it up too. She couldn't believe how much better she felt and she lost weight too!

    Now if only I could convince my brother... he's another Diet Coke addict! :noway:
  • Venusjems
    Venusjems Posts: 88 Member
    I struggle with my addiction to Diet Coke as well, I am very fond of fountain Diet Coke that is my true vice. I gave it up for lent, cold turkey and honestly my skin has never looked better, and I feel great. I really hope I licked this one for good.

    I make pitchers of Green Tea and drink it on ice. I really like it and I know it is a better substitute.

    Me too!!! i am so addicted to fountain diet coke.. Even thought of getting a fountain in my house, until i looked at the price tag of a machine.. The cans and bottles, do nothing for me, it has to come from a fountain....and in a plastic cup........not paper and def not styrofoam..

    I am trying to just drink it on the weekends, i will seriously send the hubby out of the house and 3 miles to a gas station, just to get me one when i get moody.
  • LuckyLeprechaun
    LuckyLeprechaun Posts: 6,296 Member
    some of the painkillers have caffeine in them, I think excedrin does. If you use it, it will help the most, but I agree, if it is becoming a problem, you gotta get rid of it altogether. :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: