LESS Alcohol ~ MAY 2024 ~ One Day at A Time



  • doccnm
    doccnm Posts: 21 Member
    @doccnm welcome to the group! I think your plan to stick to just one beer/wk sounds sensible, of course totally abstaining will get a few more calories out of your diet over the course of a month or two.

    I've been cutting back, but think that totally quitting might be the best way for me to get my weight loss on the move again (it's been pretty stuck around 151-153). I know that when I don't drink I lose more.

    I agree but for me it is hard to become abstinent. My BF drinks 1 -2 beers/day so it is always in the house. I have incredible willpower when it comes to daily exercise and eating high protein with mostly veg sides. I don't feel the urge to snack BUT when I see him sitting on the back patio listening to music and having a beer I want to join him. I have tried joining him with a Spindrift or a decaf no sugar ice tea but it's the whole social vibe. Drinking that daily beer (it is high calorie because of the 9% alcohol in 12 oz) got me to the 10 lb weight gain. So the evidence is clear...I'm 5'3" so it doesn't take a lot...Also wine gives me a headache (even the organic/low sugar) and spirits do the same.

    It's great having a group to discuss this with and get the support to stay as AF as we can!
  • doccnm
    doccnm Posts: 21 Member
    AF = 24
    A = 6

    Very good ratio for May even if I do drink tomorrow (but pretty sure I won’t). However, 2 of those A days were a full bottle of wine. I really need to get away from drinking whole bottles of wine. I will say that I felt horrible the days after those bottles, and I don’t want to feel that way. It also hurts my weight loss efforts.

    We’ll see what happens in June after I start working again. 😕

    You can do this. An entire bottle of wine, as you stated, is too much BUT easy to do. After the first glass it is easy to keep pouring and drinking and then surprise! The bottle is empty. I would have to lay in bed for 2 days afterwards...learned my lesson a long time ago to avoid wine and spirits but I like beer (too high calorie) and it never gives me a headache. Right now I am targeting as many AF days as I can.
    Keep going! It's so worth it when we hit the goals we set.
  • Michieb125
    Michieb125 Posts: 693 Member
    Thank you @MissMay - you had a fantastic month of May! You continue to care about our quest for LA and this group of like minded people.

    Closing out the month, I think it’s important to note (for myself) even though my goals were higher than what I delivered on, I know how far I’ve come since 2023.

    May goals - 18 AF days

    AF - 11
    A - 10
    LA - 9 (low calorie wine choices/stayed within personal limit = 2 or less)

    Looking ahead at June LA goals which includes a 10-day trip!
  • SparkSpringtime69
    SparkSpringtime69 Posts: 1,142 Member
    MissMay wrote: »

    Can it really be the last day of May? YES is the answer to that. If you began May with higher-than-expected goals and did not achieve them to the fullest, do not worry.

    Each day you log into MFP and come to this page proves you are trying to have LESS alcohol in your life, and that is a huge plus.

    @MissMay Thank you for posting this. I had set a goal of 60% AF and only made 30% for the month. That's less than the 40+% AF I had last month and I was feeling a bit down today, but your post reminded me that it's still a win over how much I used to drink, which was pretty much every day.
    Thanks for setting these up every month it has really helped me.
  • SparkSpringtime69
    SparkSpringtime69 Posts: 1,142 Member
    AF: 10
    A: 20
    I've had a pretty stressful month and have been turning to wine to calm me down. We had to put up a detached garage because we're converting our attached one into a bed/bath for my BIL, and it's been a very stressful two months getting everything right. But today our concrete was poured and tonight I will be celebrating with some champagne - then onto a dryer month tomorrow ;)

    See you all in June!!
  • itladyee
    itladyee Posts: 4,907 Member
    I know I’d lose so much more weight if I just cut it out entirely, and I just can’t get there yet!!!! I really struggle with the question of should I rack up AF days, or just accept and budget for a glass of wine per day?
    I am right with you!
    I do better when I remain AF. Then, there is no question of how much. Limiting wine to just one glass is a challenge as it's so easy for me to sip, and I'm usually watching TV, chatting with my husband, and refilling out of habit.

    I'm not a fan of white wines but I'll be curious on your take of the Light Hearted Rose.

    Do you have a screened-in porch?? That a dream addition I'd like to add to my house!!

    Tally for May:
    A = 23
    AF = 8

    I've got to come up with a plan for June.
  • NonnieDoiron
    NonnieDoiron Posts: 282 Member
    AF = 25
    A = 6

    Not drinking tonight. Trying to decide if I’m going to make my blueberry jam, but it requires a trip to the store because I ran out of 1/2 pint jars.😕
  • tmbg1
    tmbg1 Posts: 1,425 Member
    15 - AF
    12 - A
    4 - LA