Hi New here ! I Want to lose 200 lbs Am a Woman .. Happy to meet people

Hello .. I think My Fitness Pall will help me greatly

Would love to meet people

Want to lose about 200 lbs

I Like jogging and health foods but at starting point

Would like to try the (accountability) buddy thing

Say hi ❤️❤️❤️


  • KombatGurl
    KombatGurl Posts: 5 Member
    Hey! Nice to meet you!!! Let's help each other with our goals and accountability! I gained some weight, went from 168 lbs to 186 lbs. Lost 1 lbs this week because I've been more mindful of my food and activity while using this app! I want to get back down to 150 lbs! I'm 5'10" btw so that's a healthy weight for me! Let's do this 💪 🙌