Need some friends

wanda2396 Posts: 1 Member
I started this weight loss journey on February 28, 2023. By December I had lost 38 pounds toward my 40 pound goal. I kept losing until February of this year when I lost a workout friend to a sudden death. It threw me off my game. I found I am an emotional eater for sure! Today, I am up 7 pounds. Still logging, still pretending, but my nutrition is off and I need a team to kick me back toward my next 10 pounds to goal!


  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,033 Member
    It is so easy to go back to stress eating when we get thrown off our game. I started MFP almost 15 yrs ago lost 135 lbs in 3 yrs and kept it off until last yr. My brother passed away at age 56. At the end of 2021. My husband has Parkinson’s and had deep brain stimulation surgery back to back on each side 3 weeks apart in 2022, then 10 months later my husband was diagnosed with tonsil cancer that had gone into his lymph nodes. He went through chemo and radiation and I found myself not exercising and turning to food for comfort. I gained 14 lbs and then realized what I was doing when my clothes weren’t fitting. I said I’ve got to stop this. I have since lost the 14 lbs but it hasn’t been easy. We can do this, but it diffinately isn’t easy. Life can suck at times .i would love to support each other through this journey
  • tfontana1124
    tfontana1124 Posts: 1 Member
    im new im tired im 215 lbs.... trying to figure out this site!
  • Missymoo74mfp
    Missymoo74mfp Posts: 2 Member
    I’ve rejoined again tonight, 196lbs and really need to sort myself out, would love some friends on here to keep me accountable and vice versa. Not even sure how to add friends on here lol