Not losing fat?

Hi guys,

I do weightlifting 4x a week for an hour each time and I walk 10.000 steps a day (with a lot of speed). I am 1.75 and weigh 65 kg (woman). My weight never seems to change and I am muscular but I don’t seem to get leaner. I apparently just ate 2000 calories each day. According to myfitnesspal I should eat at least 2350 calories or even 2800 with my activities. Could it be that I need to eat more to get leaner or what will happen if I consume more calories?


  • yirara
    yirara Posts: 9,548 Member
    How did you set up MFP? Did you use the activity level for your everyday life without exercise or with? Generally, the setup should be without intentional exercise, but if you walk 10k steps every day then that would be active or very active anyway. Which would probably bring your maintenance calories to about 2100-2300 calories per day.

    You're not heavy though, thus every weightloss will be very slow, possibly just 0.25kg per week would be appropriate. You say your weight never seems to change. For how long have you been logging your food, and are you using a food scale for everything?
  • tomcustombuilder
    tomcustombuilder Posts: 1,855 Member
    If no loss after 4-6 weeks you’re taking in too many weekly calories no matter what the app says.
    You also have to look at the accuracy of your calorie counting and tracking and no, more calories won’t cause weightloss.