Need support and motivations

I am 50 and have fluctuated between 150 and 160 for a while. Tonight, I clocked in at 163. I need to reduce my drinking. I am looking for support and/or a program that will help me.


  • csplatt
    csplatt Posts: 1,185 Member
    I’m 42 and pulled down from about 155 to 133. At this end of the spectrum, expect it to be slow. Use a digital food scale for everything that you can. I even weigh my bananas, peanut butter, noodles before I cook them, cereal, etc I love being in control of my health in my 40s and heading toward 50. You’ll love it too! I also use an apple watch to track calories burned on walks, while cycling, doing exercise videos, etc.
  • elitimmons
    elitimmons Posts: 1 Member
    I quit drinking almost 4 years ago. I didn't join a program, though I do think that it is a good idea if you think it would be helpful, but I did listen to the audiobook "This Naked Mind." It was really helpful and guided me through getting started. Once I realised that drinking was connected everything I was trying to get rid of or avoid in my life, I was done. The biggest reason that I held on to drinking was fear of losing the social connection. Honestly, your friends don't really care if you drink or not unless they have a bad relationship with alcohol themselves. My friends asked a few questions and that was it. Most were really supportive. I think you will be able to reduce or quit, and it feels fantastic.
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 33,742 Member
    It won't suit everyone, but one option to consider is the monthly "less alcohol" thread in the Motivation and Support area of the Community, June version here:

    This is the basic description:
    Do you want to drink LESS? Completely stop or just cut back?

    Cutting back can mean ONE less drink a day, week or month. Or deciding to drink on only weekends or at special occasions.

    On the flip side, maybe you could use this nudge to finally get to that completely sober point and be all in-alcohol free.

    Follow that link to learn more.
  • doccnm
    doccnm Posts: 21 Member
    vwalsh2021 wrote: »
    I am 50 and have fluctuated between 150 and 160 for a while. Tonight, I clocked in at 163. I need to reduce my drinking. I am looking for support and/or a program that will help me.

    I am in a similar situation. Not sure how much and how often you are drinking but if it is preventing weight loss then it is important to makes changes.

    If I lived alone I would not have alcohol in my house. I live with my BF and he drinks 2 9% beers every evening. Sometimes I will have a glass or 2 of wine or 1 beer and this will go on for about 1 week. Then I get on the scale and I am horrified to see what that has done to my weight. We are retired and he likes a dull boring routine. I am not about to give him up but I have to make myself the priority. I have made my schedule around his likes (dinner on the table at 6pm). Kind of ridiculous when I see it in writing!

    I wrote out a plan (for me this helps) and I am starting to walk every day at 4pm. This is when he sits down to have his 2 beers and listen to music. When I return an hour later I can start prepping a healthy dinner. This is another difference. He likes unhealthy foods like burgers, fried fish, pasta.

    I'm pretty good about going to the gym most days and playing golf 4-5times/week. So activity isn't the problem. I KNOW that it is is undeniable.

    There is a RD on Youtube named Amanda Nighbert. I would encourage you to view her shorts on alcohol. Good luck.