


  • I just lost my first 50lbs on Mounjaro. I started Oct 2022. I’m currently on 12.5mg and feel this is the sweet spot for me.
    I do struggle with my calories and I’m actively trying so I add a protein shake here and there. I eat low carb as much as possible ( not keto). Anyway, I’m here for the journey….
  • enggold09
    enggold09 Posts: 16 Member
    Just started MJ 2 years ago. Looking for friends for this journey
  • sophie288
    sophie288 Posts: 12 Member
    How is everyone doing on their Mounjaro journey? I am on my 4th shot of 2.5, and will be continuing with 2.5 for another month. I have lost 10lbs. so far, some minor side effects. I have been keeping my protein up and eating between 1200-1500 calories a day.
  • lukajoey
    lukajoey Posts: 5 Member
    edited April 2023
    Hi Everyone, I'm injecting shot #2 of 2.5 tonite. Down 9lbs week 1 - SW 268, 63 y-o female. So far (1100 cals) had been great with zero side effects, no hunger, more energy - great! - until 2pm yesterday afternoon I got a huge "bout" of bad stomach pain, vomiting and diarrhea, had to lie down in bed - luckily, only lasted 20 minutes and then have felt totally fine since. I am praying this is just my body adjusting and I hope it is just the rather mild(?) side effects that might be expected.....I wasn't prepared though as I thought I'd get side effects at the beginning closer to the dose....weird that Day 6 is when it hit.
  • winniwoman
    winniwoman Posts: 4 Member
    I've been moving up the strengths of Mounjaro levels. I am now at 7.5mg. I don't seem to be losing much yet. It's only been a few pounds so far. Can you give me your experience with this? How long did it take you to start losing significant amounts of weight? What concentration did you get to when this happened?
  • ItsSoYummy
    ItsSoYummy Posts: 9 Member
    I started Mounjaro 5 weeks ago to get my Type 2 under control. Hadn't really heard about the weight loss bonus until then. So sugar dropped from 324 to 140 and I've also lost 12 pounds without doing anything different than stabbing myself once a week. Tomorrow will be my second shot at 5mg. I'm going to start tracking food again. Hoping to start dropping pounds even faster with some effort on my part.
  • nitronurse08
    nitronurse08 Posts: 1 Member
    I don’t know if this thread is still active, but I hope so.

    I just started Mounjaro 10 days ago. So far fantastic, already lost 4 pounds.

    Would love to connect with others on this journey, it would be especially great to talk to people who have been on it for awhile, who reached goal and are maintaining—but would also love to connect with people like me who are just starting.♥️
  • KerryBSoCal
    KerryBSoCal Posts: 286 Member
    Hi. I have been on Mounjaro for two months. I just found out that it is back ordered at Optum Rx, with no idea when it will be available. I’m worried! If you’re on the lowest dose you should be okay with supply. Good luck with your journey. I’ll be happy to answer any questions you might have.
  • onhaltn
    onhaltn Posts: 28 Member
    On Mounjaro since Nov 2022. Female, 65 yrs old. SW 272. CW 178. Now at 12.5 dosage. Exercising an hour a day (swimming laps, stationary bike) and some weight training. Keeping at or below 1000 cal/day. Pretty much eliminated meat from diet. Mostly yogurt, seafood, eggs, berries, carrots, green vegetables, some oatmeal. Feeling infinitely better! But still a long way to go. Goal is 133, so still 45 pounds to go. Lucky that drug has not had gastro-intestinal side effects except at very beginning. Do have restless sleeping, and unsure if it is related to the drug.
  • ThisIsMegs53
    ThisIsMegs53 Posts: 97 Member
    Hello, I hope to find someone who is currently on Mounjaro in the UK

    I am looking to start my journey and I have SO many questions 🤭
  • Just about to start Mounjaro. Any tips?

    I hear I should be eating 1.5 G protein per kg weight but I don’t know if that is my target weight or current weight?

    I hear that I should be exercising 5 days a week but detail is hard to find on that also. What do you guys do?

    Wishing every one the best on their journey.
  • BCLadybug888
    BCLadybug888 Posts: 1,616 Member
    @rachelshepherdofsydney, I hope to start very, very soon too! My prescription was supposed to be filled (finally!) mid-June, so checking with Pharmacy on Monday 🤞
  • MounjaroMia
    MounjaroMia Posts: 9 Member
    edited August 6
    I’ve been using mounjaro for two months. Of course, you have to eat in calorie deficit. I lost 5lb the first month then another 8 the next.
    I’m finding the app very helpful for scanning barcodes of food while I’m preparing my meal.
    It’s helping me to develop healthy eating habits. I’m not a fan of protein supplements, but am taking a good quality multi vitamin and magnesium glycate.

    Unless you want to stay on this for life( as diabetics may need to ) you need to teach yourself what a healthy person eats or you’ll just go back to your old ways.
  • DaveT1966
    DaveT1966 Posts: 2 Member
    Hello, I hope to find someone who is currently on Mounjaro in the UK

    I am looking to start my journey and I have SO many questions 🤭

    Hi ThisIsMegs53 I am also in the UK and have been on Mounjaro for 5 weeks, so just moved from 2.5 to 5Mg. I am using My Fitness Pal to calculate and regulate my calorie intake and manage my exercise, which currently consists of a brisk (<50 min) walk every day. I have managed to lose around 2 stone, but this is up and down each day. I have to lose about another 5 stone to get to where the Dr wants me to be, which seems a LOT!
    I haven't suffered from too may side effects so far, upset tummy and restlessness, but i have good Nurse at the GP surgery who has been great.
    How are you getting on a few months in? is it working for you any top tips to help me on the journey?
    Take Care