156 Days to by 60th Birthday

ByeByeToDiabetes Posts: 61 Member
Perhaps my biggest challenge yet. I have stopped logging and don't participate on my newsfeed anymore. It's going to be gone soon, so what's the point?
I am still here at (M)FP but wonder if I can make it alone. I am not crazy about the community board, it's a bit like a snake pin and way too public.
Yet here I am posting (again) on the community board.
I came here to control my blood sugar (glucose) the day after I got diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes. I have my blood sugar under control and have been eating right, according to the numbers I am now 'only' pre-diabetic.
I am still very heavy. I weighed 335 lbs today in the morning. I have lost 13 pounds. Not as much as I hoped, but good enough.
I will turn 60 years young in 156 days and I wish to be:

a) Under 280 lbs
b) Have a normal glucose
c) Walk 1 mile on the treadmill without fainting.

Basic goals:
Weigh in every Friday and post here
Log my food daily, even if it will feel lonely

Anybody out there that wants to join me? I would so appreciate it.


  • RoblinB
    RoblinB Posts: 284 Member
    Hey, @ByeByeToDiabetes! I am glad you have not given up! And your birthday is a great target! I can’t join you here as I am already committed to posting on a couple of boards and just don’t have enough time in my day, but you would be welcome to join the few of us who have undertaken a walking challenge and a reboot challenge this month. Feel free to jump in on those boards if you think either would be helpful - no one in a community should have to do this by themselves! Cheering for you!
  • Anabirgite
    Anabirgite Posts: 512 Member
    My 59 birthday was June 4- so I am behind you... do not want to do the math. The great news is "We are still in our 50's!!!" I just say I am late in my late 50's now!!! I love the 10 day challenges. The community is so supportive and it is nice to be able to make short term goals. I hope you will check out- The posting is really just for me but, again the community is wonderful! I am just waiting for June 25 to start again.
  • lisakatz2
    lisakatz2 Posts: 305 Member
    Hey Bye Bye Diabetes, are you still here? Why don't you join in on the 200 lbs and up thread and bookmark it? That's what I've been doing since the Newsfeed disappeared. Great supportive people.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,701 Member
    I'm 60 as of January this year and because I have taken care of my health since I was 19, haven't had to be on any medication (except Albuterol due to asthma since I was a kid occasionally) and as a trainer have helped a lot of people get into a normal weight zone and reduce their diabetes meds.
    All I can tell you is what I tell my clients. "If you stop, then where do you go from here? Achieving weight loss isn't easy but it beats having to suffer through health issues the rest of your life."

    Feel free to join my daily thread where people log in and do a daily check in to keep themselves accountable. I also answer any questions on there pertaining to exercise and advice needed to improve your health overall.


    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 40 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
