Accountability partners

Krtigner Posts: 1 Member
Hey I need some accountability partners for this fitness journey


  • jbbollon
    jbbollon Posts: 1 Member
    I do also, although there is an age difference.
  • jennhbg
    jennhbg Posts: 7 Member
    Hi are you still looking for an accountability partner?
  • beckee75
    beckee75 Posts: 6 Member
    I'd love to have an accountability partner, too! Please add me as a friend.
  • MRizzuto
    MRizzuto Posts: 4 Member
    I’d love to support and be supported. Pls let me know if you're looking for an accountability partner. Thanks
  • RainbowandSunshine
    RainbowandSunshine Posts: 8 Member
    I need an accountability partner too. Can I be yours as well?
  • LisaMoxon155
    LisaMoxon155 Posts: 264 Member
    Any one can add me if they wish, no problems. Good luck everyone with their journeys xxx
  • Rxman1971
    Rxman1971 Posts: 236 Member
    Anyone can add me
  • ddzfun724
    ddzfun724 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi, newbie here. Accountability partner please...not certain how that works but not having one has NOT worked for me.
    Looking forward~
  • Marisun1975
    Marisun1975 Posts: 1 Member
    Im looking for accountability partners too. I just cant figure out how to add friends. Myfitnesspal is much different from the last time I was on here.
  • COGypsy
    COGypsy Posts: 1,261 Member
    Im looking for accountability partners too. I just cant figure out how to add friends. Myfitnesspal is much different from the last time I was on here.

    Friends isn't really a function any more since MFP deleted the newsfeed. Or at least not a useful one. I think all it really does is let you see each other's diaries - but no comments or other interaction on what you see. The options now are DMs, creating a thread in the Community forums, or creating a private group for you and your friends in the Community forums. It's sent a lot of people to other weight loss apps for their social feeds, mainly Lose It and My Net Diary.