Obsessed? Does anyone else feel like this?

I am a little concerned, particularly since family have commented about it, that I am becoming obsessed with exercise and the calorie burn.

If I don't exercise I feel wrong, and I think about working out allllll day long.. Today for me is meant to be a rest day, but I found myself looking at the gym timetable.. thinking about going to Yoga, thinking about doing a fast walk to the park, doing a jump rope, crunches, push up, plank circuit a few times then doing a fast walk back.. which would probably turn into a jog along the way.

I know I need to give my body time to recover, especially after a workout day like I had yesterday.. Arrrrrgh

I just want to get out there and run and jump and kick and punch and lift heavy things..

I guess maybe I am addicted to the endorphin high after a full on workout..


  • Melis25Fit
    Melis25Fit Posts: 811 Member
    Im like that too. Esp. with calorie counting... it doesn't get any easier I'm afraid.
  • spicypepper
    spicypepper Posts: 1,016 Member
    I'm in the same boat. I am all about diet and exercise and my hubby is starting to notice. In fact, he commented today about me constantly logging my food. Easy for him, he can just look at someone else exercising and lose weight... :grumble:

    me on the other hand, I so much as to even THINK about food and I gain 5 lbs. :sad:
  • deathstarclock
    deathstarclock Posts: 512 Member
    I just want to get out there and run and jump and kick and punch and lift heavy things..

    I guess maybe I am addicted to the endorphin high after a full on workout..

    You are definitely not alone. The way I put up with that feeling is by something really really light like a quick jog at a certain tempo. My body is conditioned to the point where it can afford that on rest days.
  • I'm the same way. To me a rest day is not doing as much as the other 6 days of the week.
  • Unfortunately I'm with you! I only started running in April but now if I don't get a run of an evening I start to fear the old me returning, lazy, fat etc. I get irritable and feel like s**t. I hope this is just a phase!!!
  • Stefani74
    Stefani74 Posts: 448 Member
    I have to become "obsessed" with it...the workouts and eating healthy or I just won't do it. It's like there can't be an in between for me. I am either obsessed with it or don't care.
  • This is pretty normal, especially when you've just started your journey. You get yourself so pumped up! Enjoy it while it lasts. So long as you know that you control it and it doesn't control you, and so long as it doesn't hurt your life instead of helping it like it has so far, you're fine!
  • rachelleahsmom
    rachelleahsmom Posts: 442 Member
    Actually, going to yoga might be a good idea. It might help calm your mind and stretch some of those muscles you worked so hard yesterday.
  • iha9ryu
    iha9ryu Posts: 1 Member
    I'm not there yet, but you keep up the good work. Keep being motivated and pulled backed on the family. I"m not getting any support from mine. I wish i could be you.
  • Shausil82
    Shausil82 Posts: 218 Member
    I am seriously addicted to the rush too, but, I find a rest day to be extremely important in weight loss. The body needs time to rest.
    I am always thinking about working out and obsessing over calories, and people get worried about me. I tell them, I wouldn't have this much success if I didn't hold myself accountable.
  • I think if you are unable to obtain a balance, and are leaving behind other aspects of your life for this, then there is definitely a problem.

    Rest days are not a day to sit on one's butt... If you want to go do something active, do it, just don't over-do it. Leave the weights at home. If you are really fit, I don't think jogging or doing other light activity like that would be a terrible thing.

    I say go be active!
  • DestinyDarbi
    DestinyDarbi Posts: 260 Member
    I don't plan rest days... :noway: hehe

    When my body feels tired, I take a break. But I plan other things, like going grocery shopping or playing with the kids. It's not strenuous, but it keeps me moving. I think about it constantly too.. you're not alone
  • maddymama
    maddymama Posts: 1,183 Member
    I felt like that all winter, spring, and most of the summer. Then I hurt my foot (plantar fasciitis), and had to take 3-4 weeks late in the summer off. Now my foot is healing and I am able to start exercising again. I'm not as consistent with working out as I was before, but that is ok with me. I feel more balanced now..... and OK with listening to my body and taking a rest day during the week.
  • PlanetVelma
    PlanetVelma Posts: 1,223 Member
    Actually, going to yoga might be a good idea. It might help calm your mind and stretch some of those muscles you worked so hard yesterday.

  • bjshooter
    bjshooter Posts: 1,174 Member
    I have to become "obsessed" with it...the workouts and eating healthy or I just won't do it. It's like there can't be an in between for me. I am either obsessed with it or don't care.

    This, its all or nothing :(

    It was a rest day today, I decided I couldnt cope so did level 1 of the shred then that wasnt enough so I added on level 2 that was hours ago and I am itching to exercise again now.
  • JakeNonne
    JakeNonne Posts: 74 Member
    Some people call it obsession. Others, like me, call it being motivated or focused.

    Your health should be your number one priority. Leading scientists have found that bad health is the leading cause of death in Americans. :P

    Don't let anyone make you doubt yourself.

    Just don't burn yourself out or get hurt which can be extremely de-motivating. I don't think you can do get hurt walking, doing planks or yoga. But I have injured myself by being too aggressive in my running.
  • I Need some of your enthusiasm!!! Im really struggling to be consistent. I rested yesterday because my body was really sore so I had the best of intentions today to get up and work out but totally didn't. I've already eaten my days wroth of calories and I''m feeling quite low about myself right now because of the lack of motivation. I plan on going to the Y in a bit but, not sure if I'm gonna or really what to do with my self once i'm there. So... like I said I need some of that enthusiasm, Teach me you ways :) lol
  • jesslaur75
    jesslaur75 Posts: 75 Member
    I think if you do lighter exercise then it's fine. You do need to let your body recover, but that can mean taking a hike outdoors with the dog or doing a yoga class rather than the insane cardio followed an intense weight session. Rest doesn't equal stop.
  • johnwhitent
    johnwhitent Posts: 648 Member
    My wife sometimes accuses me of being obsessed and I used to try to defend myself, but then I realized that she is right, at least from the average person’s perspective, so go with it. If I am obsessed it is a controlled and healthy obsession. As Jake said, avoiding burn out and overuse injuries is crucial so I vary my routines alternating cycling and running daily and adding some strength training, but always varying. So I am obsessed with health and fitness; we could all do a lot worse. I could be obsessed with women other than my wife, I could be obsessed with money, or gambling, or watching TV. The list goes on and on. But I am obsessed with something that brings me health and vitality – and long life I hope. That is not selfish, it benefits my wife, my employer, and anyone connected to me. So call me obsessed, I'll take it.
  • hazelnut861
    hazelnut861 Posts: 390 Member
    Me too. Exercise makes you feel good and I think some light walking or yoga is fine on your rest day.