Ages 70+



  • Joy1580vb
    Joy1580vb Posts: 338 Member
    Good morning ladies.

    Just popped in for a quick look. At the airport and got through security very quickly. Have a 2 hour wait now so just sitting and relaxing at the gate. Flight is on schedule. Already had breakfast at the hotel so don’t really need anything. May buy a bottle of water in a bit.

    Enjoy the day.
  • jonni82014
    jonni82014 Posts: 1,496 Member
    Joy have a wonderful, relaxing trip.
    Quiet day

    We are off to the Farmer's Market.

    Have a healthy day everyone B)
  • oceanmelody
    oceanmelody Posts: 404 Member
    Just popping in. Glad everyone is well. Heat wave still doing a number on my exercise routine. Managed to walk along the canal for an hour after the sun was mostly down. But it was not what I would call a brisk pace!
    Have been doing some shifting of bookshelves and it sure is convincing me we need to keep downsizing.
  • jonni82014
    jonni82014 Posts: 1,496 Member
    Good morning

    We trade our reading books; however we too have so many. We do have to declutter. I'll have to research the guidelines as to "how" to. What to keep, trade, donate and discard.
    We do take the ones that the Book Shop does not want to trade, to a Thrift Centre.

    Heading out to walk the trails in the River Valley. To our destination, there are about 500stairs (up and down) We have not tackled the stairs yet because DH had knee surgery. DH has been doing some stairs at the Rec Centre. So today might be the day to tackle some of them. I admit that I have not the desire. However, I do need to walk the stairs to get to our destination.

    Construction, replacing the water main in front of our house continues. It's going to be a blistering day for those workers; however they have said that they do take the necessary precautions. Construction for the next 8 weeks.

    We went to a Farmer's Market yesterday. It was fun. We are going to try to get out to others at least once a week. Until we leave for Europe end of July. There will be a lot of walking on that trip.

    Making a red lentil soup for lunches for the week.
    Smoked chicken and salad for dinner this evening.

    Have a healthy day. B)
  • jonni82014
    jonni82014 Posts: 1,496 Member
    It's a beautiful warm day here.
    The rain has subsided and we have been blessed with blooms from our perennials.

    Going out for a walk in The River Valley before I go to the Seniors Centre.
    Treadmill 45minutes Stretch and free weights 50minutes.

    Counting the number of sleeps before our vacation.

    Got to keep moving, Have a healthy day everyone. B)
  • oceanmelody
    oceanmelody Posts: 404 Member
    Good job on the gym!
    I made it back on the bike today—a bit overcast with a bit of a wind. Saw a fawn, horses, geese and chickens. 13 miles round trip.
  • jonni82014
    jonni82014 Posts: 1,496 Member
    edited June 27
    Yikes! That bike ride sounds like a good, fun challenge. I really prefer riding a bike, if I do, outside; as like yourself we see the wonderful distractions of nature. Instead of a screen in a gym depicting nature.
    We have bike lanes in our urban city. I will say that I would not travel along cars on busy streets to inhale emission fumes. However, cyclists do use them to travel to work. Convenient.

    We have bike trails in the River Valley. The trails have various grades, that accommodate cyclists that maybe novice, cruise or are BMX racers.

    Do you live outside of a large city?

    It's raining again. I personally do not care for all of the rain (bad hair :D ), however the moisture(need more) keeps the wildfires tampered and the crops growing.

    Just for today errand, donate to the thrift centre, bake an Almond flour chocolate cake. Pita pizzas for dinner.

    Have a healthy day B)

  • oceanmelody
    oceanmelody Posts: 404 Member
    I live in the Rochester NY suburbs. Whereabouts do you live?
    Not fond of city riding, but love country roads and trails.
  • cindywelles61
    cindywelles61 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi, my name is Cindy, I just found this group and also need support. Gained about 25 plus pounds from medical issue, still within a healthy BMI, but all on my waist and buttocks. Need to get these pounds off and am having one heck of a time. Steroids didn't help, nor did statin medications. ...tried and failed at intermittent fasting as I seem to binge after fasting previously lost on a severely restricted weekly diet and intense exercise. My mobility is limited now, but I am starting up on slow chair yoga and walking exercises. . .I just turned 67. I will be going for some additional thyroid testing to double check if that is an issue. However weight seems pretty consistent from steroid use and increased statin use. I also quit smoking. And had a couple of hip replacements if that makes any sense. . .any help or suggestions are welcome. . . I do have a carb and some sweet weakness. . .sweets only once a month. .
    I buy low carb, keto friendly bread products. . .and prepare pasta rice products sparingly.
  • jonni82014
    jonni82014 Posts: 1,496 Member
    @cindywelles61 welcome you have landed at the right forum. Small steps are required when tackling our bigger concerns. Reading, it seems that you are on the right path, re-testing the thyroid gland and congratulations quitting smoking. Huge accomplishment.
    I had a similar situation weight gain when I started taking steroids Jan/24. I started the statins when all failed to get the cholesterol levels down; though I did through eating; however; could not succeed. The cholesterol levels were not healthy consistent. I do not intermittent fast ; and do not fast for 1-2days a week; however; I still eat breakfast late, my fasting window is 15-16hours everyday.
    I was attracted to every diet (fad) coming my way. I became diet obsessed. The mindset lasted for decades. Every day I planned my day around what I was going to eat. About 3 months ago I decided that I was going to IE (Intuitive Eating). That's what we as human animals are born to do. Eat when hungry. A very big learning curve. I still at times do not answer my hunger signal; still learning what it feels like. I still tend to answer a " it's time to eat".I am an emotional eater too. I also increase food intake when I am bored. I find those two obstacles more difficult to get past then IE. I am glad that I have become aware.
    I too had a hip replacement 4 years ago. Back out there. I exercise 4X a week minimum. Stretch, cable and free weights. Walk at least 5X week. I want to try the chair yoga as getting down on the mat during class I am very slow getting up compared to the others. Going to attempt getting on the bike, Betty :D

    @oceanmelody Hi Betty my name is Joan
    I live in a urban city Edmonton (capital) in the province of Alberta Canada

    Work in progress. We all tend to try different methods of what works for us; so when I visit forums such as this one I not have great conversations but I also take away good suggestions.

    Just for today off to the Rec Centre 45minute walk 50minutes stretch and cable weights.

    Have a healthy day B)

  • jonni82014
    jonni82014 Posts: 1,496 Member
    Good morning: Small correction to my post: Work in progress. We all tend to try different methods of what works for us; so when I visit forums such as this one I not have great conversations but I also take away good suggestions.

    Continuing my Spanish and Ukrainian studies. Spanish courses are becoming a real challenge learning tenses, more in depth. I will have to "meet up" with conversation groups either on line or face to face to really practice. Ukrainian language is my roots not so difficult to refresh yet.

    Beautiful day will take a leisurely walk through the River Valley as today is a rest day.
    Looking for a new recipe to try for the month of July. Every month I try to do or try one thing new.

    Have a healthy day B)

  • oceanmelody
    oceanmelody Posts: 404 Member
    Oh I’ve never been as far as Edmonton—have gotten as far as the Icefields in Jasper area. Those mountains are stunning!
    Just walked to and from the fireworks display—hour round trip.
    Happy Canada Day tomorrow!
    Wish I knew Ukrainian! Tried learning Polish but the cases are a bear. Raised thinking all Polish background but have learned that due to lots of intermarriage in the village I have a fair amount of Ukrainian myself.
    Hi Cindy! I’m no weight loss expert except to say that whatever worked when we were younger does not work as well now! We just have to keep trying. I cannot lose weight on a 1200 calorie diet but I don’t want to go much lower.Frustrated.
  • jonni82014
    jonni82014 Posts: 1,496 Member
    @oceanmelody If you are standing in the Jasper townsite. Edmonton is located 3hours East.

    A bit rainy here today. Should clear enough for us to watch the Fireworks display tonight celebrating Canada Day. Everyday we are thankful to be in a beautiful, peaceful country.

    Ukrainian is tough to learn at times as the Cyrillic script is unique in itself. Check out Duolingo (free) Rosetta Stone. I learn everyday, knowing that my brain is keeping sharp.

    It's not difficult to rack up 1200calories in a day even if one is cooking Mediterranean; which learn January/24 (Mayo Clinic Diet) I try; to cook or make two Mediterranean meals a day, breakfast can be a strawberry smoothie or oatmeal, yogurt and berries.

    Just for today: off to the Rec. Centre: Walk 45minutes Stretch cable and free weights 50minutes.

    Still seeking out a new recipe.

    Have a healthy day B)
  • jonni82014
    jonni82014 Posts: 1,496 Member
    edited July 2
    The rain has left until later in the week as the forecast states.

    DH is going to make pepper jerky. A great recovery snack after the gym or in my case perfect for me; as I am a chocolate hound.

    Catching up on household chores laundry etc.

    Made a lasagna for DH for his weekday lunches.

    Quiet day

    Have a healthy one B)

  • oceanmelody
    oceanmelody Posts: 404 Member
    22 miles on the bike along the Erie Canal.kind of windy.
  • jonni82014
    jonni82014 Posts: 1,496 Member
    edited July 4
    @oceanmelody sounds like a picturesque ride. And it looks like it too. I looked up and read about the location on Google.

    Happy Independence Day! Are you going to any celebrations today. Our kids are in VA they will be going to a local celebration and fireworks.

    Today a quiet day, rain has subsided. Temperature at a breezy 24C/75.6F Turned on AC

    Have a healthy day B)

  • oceanmelody
    oceanmelody Posts: 404 Member
    Saw fireworks the other night. today was grill food and a splurge for ice cream. So not overly healthy!
    We have relatives in VA and a huge downpour came through. It’s supposed to subside by fireworks time.
    Humid but getting cooler at least.
  • jonni82014
    jonni82014 Posts: 1,496 Member
    I'm trying my best to stay away from ice cream; as there is an ice cream trailer (for the summer) parked just down the street.It's the busiest in the City.
    Yesterday I had a tooth gem(Swarovski crystal) installed on my canine tooth, I was to let the cement cure for 6 hours. I opted for a Booster Juice smoothie (small) only to discover later that the smoothie had more calories than the double scoop ice cream. Joke was on me. I will have ice cream

    The next week is going to be low 30C/86F. The new AC system install this year was a good call. I can't stop the world from warming by myself I can only keep myself comfortable by way of an AC bandaid.

    My peonies transitioned to full bloom. The roses (not wild) have buds.
    The Wild rose is our provincial flower. Marigolds are our municipal flower. What's yours?

    Very small Poppies are showing up in areas they shouldn't. DH has a blower so during fall clean up he blew an area that the seeds cumulated and they spread. I'm leaving them where they landed.

    Lemon garlic baked salmon and salad for supper. Popcorn later.

    Just for today, stay cool (in more ways than one).
    Off to the Rec. Centre. 45minutes walk 50minutes stretch and cable weights.

    Have a healthy day. B)