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24 Hour Diary Log

ArafaIslam Posts: 2 Member

I have a suggestion please and hope it will be considered.


Im on a weightless journey.

The thought is why are food logs on a day to day basis? As in if I had a bad day and overeat I draw a line under it and start again next day.... What if I don't want to do that and want more control over it? Sometimes I carry my calories over to force me to eat less the next day but I still feel like there's a lack of information and just feels like a punishment rather than a strategic plan

I would like to have some sort of feature where I can see what I've eaten on a running 24 hour log instead of a day to day basis.... So if I overeat one day I can see as time goes when I've earned more calories to eat my next meal.

This can also have my planned daily calory goal...and it can have a reset button if things go south and I need to start again.

I think this feature would really aid me to allow me to let my body burn through calories I may have overeaten in a strategic way.

The image I have in my head is the dashboard of a hybrid car that shows when the petrol is charging the battery and when the battery runs the car...

So in this scenario it's the constant using of calories and earning calories on a running 24 hour daily overlap instead of a daily calendar that resets everyday.
1 votes

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  • Lietchi
    Lietchi Posts: 6,975 Member
    Do you know that you can look at your food intake with a weekly view? In the app, you tap on the pie chart and then choose Calories and Week instead of Day view. I think that would be more useful than a running 24hrs view, personally.
  • ArafaIslam
    ArafaIslam Posts: 2 Member
    That was interesting to look at! It's obviously a nice confirmation that I'm on the right track.

    What I'm suggesting affects 'when' I choose to eat my immediate next meal.