

  • JustQue
    JustQue Posts: 157
    Alright ladies!!

    I'm on L1-D2 (I will do it during my lunch)- how are we all feeling?? I'm sore but mainly from my kickboxing class. Are we eating well & sticking to it?? Hope so! xo
    I finished level 1 yesterday and really pushed myself to go all out. I was sweating like crazy. I've been under my calories all week and I can already see my body transforming. Sunday will be the halfway mark and I will take pics and measurements. Q
  • ScrapperCandy
    ScrapperCandy Posts: 31 Member
    I did L1-D2 today and I'm sore! But I was actually able to do all of the push-ups today. I could only do half yesterday. Yay! I've been under in calories too.
  • MommyofLily
    MommyofLily Posts: 149 Member
    Did L1-D4 tonight. I was exhausted and contemplating taking a day off but I sucked it up and did it. I'm glad I did. I feel better for getting it done and I could do more than I could the last 3 days, like the pushups. :)
  • alibreasy
    alibreasy Posts: 328 Member
    I just finished day 3 of 30DS I didn't think I was gonna make it with all my soreness...I took a Epson salt bath last night, but man oh man.... my endurance is increasing, but wow...when does the soreness fade away...I would love a little relief before I go to L2 next week :-/ I haven't done any other exercise yet either. Not looking forward to day 4, my calves are so sore and my butt muscles...they are SCREAMING relief! I guess that means its working.
  • ASPhantom
    ASPhantom Posts: 637 Member
    Today was Level 2, Day 8.

    I must admit, I really look forward to finishing this program.

    The workout feels great, but she annoys the mud out of me. lol... I mute her and play my own music instead.

    On the upside, I have currently lost a total of 9.75 inches since beginning. (also doing Couch to 5K)

    Don't get discourage when you switch to Level 2. It's hard but you can do it.

    Keep up the good work!
  • horaks
    horaks Posts: 124 Member
    I am on L1-just did D2-and I can feel it!!

    I'm not sure how to do this, how many days do I stay on L1? Please help?
  • ASPhantom
    ASPhantom Posts: 637 Member
    I am on L1-just did D2-and I can feel it!!

    I'm not sure how to do this, how many days do I stay on L1? Please help?

    I read ten days of each level.
  • TNAJackson
    TNAJackson Posts: 686 Member
    I am on L1-just did D2-and I can feel it!!

    I'm not sure how to do this, how many days do I stay on L1? Please help?

    I read ten days of each level.

    Yep, you're right. 10 days on each level. :happy:
  • monicanicoletta
    monicanicoletta Posts: 176 Member
    How are we all doing ladies???

    I am going to do day 3 of Level 1 tonight- I had a spin class this morning. I work out pretty regularly (and ocassionally do this dvd randomly) so I am not overly sore or notice a difference but happy about sticking to it finally :) Hope you are all working through the aches and pains to get it done!xo
  • alibreasy
    alibreasy Posts: 328 Member
    Tonight was day 4 for me on L1...I am really sore, but pressing on. I usually take a spin class on Saturday mornings as well as Zumba, but I have to take my daughter to take SATs. So will miss tomorrow :-( but I think I will run the treadmill on Sunday and of course keep on shredding...I havent made the best food choices this week...shoot I never make good food choices when TOM is in town, ugh. I am just hoping Jillian broke through those few poor choices and I lost some inches and even a pound or two. I definitely notice a difference in my endurance from day 1 to day 4, by day 7 I should be a pro and ready to move on to L2 the next day. LETS GO LADIES!
  • JustQue
    JustQue Posts: 157
    I started Level 2 on Thursday. I forgot to take my recovery protein after. Yesterday I didn't work out but spent the day painting. I woke up this morning really sore. But I'm going to press on. I won't forget my shake today thought. Tomorrow is the halfway point for me and I will measure and take pics. Keep it up ladies!! Q
  • Queeenbosss
    Just got done with Day 6 of 30DS, took Sunday off ( even the Lord rests on the 7th day). I can def see my endurance has gotten so better, i can do the whole 20 mins, except strugglin a lil with the pushups but form is what counts , right? 4 more days and then onto L2.....the soreness is completely gone and i feel a lil stronger each day.....sticking with it and praying for good results! I can say that my jeans are fitting much better already, so that is my motivation. I did JM30DS for 6 days last week, 3 days of 80 min cardio dancing and walked 7.5 miles, ate below my calories every day except yest (was only over 134) and lost the 3 lbs i gained back the week before when i was not in tune with my star player.....IM IN TUNE WITH MY STAR PLAYER AND WE GOIN ALL THE WAY!! Good luck eberyone and nice job!!
  • Queeenbosss
    might i ask what a recovery protein shake is? Please and Thank You!!
  • Queeenbosss
    I started Level 2 on Thursday. I forgot to take my recovery protein after. Yesterday I didn't work out but spent the day painting. I woke up this morning really sore. But I'm going to press on. I won't forget my shake today thought. Tomorrow is the halfway point for me and I will measure and take pics. Keep it up ladies!! Q

    Might i ask what a recovery protein shake is? Might need that with all the exercising im incorporating....Please and Thank You!!
  • horaks
    horaks Posts: 124 Member
    Thank you for the help!

    10 days same level

    Also FYI-I hit the wrong posting button !!!Yikes

    I'm L-1 D3
  • JustQue
    JustQue Posts: 157
    I started Level 2 on Thursday. I forgot to take my recovery protein after. Yesterday I didn't work out but spent the day painting. I woke up this morning really sore. But I'm going to press on. I won't forget my shake today thought. Tomorrow is the halfway point for me and I will measure and take pics. Keep it up ladies!! Q

    Might i ask what a recovery protein shake is? Might need that with all the exercising im incorporating....Please and Thank You!!
    It's a shake I take after my workouts. It helps provide your body with amino acids, protein and helps your muscles to repair faster and get rid of soreness. Two that I've tried so far are 100% Whey Gold Standard by Optimum Nutrition and GNC Amplified Wheybolic Extreme 60. I just do one scoop about 30 minutes after my workout. HTH Q
  • monicanicoletta
    monicanicoletta Posts: 176 Member
    How are we all doing ladies??? I havent done my dvd since friday- Saturday I went to kickboxing int he am then straight to my bf's game (he coaches foobtall) and then to set up for our party we had saturday night. sunday i was sick and thats usually my rest day. Went to kickboxing this morning and will do my technically day 3 tonight, hope you all are kicking butt! xoxo
  • monicanicoletta
    monicanicoletta Posts: 176 Member
    I started Level 2 on Thursday. I forgot to take my recovery protein after. Yesterday I didn't work out but spent the day painting. I woke up this morning really sore. But I'm going to press on. I won't forget my shake today thought. Tomorrow is the halfway point for me and I will measure and take pics. Keep it up ladies!! Q

    Might i ask what a recovery protein shake is? Might need that with all the exercising im incorporating....Please and Thank You!!
    It's a shake I take after my workouts. It helps provide your body with amino acids, protein and helps your muscles to repair faster and get rid of soreness. Two that I've tried so far are 100% Whey Gold Standard by Optimum Nutrition and GNC Amplified Wheybolic Extreme 60. I just do one scoop about 30 minutes after my workout. HTH Q

    I also drink a shake after my workout- they sell it at costco its called premiere nutrition and they are AMAZING.. only 160 cals, like 5 carbs and 30!! grams of protein :)
  • sarah_ep
    sarah_ep Posts: 580 Member
    I'll have to check some of these shakes out.

    I am starting Level 2 today. I am a bit nervous, but I am ready to move on. I do feel stronger, however, and finally able to do those bicycle crunches.
  • JustQue
    JustQue Posts: 157
    I started Level 2 on Thursday. I forgot to take my recovery protein after. Yesterday I didn't work out but spent the day painting. I woke up this morning really sore. But I'm going to press on. I won't forget my shake today thought. Tomorrow is the halfway point for me and I will measure and take pics. Keep it up ladies!! Q

    Might i ask what a recovery protein shake is? Might need that with all the exercising im incorporating....Please and Thank You!!
    It's a shake I take after my workouts. It helps provide your body with amino acids, protein and helps your muscles to repair faster and get rid of soreness. Two that I've tried so far are 100% Whey Gold Standard by Optimum Nutrition and GNC Amplified Wheybolic Extreme 60. I just do one scoop about 30 minutes after my workout. HTH Q

    I also drink a shake after my workout- they sell it at costco its called premiere nutrition and they are AMAZING.. only 160 cals, like 5 carbs and 30!! grams of protein :)
    Sounds great. The Amplified (1 scoop) is 20 grams of protein, about 2 grams of carbs and only 93 calories. The Opitmum Nutrition is 120 calories, 24 grams of protein and 3 grams of carb. I usually take advantage of the BOGO 50% plus the additonal 20% off so the costs is really low. I'm loving the Amplified Cookies and Cream. It's so yummy, and mixes easy with water. Q