personal vent.. I may be a B*$#@

hillm12345 Posts: 313 Member
I have a co-worker friend who recently had a baby. by recently I mean LAST july. she has been complaining about both her weight and her money since baby was born. Ok so I complain too, get to the point.

Well, she's really starting to P*ss me off!!! She's constantly complaining about money.. she's got a negative balance in her bank account. Amazingly she also recently purchased season football tickets. She's so far behind, she's receiving money (welfare) from the government.. Amazingly again, she's recently joined Weight Watchers at $20 a month.... She can't pay her mortgage.. OH but wait!!! she goes out to the bars 4 nights a week. AND oh no poor thing can't lose a pound so on top of the monthly diet plan, she's also joined an expensive gym.

Ok, so now for the sabotaging part... every time she goes to the bar she's gotta have a "wingman" and apparently I'm it. I feel bad for her in a way.. she's a divorced mother of 4.. and her youngest child was a one night stand turned into a makeshift boyfriend/baby daddy and that's how she meets guys.. in a bar. But I neither have the money nor the calories to be wasting them in a dirty hole in the wall bar. I've told her repeatedly that I'm saving money, and i'm trying to lose weight but she won't listen. Pretty soon, i'll need her like a hole in the head.

Thank you for listening. I feel better. :)


  • How does she raise her kids?
  • Aj1214
    Aj1214 Posts: 120
    I know these types of people actually. I never hang out with them.

    Very sad. Also angering.
  • NinjaMonkey201
    Doesn't it feel good to vent? I vented earlier today. :-D
    Next time she wants to hit the bar, tell her you can't, you gotta hit the gym. And then leave and go to the gym. Maybe, just maybe, she might actually go with one time. Maybe. :)
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,709 Member
    I have a co-worker friend who recently had a baby. by recently I mean LAST july. she has been complaining about both her weight and her money since baby was born. Ok so I complain too, get to the point.

    Well, she's really starting to P*ss me off!!! She's constantly complaining about money.. she's got a negative balance in her bank account. Amazingly she also recently purchased season football tickets. She's so far behind, she's receiving money (welfare) from the government.. Amazingly again, she's recently joined Weight Watchers at $20 a month.... She can't pay her mortgage.. OH but wait!!! she goes out to the bars 4 nights a week. AND oh no poor thing can't lose a pound so on top of the monthly diet plan, she's also joined an expensive gym.

    Ok, so now for the sabotaging part... every time she goes to the bar she's gotta have a "wingman" and apparently I'm it. I feel bad for her in a way.. she's a divorced mother of 4.. and her youngest child was a one night stand turned into a makeshift boyfriend/baby daddy and that's how she meets guys.. in a bar. But I neither have the money nor the calories to be wasting them in a dirty hole in the wall bar. I've told her repeatedly that I'm saving money, and i'm trying to lose weight but she won't listen. Pretty soon, i'll need her like a hole in the head.

    Thank you for listening. I feel better. :)
    How is she on welfare and working at the same time? I can understand section 8 housing, but is she receiving money from welfare?
    Anyway, you need to drop her or just put your foot down or else you'll be pacifying everyone the rest of your life.
  • EmilyAnn89
    EmilyAnn89 Posts: 564 Member
    just tell her you can't. tell her you have no money and you aren't going to waste it on drinks at the bar :wink: or tell her that you have other plans. sometimes you just have to say no. it's hard, but in the end they will eventually get the picture.
  • sunkisses
    sunkisses Posts: 2,365 Member
    Reason # Eleventy-twelve I don't keep friends unless they've undergone the initiation process.
  • manderson27
    manderson27 Posts: 3,510 Member
    Life is too short to waste on people who p*ss you off. Kick her to the kerb and find a friend with the same kind of goals in life.:ohwell:
  • Loko_Ino
    Loko_Ino Posts: 544 Member
    Kick her for me..people like that make me sick and should be locked up. Who is watching her 1 year old while she is out tramping around?
    Stop being her wingman
  • Ingage
    Ingage Posts: 4 Member
    Unfortuneatly, I know this person as well. Give her an excuse she should understand. That you are out of money. Since you work with her, this might be the easiest way to avoid the "gal code" and not be a wingman.
  • MFPAddict
    MFPAddict Posts: 2,303 Member
    Tell her you don't appreciate her drinking our tax dollars, then dump her as a friend.
  • ajk828
    ajk828 Posts: 335
    Just say no.

    Problem solved.
  • LauraMacNCheese
    LauraMacNCheese Posts: 7,198 Member
    Tell her you don't appreciate her drinking our tax dollars, then dump her as a friend.

    ^^ This ^^
  • koosdel
    koosdel Posts: 3,317 Member
    Just say no.

    Problem solved.

    But.. but... that would be simple and drama free? Why would anyone want to do that?
  • maura5880
    maura5880 Posts: 346 Member
    Ugh, I cannot stand when people complain about life issues and do nothing to fix them! If she's overweight, stop complaining & GO to the gym that she's (somehow) paying for! If she's broke, then she has no business being out at the bar so often. People need to realize that complaining about their problems is not helping, they need to take action to see results!
  • kennethmgreen
    kennethmgreen Posts: 1,759 Member
    Your profile says you are 28 years old. Surely you've had to say no before, even though it might hurt someone's feelings. Now is one of those times.
  • kennethmgreen
    kennethmgreen Posts: 1,759 Member
    Ugh, I cannot stand when people complain about life issues and do nothing to fix them! If she's overweight, stop complaining & GO to the gym that she's (somehow) paying for! If she's broke, then she has no business being out at the bar so often. People need to realize that complaining about their problems is not helping, they need to take action to see results!
    I honestly thought you were going in a different direction when you started.
  • SiltyPigeon
    SiltyPigeon Posts: 920 Member
    People are stupid. Which is why I have no friends.
  • hillm12345
    hillm12345 Posts: 313 Member
    Thanks all for your support. I do say no all the time and I have to keep telling myself not to feel bad. Thank you for helping me put this into perspective. :)
  • glitterpiss
    I know people like this, and they are not my friends. She sounds like a miserable person to get around and no one should have to endure that.
  • ladybg81
    ladybg81 Posts: 1,553 Member
    Where is her child in all of this? Some people should be able to procreate.