Cardio or Weights first?

Should i be doing weight lifting before cardio or cardio then weight lifting? Looking for some more ideas! usually ill do 30-40 min of cardio and 30 min of weights


  • chefswife67
    Bump ...
  • Valechka
    I usually do like 10 min warm up, then weights....sometimes I do more cardio after session.. If I feel like it
  • luvmybeebees
    luvmybeebees Posts: 681 Member
    Bump :)
  • nmp1994
    i've always been told to def. warm-up with cardio, and end with cardio to stretch the muscles! Mix it up and have fun :)
  • SkateboardFi
    SkateboardFi Posts: 1,322 Member
    i've always been told to def. warm-up with cardio, and end with cardio to stretch the muscles! Mix it up and have fun :)

    yeah pretty much this, i warm up with maybe a 5-7 min intense cardio session, and cool off with a 10-15 min intense session
  • Jesung
    Jesung Posts: 236 Member
    If you can do weight training after (serious) cardio, you're not lifting enough weights.
    Do a bit of cardio to get warmed up and go lift some heavy stuff. You can do cardio afterwards.
  • Jay0hwhy
    I read that doing strength will heighten your metabolism so you will burn more during your cardio.
  • lisaisso
    lisaisso Posts: 337 Member
  • Scorpioangel
    Scorpioangel Posts: 951 Member
    Weights and then cardio :)
  • kristinacast
    thanks everyone! and wtf is bump! lol
  • susanofscottsdale
    For the best "burn, start with cardio to raise your heart rate and then do weights at a pace that will keep the heart rate up. Finish with more cardio.

    You should not lift weights on consecutive days - but can do cardio every day.
  • trelm249
    trelm249 Posts: 777 Member
    What is your goal with the weights? Is it to add variety to the cardio or is it to gain strength and stimulate the development of lean tissue?

    The answer will have a lot to do with how to answer your question.
  • kristinacast
    well im down 22 pounds and i really wanna speed my weight loss up as iv been not doing everything to the full potential i could be!!! i want to burn fat and define my body!
  • trelm249
    trelm249 Posts: 777 Member
    "Burn fat and define body"

    Ok. Pick three days for weights on non-consecutive days. Your focus on those days is primarily strength training and stimulating lean tissue growth. Start with cardio for 10 minutes to warm up.

    "The New Rules of Lifting for Women" would be a great reference. For now you could whip out a full body workout in 30 to 45 minutes if you are focused. Lift heavy (4 to 6 reps on the heavy set) and do compound lifts (dead lifts, leg press or squats, bench press with dumbbells or barbells, lat pulldown, rows, etc.). Focus on free weights when possible to develop the auxiliary muscles for balance and control rather than learn a crutch using just machines.

    Grab a trainer or staff member to help you with form and technique. You will not look like a guy. You will get stronger and firm up in time. Your Resting Metabolic rate will increase as your muscles recover. It will also increase as you gradually develop more lean tissue to fill out the skin and get that tone, firm, defined look.

    At first you will slow your weight loss on the scale (if not potentially gain a couple of pounds) as your muscles adapt to the recovery process and your body retains water. This is normal and temporary.

    Looking at your diary leads me to make a couple suggestions. Up your calories to 1400 and shoot for 100 grams of protein. The reason for this is that your body will use the protein in the recovery process to repair the cells. Your protein settings appear to be the default which assumes NO physical activity other than "push aways" from the table. You may even adjust it higher later once you lean out, but start with that for about 6 weeks and log what happens with a tape measure and pictures.

    For some inspiration check this out.