exhausted and starved!

I start out doing well exercising daily and eating my 1200 calorie limit at the beginning of the week. By Thursday I am exhausted and starved. This is about the time my diet fails for a day also. Should I be eating some of the calories I burn from exercise? Am I harming my body? Please help!


  • spammyanna
    spammyanna Posts: 871 Member
    Should I be eating some of the calories I burn from exercise? Am I harming my body? Please help!

    YES! Eat your exercise calories.

    Your body is telling you that it needs more fuel. FEED IT!
  • harmonysdream
    harmonysdream Posts: 92 Member
    Let the calorie setting on the site help you. as long as you stay in the green you are okay on calories. If your exercise puts you further into the green then you can eat those calories.
  • cowboydan43
    cowboydan43 Posts: 306 Member
    Eat those exercise calories! That is what they are there for
  • audram420
    audram420 Posts: 838 Member
    sounds like you need to eat some of those exercise calories. You'll find that some people on MFP don't and some do. I do both...depending on how I feel! If I'm starving or feeling too tired, you bet I'm going to eat some of those calories!!
  • funauntsherry
    funauntsherry Posts: 41 Member
    yes, you're building muscle and like a turbo engine, you must fuel these muscles!!!
  • You can definitely eat back the exercise calories. Also, remember that it's better to use moderation and stick to it for the long run. Don't torture yourself into quitting in the first week or month!
  • choconuts
    choconuts Posts: 208 Member
    If you are hungry and exhausted, EAT them. You will never succeed in a lifestyle change if you are constantly hungry and exhausted, IMHO.

    I eat some, most, none, or all of my exercise calories---depending on what my body is telling me.
  • kr3851
    kr3851 Posts: 994 Member
    Green means go. Red means stop. If your calories are still in the green.... then eat!
  • The 1200 calories is basically pre-exercise. If you then burn another 400 calories exercising, that's an additional 400 calories you can eat. On your daily calorie thing it says 'calories remaining' - at the beginning of the day, that's 1200. As you eat, it goes down, as you exercise, it goes back up. As long as you're still in the green by the end of the day, you should be fine. But yes - if you're exercising (especially REALLY exercising) you'll need additional fuel for your body. The 1200 is basically assuming all you're doing is sitting.
  • arotella
    arotella Posts: 98 Member
    Well there is your answer! You should be eating back your exercise calories!!!! MFP already accounts for your deficit (to meet your weight loss goals).
  • Manlee52
    Manlee52 Posts: 13 Member
    I was trying to bank the calories burned to loose more weight but I guess it is backfiring on me! Thanks for the advice!
  • I eat my calories back, some days more of it than others. I just listen to my body and it lets me know what I need, for example lately I am craving protein so I have been working on eating more of it each day. I don't eat more calories than what I burn each day. We have to fuel our bodies so we can work out to our full potential.
  • If you are hungry and exhausted, EAT them. You will never succeed in a lifestyle change if you are constantly hungry and exhausted, IMHO.

    I eat some, most, none, or all of my exercise calories---depending on what my body is telling me.

    I do the same as well, some days I need more and some days not so much...
  • Try eating more protein and less carbs. Eat at least 5 times a day. Nuts, eggs, milk etc, along with your veggies and fruit will give you the nutrients you need and keep you feeling more full. It is also important to use a good multi-vitamin.

    And it has already been said; eat those calories back if you are hungry.
  • If you're hungry, eat some food. lmao :noway:
  • ladybg81
    ladybg81 Posts: 1,553 Member
  • jjs22
    jjs22 Posts: 156
    Good info here. Listen to it ! There's is no reason anybody on a healthy diet should feel hungry or tired !

    Your body needs food. The more you exercise, the more food you need. Eat those exercise calories.

    Losing weight temporarily is worse for you than not losing it to begin with. It is MORE important to find a way to eat/exercise that you can sustain for life than it is to lose weight now. If your current system is leaving you hungry/tired/struggling it IS NOT WORKING !

    If you are eating all your calories and you still feel hungry, definitely look into eating fewer carbs and more protein/fat. And be sure that the carbs you do eat are healthy ones. Ditch refined sugar, white flour, and pasta. This makes a huge difference in how you feel. Try it !
  • nsblue
    nsblue Posts: 331 Member
    I am on 1200 cal a day, I am never hungry an never exhausted. I walk over 5 miles a day, use an exercise bike and lift weights. I have NEVER eaten my exercise calories.

    From your profile one doesn't know how much weight your looking to take off or what exactly you are eating or even if you are on a multi vitamin (which is required when on 1200 cal), if you are under a doctors care and have bloodwork done etc etc....