
zfitgal Posts: 518 Member
Hi everyone, I was just talking to one of the trainers in my gym and she was telling me that when a person is in a caloric deficit, they should be hungry and starving. That’s how they know your metabolism is working hard. I totally disagree with that. I think of a person is on a diet and they are constantly starving. You’re constantly going to Binge. Have any of you ever heard of this before? She is a person who does compete in bodybuilding competitions and is on a ton of supplementation and I’m sure performance enhancement drugs as well. But I do not believe the average person who wants to lose 15 to 20 pounds in a 1 pound a week or half a pound of deficit should be starving. Please let me know if you feel I’m wrong.


  • Nataliem32
    Nataliem32 Posts: 1 Member
    I've been losing about half a kg a week and so I'm clearly in a deficit and I'm not starving whatsoever.
  • pawsrbabies239
    pawsrbabies239 Posts: 19 Member
    If I eat correctly, log my daily intake, I will loose a minimum of 1 pound a week & definitely do not starve. Feel full more than when eating unhealthy.
  • Robinson1225
    Robinson1225 Posts: 4 Member
    I don't starve myself either. I'm down 20 lbs since I changed to a high water-filled foods and protein diet. I eat a lot of fresh veggies(lettuce, tomato, cucumbers), healthy fats (love avocado 🥑) and protein (nuts, beef sticks). Water veggies are low in calories and the protein helps me feel fuller longer.
  • tomcustombuilder
    tomcustombuilder Posts: 2,105 Member
    Bodybuilders that compete are on a different plane entirely. They starve during contest prep for a month or more, look the way they do then after the contest go back to a caloric surplus to add more muscle so in essence, yo yo dieting which for the general public is a bad idea.

    You want to set up your diet as a permanently sustainable situation which can take some time to sort out but once you find your groove it’s easy.
  • zfitgal
    zfitgal Posts: 518 Member
    Bodybuilders that compete are on a different plane entirely. They starve during contest prep for a month or more, look the way they do then after the contest go back to a caloric surplus to add more muscle so in essence, yo yo dieting which for the general public is a bad idea.

    You want to set up your diet as a permanently sustainable situation which can take some time to sort out but once you find your groove it’s easy.

    I lost 20 pounds since this past July and in March I stalled. I didn’t change my calories back in March and thought maybe it would work itself out. I do work out in a Powerhouse gym so most people who come are competitors. There of course all the average people as well, but it is very popular for a bodybuilder gym. That being said, I do feel like I’ve lost because I do see you these people going from 20 pounds or even 40 pounds overweight to getting contest lean which
    is very difficult. I was eating 1600 cal for most of this deficit. I did drop my calories to 1550 to see what happened nothing happened and then I blocked them to 1450 and my body started getting anxious, wasn’t able to sleep at night,felt starving where all I can think of was food and my next meal, had constant feelings the sadness and my bowel movements slow down. I spoke to someone in the gym and they told me that it’s normal to starve, and I should lower my calories
    even more. I know that’s not the right answer for me. But I do have 15 pounds left to lose. So I am in a bit of a pickle. I will tell you for the past week. I have eaten whatever I wanted have not worked out because I just I’m so tired of chasing some thing. looking forward to hearing from you and thanks for your responses
  • SafariGalNYC
    SafariGalNYC Posts: 1,288 Member
    I think proper nutrition is key for health. Malnourishment would be ill advised.

    Starvation means not having the calories needed to support life.

    Being in a modest calorie deficit and being adequately nourished is enough for weight loss.

    Hunger is a feeling, starvation is a medical condition.

  • springlering62
    springlering62 Posts: 8,283 Member
    edited July 18
    If you’re cutting so hard you’re at the point of feeling like you’re “chasing something”, and too de-energized to work out, listen to your head and your body.

    I worked out at a powerlifting gym when I first started doing weights. The owner’s 57 year old husband (multiple time world champ) squatted 1,000 an month after a triple bypass, and swore everyone to secrecy because he knew his wife would (reasonably) go ballistic. She has cameras throughout the gym. Duh. She knew. All hell broke loose. Thank god, because she asked me what I knew which was tres awkward.

    A lot of these guys are in a bubble of Crazy-Town.

    One of the things she used to point out to me was how overweight most of them were, and how they’d improve if they ate better, shed a few, and most of all, stretched regularly. She even tried to teach some stretch classes herself and considered hiring a yoga instructor for her competitors, but man, they weren’t having none of it.

    You do you. Common sense is called “common sense” for a reason. Make sure your calorie goal is still in line with your current weight. MFP does not always adjust automatically as you get lighter.
  • zfitgal
    zfitgal Posts: 518 Member
    If you’re cutting so hard you’re at the point of feeling like you’re “chasing something”, and too de-energized to work out, listen to your head and your body.

    I worked out at a powerlifting gym when I first started doing weights. The owner’s 57 year old husband (multiple time world champ) squatted 1,000 an month after a triple bypass, and swore everyone to secrecy because he knew his wife would (reasonably) go ballistic. She has cameras throughout the gym. Duh. She knew. All hell broke loose. Thank god, because she asked me what I knew which was tres awkward.

    A lot of these guys are in a bubble of Crazy-Town.

    One of the things she used to point out to me was how overweight most of them were, and how they’d improve if they ate better, shed a few, and most of all, stretched regularly. She even tried to teach some stretch classes herself and considered hiring a yoga instructor for her competitors, but man, they weren’t having none of it.

    You do you. Common sense is called “common sense” for a reason. Make sure your calorie goal is still in line with your current weight. MFP does not always adjust automatically as you get lighter.
    Thank you so much for this I really appreciate this. So my fitness pal was saying that in order for me to lose half a pound a week based on my activity (which I might’ve put in too low, because I retrain five days a week and I do cardio five days a week, with one complete rest day and I complete 10,000 steps a daily) and I put myself as lightly active. Based on where I put myself it said 1650 would be where I need to be to lose half a pound a week. But every time I seem to lower my calories from fat points I would start to gain weight and I wouldn’t feel right. So I don’t really know how to adjust. :(. I do know weight loss is not linear and there are gonna be ups and downs through it but I just want to feel like I’m on the right track if you know what I mean and I don’t know what track that is right now.
  • Theoldguy1
    Theoldguy1 Posts: 2,486 Member
    I think proper nutrition is key for health. Malnourishment would be ill advised.

    Starvation means not having the calories needed to support life.

    Being in a modest calorie deficit and being adequately nourished is enough for weight loss.

    Hunger is a feeling, starvation is a medical condition.

    This is so correct. I'm pretty sure the trainer in the original post was talking about hunger, not starvation, but used the incorrect word. For many people who start on a weight loss journey, they feel they are "starving" while in reality they just feel hungry due to consuming fewer calories than they were (which of course was excessive).
  • claireychn074
    claireychn074 Posts: 1,542 Member
    zfitgal wrote: »
    If you’re cutting so hard you’re at the point of feeling like you’re “chasing something”, and too de-energized to work out, listen to your head and your body.

    I worked out at a powerlifting gym when I first started doing weights. The owner’s 57 year old husband (multiple time world champ) squatted 1,000 an month after a triple bypass, and swore everyone to secrecy because he knew his wife would (reasonably) go ballistic. She has cameras throughout the gym. Duh. She knew. All hell broke loose. Thank god, because she asked me what I knew which was tres awkward.

    A lot of these guys are in a bubble of Crazy-Town.

    One of the things she used to point out to me was how overweight most of them were, and how they’d improve if they ate better, shed a few, and most of all, stretched regularly. She even tried to teach some stretch classes herself and considered hiring a yoga instructor for her competitors, but man, they weren’t having none of it.

    You do you. Common sense is called “common sense” for a reason. Make sure your calorie goal is still in line with your current weight. MFP does not always adjust automatically as you get lighter.
    Thank you so much for this I really appreciate this. So my fitness pal was saying that in order for me to lose half a pound a week based on my activity (which I might’ve put in too low, because I retrain five days a week and I do cardio five days a week, with one complete rest day and I complete 10,000 steps a daily) and I put myself as lightly active. Based on where I put myself it said 1650 would be where I need to be to lose half a pound a week. But every time I seem to lower my calories from fat points I would start to gain weight and I wouldn’t feel right. So I don’t really know how to adjust. :(. I do know weight loss is not linear and there are gonna be ups and downs through it but I just want to feel like I’m on the right track if you know what I mean and I don’t know what track that is right now.

    I’m going to say this from a place of support and empathy, and not criticism. You’ve made a few posts about not losing, or feeling ill when you eat too little, or having a weight loss stall. It feels like you’re pushing hard to solve an “issue” which might not even be there.

    Weight fluctuates hugely - especially if you have menstrual cycles - and you need to just hold your nerve and track consistently for several weeks THEN see what your numbers are. Lots of things will affect your weight (notice I’m saying weight - not fat): how many carbs or salt you ate, how many times you’ve been to the bathroom (food in tummy / bowels), heat and humidity, whether you’ve travelled (retained water), your exercise intensity (muscles holding water), what your food intake was (some foods are heavier), how much water you’ve drunk, and the good old female period.

    If you don’t have loads to lose then you’re better off picking a slow and sustainable rate of loss, like 1/2 - 1 lb per week. And you know what? You won’t see that every week. You might even go up a bit before get a sudden whoosh of loss. It’s why some people like to track every day and then record trends on a graph over time. There’s a great thread on here about scale fluctuations and I recommend reading that if you can find it.

    If you find over several weeks that your weight has consistently crept up, then you need to check your logging is as accurate as you can make it: no eyeballing or guessing, weigh absolutely everything and check all entries you select. Then try dropping 100 cals a day, and consider what foods make you feel full and good.

    We are all different, but with the volume of exercise you have stated, I would expect you to lose weight fast on the calories you mention.

    Does any of this resonate, or have I missed the mark?
  • Hobartlemagne
    Hobartlemagne Posts: 494 Member
    This is just me, but when I lost 20 lbs in the first half of this year I was VERY hungry for at least a full hour before each meal.
    If you have the time and self discipline, it may be less miserable if you eat at maintenance levels and exercise into caloric deficit.
  • zfitgal
    zfitgal Posts: 518 Member
    zfitgal wrote: »
    If you’re cutting so hard you’re at the point of feeling like you’re “chasing something”, and too de-energized to work out, listen to your head and your body.

    I worked out at a powerlifting gym when I first started doing weights. The owner’s 57 year old husband (multiple time world champ) squatted 1,000 an month after a triple bypass, and swore everyone to secrecy because he knew his wife would (reasonably) go ballistic. She has cameras throughout the gym. Duh. She knew. All hell broke loose. Thank god, because she asked me what I knew which was tres awkward.

    A lot of these guys are in a bubble of Crazy-Town.

    One of the things she used to point out to me was how overweight most of them were, and how they’d improve if they ate better, shed a few, and most of all, stretched regularly. She even tried to teach some stretch classes herself and considered hiring a yoga instructor for her competitors, but man, they weren’t having none of it.

    You do you. Common sense is called “common sense” for a reason. Make sure your calorie goal is still in line with your current weight. MFP does not always adjust automatically as you get lighter.
    Thank you so much for this I really appreciate this. So my fitness pal was saying that in order for me to lose half a pound a week based on my activity (which I might’ve put in too low, because I retrain five days a week and I do cardio five days a week, with one complete rest day and I complete 10,000 steps a daily) and I put myself as lightly active. Based on where I put myself it said 1650 would be where I need to be to lose half a pound a week. But every time I seem to lower my calories from fat points I would start to gain weight and I wouldn’t feel right. So I don’t really know how to adjust. :(. I do know weight loss is not linear and there are gonna be ups and downs through it but I just want to feel like I’m on the right track if you know what I mean and I don’t know what track that is right now.

    I’m going to say this from a place of support and empathy, and not criticism. You’ve made a few posts about not losing, or feeling ill when you eat too little, or having a weight loss stall. It feels like you’re pushing hard to solve an “issue” which might not even be there.

    Weight fluctuates hugely - especially if you have menstrual cycles - and you need to just hold your nerve and track consistently for several weeks THEN see what your numbers are. Lots of things will affect your weight (notice I’m saying weight - not fat): how many carbs or salt you ate, how many times you’ve been to the bathroom (food in tummy / bowels), heat and humidity, whether you’ve travelled (retained water), your exercise intensity (muscles holding water), what your food intake was (some foods are heavier), how much water you’ve drunk, and the good old female period.

    If you don’t have loads to lose then you’re better off picking a slow and sustainable rate of loss, like 1/2 - 1 lb per week. And you know what? You won’t see that every week. You might even go up a bit before get a sudden whoosh of loss. It’s why some people like to track every day and then record trends on a graph over time. There’s a great thread on here about scale fluctuations and I recommend reading that if you can find it.

    If you find over several weeks that your weight has consistently crept up, then you need to check your logging is as accurate as you can make it: no eyeballing or guessing, weigh absolutely everything and check all entries you select. Then try dropping 100 cals a day, and consider what foods make you feel full and good.

    We are all different, but with the volume of exercise you have stated, I would expect you to lose weight fast on the calories you mention.

    Does any of this resonate, or have I missed the mark?

    Hi, none of this resonates with me. I meticulously track. My weight has crept up only after lowering my calories. Other than that my way has been between 145 and 147 pounds eating at 1600 cal. There is nothing that goes into my mouth that is not measured. My inches have been the same as well. My goal was to only lose half a pound a week that’s why I put my calories at 1600. I am not basing this off of one week or two weeks. I am basing this off of several months of being in the same place. The only change that I have done was lower, my calories, and it threw me off completely. I did write multiple post because I’m very lost and confused here and it’s very hard for me. The woosh affect happens after a couple of weeks at most not months. Even when I lowered my calories, I looked more swollen.
  • tomcustombuilder
    tomcustombuilder Posts: 2,105 Member
    edited July 18

    Too low of calories and too much exercise causes water bloating. Try reverse dieting for 2 weeks and reduce exercising.

    After a couple weeks of this if still no change then you need to review your diet for accuracy.
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 33,715 Member
    Just because someone's a "trainer" doesn't make them right, or even sensible. People who are trainers can be extreme, obsessed, hyperbolic in how they express things, etc. . . . just like any other people.

    I'm with you, as a generality: Extreme hunger should not be necessary. Sure, it's one normal pattern to feel hungrier than usual for the first couple of weeks, before new habits settle in. Also, there will be some people who - for one reason or another - do struggle with hunger at reduced calories. But that's not universal, IME.

    I lost around 50 pounds, without feeling constantly "hungry and starving", averaging a pound a week for just under a year (faster at first, slower at the end, in practice). I'd feel a little peckish when a meal was coming up pretty soon, but no big problems or suffering on a regular basis.

    I feel like some people act as if being fat is a sin that we need to expiate by suffering: Extreme food restriction, punitively intense exercise. I think that's nonsense.

    Gaining weight when lowering calories is much more likely IMO to be stress-related water retention than fat gain, and it can last a surprisingly long time. The exception might be when the reduced calories cause reduced movement (including unnoticed movements like fidgeting) through fatigue. In those scenarios - persistent water retention or fatigue-reduced movement - I think Tom's got a good point about reverse dieting.

    You might also want to read about refeeds and diet breaks here:

    To be clear, I'm not necessarily saying you must do refeeds or a diet break. It's that I think the science around that is interesting and potentially relevant to what you're experiencing (in addition to the link about cortisol that Kshama posted above). There's some good research-based information in both those links (and the outlinks from the thread I posted above).
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 28,053 Member
    Too low of calories and too much exercise causes water bloating. Try reverse dieting for 2 weeks and reduce exercising.

    After a couple weeks of this if still no change then you need to review your diet for accuracy.

    Yep, I'm assuming the calorie log is accurate, calories are too few given the amount of exercise, and what's showing up on the scale is water retention due to increased cortisol, not fat gain.
  • tomcustombuilder
    tomcustombuilder Posts: 2,105 Member
    kshama2001 wrote: »
    Too low of calories and too much exercise causes water bloating. Try reverse dieting for 2 weeks and reduce exercising.

    After a couple weeks of this if still no change then you need to review your diet for accuracy.

    Yep, I'm assuming the calorie log is accurate, calories are too few given the amount of exercise, and what's showing up on the scale is water retention due to increased cortisol, not fat gain.


    After a lengthy period of a lot of exercise and very low calories you’re going to look worse before you look better. Your body is in a big caloric deficit. Your body retains water and you’ll look soft and fat—this even happens to pros. This is why you want to add calories back in at the end and back off of the cardio.
  • tomcustombuilder
    tomcustombuilder Posts: 2,105 Member
    edited July 19
    kshama2001 wrote: »
    Too low of calories and too much exercise causes water bloating. Try reverse dieting for 2 weeks and reduce exercising.

    After a couple weeks of this if still no change then you need to review your diet for accuracy.

    Yep, I'm assuming the calorie log is accurate, calories are too few given the amount of exercise, and what's showing up on the scale is water retention due to increased cortisol, not fat gain.


    After a lengthy period of a lot of exercise and very low calories you’re going to look worse before you look better. Your body is in a big caloric deficit. Your body retains water and you’ll look soft and fat—this even happens to pros. This is why you want to add calories back in at the end and back off of the cardio.

    You'll start looking better, the water will dissipate and the added calories, especially from carbs will fill the muscles back up.

    This is provided you actually were in a big weekly deficit and not just underestimating your calorie amounts