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Fasting - Ease of Use

Please consider making tracking fasting easier than it currently is. In its current state I find it unusable.

Two simple additions. A Start Fast which captures date and time and an End Fast which captures date and time. It would then show on our progress and each meal would be noted as Fasted. I really want to continue using MyFitnessPal and I've been a premium user for year. Please let us know if this is in the works or if there is something I am missing.
1 votes

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  • jshadaway
    jshadaway Posts: 6 Member
    One addition. Fasts should be able to go past midnight. I fast from 9PM until the follow day. Since we can't track more than one fast per day and you don't allow tracking past midnight it's never accurate.
  • Jean
    Jean Posts: 904 MFP Staff
    Thank you for your feedback on the Intermittent Fasting feature. To read more about how it currently works, please see this FAQ.