JULY GOAL CHALLENGE (Feb.25th-Mar.2nd)

Good morning challengers! Starting the new post here! Hope everyone had a good and successful weekend. Mine...:grumble: still stuck!:grumble: Haven't budged from 165-166. This is where I've been for what, 2.5 weeks?! I don't know if I should be eating more or eating less...exercising more or exercising less...or should I just continue to do the same thing? I just don't know. I leave in about 2 and a half weeks for Texas and Mexico and this is soooo FRUSTRATING!!!!:explode: But...I just keep at it, hoping to see something change. This weekend really wasn't too terrible food wise. Saturday I did a Spinning class in the morning and that evening we went out to my parents for my dad's birthday dinner. The only bad part was I had some cake and ice cream. But...I had extra calories since I exercised in the morning. Yesterday...I did a whole bunch of cleaning in our house and didn't make it to the gym, but didn't really eat bad. Did have a burger for dinner so the heavy meat may be limiting any loss on the scale this morning. So...here's the stats:

Started MFP (Nov): 183 pounds
Jan.2nd: 174 pounds
Last week: 165 pounds
This morning: 166 pounds

Let's just hope that SOME-thing changes! I'm sick of being stuck!!!!:mad: Tonight it's cardio at the gym...1.5-2 hours worth!

I hope everyone had a good weekend and more succes that I did! Good luck guys and keep it up!!!!



  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    Good morning challengers! Starting the new post here! Hope everyone had a good and successful weekend. Mine...:grumble: still stuck!:grumble: Haven't budged from 165-166. This is where I've been for what, 2.5 weeks?! I don't know if I should be eating more or eating less...exercising more or exercising less...or should I just continue to do the same thing? I just don't know. I leave in about 2 and a half weeks for Texas and Mexico and this is soooo FRUSTRATING!!!!:explode: But...I just keep at it, hoping to see something change. This weekend really wasn't too terrible food wise. Saturday I did a Spinning class in the morning and that evening we went out to my parents for my dad's birthday dinner. The only bad part was I had some cake and ice cream. But...I had extra calories since I exercised in the morning. Yesterday...I did a whole bunch of cleaning in our house and didn't make it to the gym, but didn't really eat bad. Did have a burger for dinner so the heavy meat may be limiting any loss on the scale this morning. So...here's the stats:

    Started MFP (Nov): 183 pounds
    Jan.2nd: 174 pounds
    Last week: 165 pounds
    This morning: 166 pounds

    Let's just hope that SOME-thing changes! I'm sick of being stuck!!!!:mad: Tonight it's cardio at the gym...1.5-2 hours worth!

    I hope everyone had a good weekend and more succes that I did! Good luck guys and keep it up!!!!

  • Families_R_Forever
    Hi, I am still sick which means this will be week 3 of no workouts:explode: but the doc says I can start in a week. I know once I start again I will probably gain the weight I have lost being sick :mad:

    Starting weight on 1-14: 176
    Two weeks ago : 164.2
    Last week: 163.7
    Today: 162.2

  • Families_R_Forever
    kistinbee hang in there!! I know you will break your plateau soon. Have you had a cheat day to trick your metabolism? This works for me as long as I don't cheat to much. Good luck!! HH
  • cp005e
    cp005e Posts: 1,495 Member
    Hi everyone!

    It doesn't look like I'm going to have any loss, either (official weigh-in day tomorrow). :grumble: I have been struggling this week - my knee is still bothering me so I am afraid to do a lot in the way of working out. Anything that involves bending - even the elliptical - has been leaving me hurting the next morning. So I'm not sure what to do! There is a pool at the gym but it is often crowded (or closed for classes), and it's sort of a hassle getting changed and having wet stuff. I think I will just have to stick to walking and strength-training for a while, and just accept that I'm not going to be earning as many extra calories from exercise. :ohwell:

    It was also a rough week, food-wise - we ate out several times with friends, and it is so hard to control portion sizes at restaurants! I didn't do TOO bad - mostly got salads and soups - but I did get a margarita and ate a couple bites of someone else's carrot cake on Thursday, and then split a slice of Key Lime pie with my hubby on Saturday. Admittedly, these are treats worth cheating for every ONCE in a while... but I definitely see how it is easy to start falling off the wagon once you get out of the habit of thinking about every little thing! So my plan for this week is to get back on track with eating - count ALL my calories and really watch those portion sizes.

    Kistinbee - I know how you feel! Keep at it! You will break through this plateau soon - it sounds like you are doing everything right. Have you taken your measurements lately? You might find that you have lost an inch even if you haven't lost a pound. You could also try eating 100-300 extra calories for 4-5 days - that might be enough to kickstart your metabolism into thinking it's okay to start losing again!

    HH - feel better soon! :flowerforyou:

    Good luck everyone!
  • lovemuffins
    Hello all... My week went very well! Here are my stats...

    Start of July Goal Challenge:
    182 lbs
    Last Week:
    174 lbs
    171 lbs

    Total loss for the week:
    3 lbs
    Total loss since July Goal Challenge:
    11 lbs
    Total loss since I started MFP:
    19 lbs

    Good luck for our next weigh in everyone! And kistenbee don't get too discouraged. You are doing awesome! I agree with everyone else that you should have a bit of a cheat day and add a few hundred calories to shake things up a little bit.
  • jessneill
    jessneill Posts: 380 Member
    Ok, I had a good and bad end of my week and weekend.

    My body is gearing up for old faithful so I'm really retaining water, I find I don't lose anything the week before my period and of course I crave food like crazy. But I was very good and resisted temptation when we had a day long recruting here at work, I was in charge of all the catering! :noway: I stayed away from it all and even took off half the bread on my sandwhich when we all had to eat together at lunch.

    Then saturday, I went to the gym and burned around 800 calories, sat night was dinner out at PFchangs and then a hockey game with 16 of our friends. I read the menu ahead and got scallops for 400 calories, I worked in 2 glasses of wine and beer for the game into my calories for the day. I even avoided the HUGE onion rings everyone got at the bar after the game... on the down side I did go over, cause I had a few too many beers :drinker: but, with all my working out that day it was only by about 200 calories.

    Sunday was not so good. That's my day off working out. We didn't get home until 4am the night before so slept till after noon, then neither of us felt like moving at all so we decided to watch movies the rest of the day. It was very fun but not very active. I did eat pretty healthy except I had some of my valentines chocolate and I I put margarine on my baked potato... darn.

    I'm kind of afraid to get on the scale today with all the water retention then drinking and some bad eating.... I may just put off the scale completely till after my period.

    but stats as of last Friday.

    Started MFP 1/14 at 224
    1/22 211

    I'm also thinking about changing my goals for July. I have such a hard time with weight loss around my period that it's pretty much a null week. So I'm thinking about changing from a goal of 2lbs a week to 6lbs a month, which would just remove that week from my goals at all.

    Ok, enough of my ramble.

    Kistin, keep on! It will happen soon!

    Good luck everyone.

  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    Good job so far guys! Sounds like you are all on the right track! Thanks for the support. See...I know things will happen for me but it's just the waiting for them to happen that is frustrating! But, thanks for the words of encouragement! I appreciate it!

    Keep it up! WE CAN DO THIS GUYS!!!!!!!:bigsmile:

  • dawn66
    dawn66 Posts: 166
    Another lousy week for me....
    Started MFP December 31st at 145pounds
    Weighed on Saturday at 145 pounds
    Yeehaa!!!! Look at me , I can maintain. Big Deal!!!!
    But I will keep on trying, maybe this week something will change.
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    Another lousy week for me....
    Started MFP December 31st at 145pounds
    Weighed on Saturday at 145 pounds
    Yeehaa!!!! Look at me , I can maintain. Big Deal!!!!
    But I will keep on trying, maybe this week something will change.

    Just keep at it like I am! We can get over this hump!!!!!!:flowerforyou:

  • lizard9800
    lizard9800 Posts: 474 Member
    A blah week for me as well.
    This whole month has been good week, blah week, good week, blah week.

    We had a house guest on Tues so I didn't work out and went over on calories. Wed and Thurs were great salad days to make up for it. Friday is our going out night and I was famished! I ate my whole pizza... (thin crust at least with veggies). Needless to say I was over by about 600 cals even with a big workout. Sat and Sun, though, I also had huge workouts and was under by 600 cals each day. Usually the over/under thing has worked for me, but maybe not anymore. I guess I'll go back to trying to equal out everyday - how boring!

    So I didn't gain or lose this past week. I cheated and looked at the scale mid week and I had lost 2 lbs, but then I guess I gained them back over the weekend. My body may definitely be retaining water after the hard workouts and that time of month approaching. I ordered one of those fancy Polar heart rate watches that should arrive tomorrow. I'm excited to see if it boosts my results and I'm burning as many calories as I think I am!

    I was so looking forward to being in the 150's this week... Oh well. Next week it is.

    Start of MFP (Nov) - 182.5
    Last week - 161
    Today - 161

    Keep it up!!:drinker:

  • rhondababy
    I haven't budged either-
    holding at 186- but I felt better this last week- exercised more, ate more produce than I had been the past several weeks.
    Things have been emotionally hard but I am determined not to turn to food for comfort...sounds easy enough:laugh:
  • Annabel_Lee13
    I am stuck at last week's weight also.

    Started (Jan 18)- 195
    Last week- 189.4
    This week- 189

    Well atleast I lost .4, right?:laugh: We just need to keep it up and we will all reach our goals
  • laxgirl
    I've stayed at the same weight too this week (205). I was kind of stuck in an exercise rut last week and ate waaay over my calorie limit on most days. But this week should get me back in action:

    Monday (today): 70 minutes of lacrosse
    Tuesday: 70 minutes of lacrosse
    Wednesday: lacrosse
    Thursday: lacrosse
    Friday: lacrosse, maybe day off
    Saturday: lacrosse or gym after the SATs
    Sunday: hopefully some lacrosse

    The season's starting officially on Saturday, so I'm definetly trying to get in some last minute laps on the track and time on the field before the real thing starts.

    Good luck all!
  • dawn66
    dawn66 Posts: 166
    Another lousy week for me....
    Started MFP December 31st at 145pounds
    Weighed on Saturday at 145 pounds
    Yeehaa!!!! Look at me , I can maintain. Big Deal!!!!
    But I will keep on trying, maybe this week something will change.
    So I went to Curves after work, and had them do a weigh, measure, and a body fat count... and low and behold I have lost two inches and almost 2% body fat. So I am Very happy about that. At least I know that all of these hard work is not for nothing. There scales said I lost 3.5 pounds, but of course it was a new scale....
    I hope every one has a great week.
  • cp005e
    cp005e Posts: 1,495 Member
    Well, I stepped on the scale this morning, and big surprise! I lost almost 2 pounds!!!!! WOO-HOO!!! :happy: :happy: :happy: :happy:

    Started MFP 12/1: 210
    Last week: 193.2
    This week: 191.4

    I almost don't believe it... but at least it's going the right direction! The only thing I can figure is that I had been retaining water, what with all the dining out. So when I was stepping on the scale throughout the week, I didn't see the loss... I did drink quite a bit of water yesterday, so that may have helped me stop retaining. Anyway, I'll take it (though I'll believe it more if it stays down for a couple days)!

    Liz - let us know how you like your heart rate monitor. What model did you get? I have been thinking about getting one myself to help me see how many calories I really burn.

    Good luck, everyone, and have a great week!
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    Good morning (it's now Tuesday). I sat down last night and did some figuring. I have not been good about eating the calories that I burn daily. I'm thinking that this may be part of my problem. But when I started I wasn't eating those extra calories and the weight was just falling off. So, of coarse I thought this was how my body liked to do things. But since I've been stuck, I'm going to listen to what everyone has been saying and actually eat those extra calories. It's going to actually be kind of hard...I exercise a lot and that's something that I'm not going to stop doing. I love exercising and the stuff I do burns a lot of calories. So, I'm going to try eating some healthy foods and maybe drink (not alcohol) some calories. We will see how this works and I will definetely let you all know. If any of you have any advice...I'd LOVE to hear it. I really think that we should share our successes and failures so that we can all acheive those July goals! WE ARE IN THIS TOGETHER!!!!! And aside from our reward of looking and feeling great, we should have some sort of reward for when we hit that goal weight. Does anyone already have one? I haven't decided yet. I'm just excited to buy some smaller clothes and to fit into this bikini that I have at home (it's one where the bottoms don't tie and so pinches my sides at the moment. Can't wait to fit in it again!!!) Anyways...this post is getting long! Just thought I'd check in again this morning. Keep up the good work guys! :drinker: I'll let you know how eating the extra calories helps or hurts me!!!

  • proudmama0118
    proudmama0118 Posts: 433 Member
    Tuesday weigh in:

    Original post baby weight: 225.4
    Current weight: 199.6
    Goal weight: 175 (Ultimate 160 by Sept)
    Goal weight loss a week: 2 lbs
    Pounds lost this week: 2.4
    pounds lost total: 25.8

    Yea! Under 200!!! Now if only I can maintain that this week while my parents are in town!!! It figures I would hit this goal right before a rough week like this!!!

    Have a great week everyone, not sure how much I will be on with family in town.
  • erin1205
    Hello all! Hope everyone is having a good week! I had my weigh in today and I've officially it a plateau. I've been at 178 for three weeks now. The dang scale won't budge! :grumble:

    Oh well, at least it isn't going up! :smile:

    I got my new Polar heart rate monitor on Monday and according to it I am burning more calories than I guessed when I go to the gym. The good news? I get to eat more!! :laugh: Maybe I haven't been having enough calories because I was unaware of how many calories I was burning?? Well, we'll see next Wednesday!

    Proudmama-WAY TO GO!!! What a great feeling! You are an inspiration-keep up the great work!

    Kistinbee-Sounds like you and me might have to both try the more eating route...we'll see how that goes. Good luck to you!

    cp005e-Awesome work!

    Everyone else (this post will be WAY too long if I keep this up)- You are all doing so well and your motivation and positivity really inspires me! Thanks to each and every one of you!

    Have a wonderful day everyone! :bigsmile:

  • kris23
    kris23 Posts: 44
    Hello everybody.
    Original weight 227
    Feb 20th: 229
    Yesterday: 220
    Goal: 175 by July

    Never posted my weight and goals before, hope it motivates me to stay active and loose weight.
    Thanks for the support guys:smile:
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member

    Kistinbee-Sounds like you and me might have to both try the more eating route...we'll see how that goes. Good luck to you!


    Yes, yes...let's see how eating more works. However, yesterday I ended up eating over my allowed calories. I forgot to add in a couple extras I added in the morning and then ate more later in the day still thinking I had those extras to eat. So, today I am planning better and hopefully that will help. The hardest part for me is that my workout is in the evening and when I do cardio, I'm not exactly for sure how much I will end up doing, and I hate to eat all the extra calories in the evening. So...I have to estimate and sometimes that's hard. I think it will be okay though. It'a also about that time of month for me, so I'm not sure how my weight will be this week. I usually gain a little. So...we'll just have to see. But I know my body will probably like the extra calories!

    Good luck Erin! We can get through this!!!!!
