Name some workout DVDs other than Jillian's

Looking for some variety, but can't remember the names of other workout DVDs I've read about on here.

Mucho appreciated ! ^_^


  • ursula0601k
    ursula0601k Posts: 169 Member
    Jackie Warner is really good. She also has some timesaver workouts that are effective but quick.
  • Spitfirex007
    Spitfirex007 Posts: 749 Member
    P90X, Insanity and ChaLean are all really popular.
  • sarahbetherck
    sarahbetherck Posts: 270 Member
    I like the Bob Harper videos way better than the Jillians, esp the Inside Out Method series. They are longer (usually an hour) but I really feel like I get more out of them.
  • DST513
    DST513 Posts: 140 Member
    Leslie Sansone walk at home collection simple but affective. Also The Firm collection serious burn
  • Sugarchef
    Sugarchef Posts: 319 Member
    I love the Firm series. The older ones are the best.
  • fridayjustleft04
    fridayjustleft04 Posts: 851 Member
    I like the Biggest Loser DVDs where Bob is the trainer. Also, Bob's Inside Out Method, Turbo Jam, Turbo Fire, ChaLEAN Extreme, and Insanity are good.
  • JustQue
    JustQue Posts: 157
    I have:
    Ultimate NY Body: David Kirsch
    Superbody Boot camp: Tracey Mallett
    Xtreme Timesaver Training: Jackie Warner
    CIA 9809 Video: Janis Saffell
    Quick Fix Pilates

    I also have several videos by Kathy Smith, T-Tapp, The Firm, Jari Love and Karen Voight. I also have Chalean Extreme, Body Gospel, Brazilian Butt life, Insanity, and Turbo Jam. Q
  • deanadimples
    deanadimples Posts: 419 Member
    I'm just ending Supreme 90 Day. 10 DVDs with a schedule for 90 days. Works everything, core, cardio and weights. All for $20! I've enjoyed it and had good results! I can do pushups on my toes for the first time! You can find at stores, I got mine at Bed Bath & Beyond. I have also seen it at Best Buy.
  • I love Shaun T's Insanity and Billy Blanks' Tae Bo
  • hglmin
    hglmin Posts: 33 Member
  • Sara Ivanhoe - yoga for dummies (great beginners one also has an intermediate level) downloaded free

    but my personal favourite is Jacquie Noelle - Yoga for Better Sex (also has 3 levels)....