Help! I can`t eat breakfast :(

So I've started the change, to feeling better and taking care of myself. But I am doing an awful thing. I can't eat breakfast, I can't put a single shred of food inside until about 1 PM , not even a glass of water, if I do, I get sick literally. So this forces me to have a lot of calories at lunch, and at diner too because I don't want to starve myself, so I try to eat my calorie net goal . Any suggestions? :(


  • Meggles63
    Meggles63 Posts: 916 Member
    Is there any way you could eat a small snack, say at mid-day, and then another between lunch and dinner? That might help get you used to eating more regularly and spread out your intake?
  • PatriNina
    PatriNina Posts: 154 Member
    Well I should give that a try, thank you for the advice :*
    But eventually I will have to figure out the breakfast thing, because it's making me eat over my 7 PM hour limit. Because I don't like taking big diners because I don't sleep well after that. So I have a fruit snack after diner
  • PBJunkie
    Well you can always enjoy all your meals in the timespan from 1 - 7, having your largest meal in the afternoon if you prefer to have a lighter meal in the evening.

    Meal timing is irrelevant as long as you stay within your calorie range, I myself have one feast at night and eat nothing throughout the did not hamper me from reaching my goal.
  • gailseymour
    These are just some thoughts for you to try, see how you get on with them:
    If you can't manage a glass of water first thing in the morning, try starting with just a sip, even if it's just enough to wet your lips the first couple of days. Gradually increase to a mouthful and keep at it until you can drink the water before attempting to introduce food.
    Take the same approach to your first bite of food. Try taking it five minutes earlier at a time until you're having a mid morning snack, then gradually take that earlier and earlier until you're eating even the tiniest breakfast.
    If you've been skipping breakfast for years, it could be the attempt to eat or drink too much too early is shocking your body into a reaction, hence the gradual approach.
  • PatriNina
    PatriNina Posts: 154 Member
    The 7 PM hour limit I put myself because it affected my sleep, eating close to the hour I go to bed. All these years I've been sleeping and waking up even more tired then I went to bed :( MFP is helping a lot :X
  • PBJunkie
    The 7 PM hour limit I put myself because it affected my sleep, eating close to the hour I go to bed. All these years I've been sleeping and waking up even more tired then I went to bed :( MFP is helping a lot :X

    When do you exercise?
  • PatriNina
    PatriNina Posts: 154 Member
    I will try the graduate intake in the mornings, and the mid-snack thing until I get to take a full breakfast in the morning. Thanx for all the help ! You guys are great :X
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    I was the same way, and at 50 it gave me some medical issues. Funny how we will do what we can't when the doctor warns us of the future:wink:

    So I bought my "yogurt shots" they are about 3 oz bottles of yogurt. I literally drink it like a shot with a sip of water behind. Honestly, the first few times it did not stay down. Try try again.

    Now IHAVE to have my shot in the morning, and it gets my engine running so I eat 1/2 my lunch at 10-11ish and eat every 3 hrs or so.

    Good luck. I know it is not easy and no joke for sure.
  • PatriNina
    PatriNina Posts: 154 Member
    When do you exercise?

    I don't think it can be called exercising :| I take a 2 km walk every evening, with my nephew, so some running is involved too :))
  • catcrazy
    catcrazy Posts: 1,740 Member
    I can't eat breakfast, guaranteed to see it again if I do. I can manage a black coffee but that is it...white coffee and i'm talking to Huey on the big white telephone. I've just had my breakfast now its 11am and i've been up since 7.30. I can manage something like a yoghurt after I've been up 2 hours or so, maybe you could try something liquid(y) an hour before you can usually eat
  • PatriNina
    PatriNina Posts: 154 Member
    I can't eat breakfast, guaranteed to see it again if I do. I can manage a black coffee but that is it...white coffee and i'm talking to Huey on the big white telephone. I've just had my breakfast now its 11am and i've been up since 7.30. I can manage something like a yoghurt after I've been up 2 hours or so, maybe you could try something liquid(y) an hour before you can usually eat

    Well I don't want to force things, because it was a shock for my body to eat breakfast after so many years of skipping it. I'll start with slowly introducing myself to water or yoghurt at early hours and snack between meals so I don't have heavy meals. Hope I get results, I'd love to have a balanced diet so this doesn't seem like a diet. I want it to be a definitive change in my life :)
  • maria1113
    maria1113 Posts: 508 Member
    I actually can't eat breakfast too early either. Usually I just pack my breakfast with me and eat it at work, which means that I eat it 1,5-2 hours after waking up. Works for me :)
    I also can't drink water to empty stomach without getting nauseated.
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    When do you exercise?

    I don't think it can be called exercising :| I take a 2 km walk every evening, with my nephew, so some running is involved too :))

    Are you kidding? 2k walk every day is AWESOME!! Keep up the good work.

    I exercise in the evening too. I have big issues on doing anything in the morning but slapping on makeup to go to work.