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Women 200lb+, Let's Aspire to Inspire this August!!!



  • Jensmakingprogress
    Jensmakingprogress Posts: 200 Member
    @SirOnionKnight Congrats!!
  • LauraAnn52
    LauraAnn52 Posts: 31 Member
    Hello everyone, I have been using MFP off and on for years. For the last year I’ve lost a few pounds then gained it back. Recently I found the Fast 800. I have been following this for only a few days, but I think it is doable for me. My highest weight was 273. Current weight 227.7 I am 5’2” and 71. I am going on a trip in 7 weeks. My goal is to lose 10 pounds by the time I leave.
  • quolwy
    quolwy Posts: 73 Member
    Hey there, just checking in with my updates!

    Starting weight: 219 lbs (6/10/24)
    Ending weight: 212.2 lbs (7/31/24)
    Total loss: -6.8lbs
    Goal weight: 150-165lbs
    Goal Body Fat: 20-25%

    Goals for August: ✔
    - Work 4 days/week ✔
    - Walk 10k steps minimum 3x/week
    - Log meals daily and accurately ✔
    - Gym 3x/week
    - Drink more water and less sugar ✔
    - Treat myself once/week with a self date ✔
    - Weigh in at 208lbs at the end of the month (-5.6lbs)

    1st: 213.6 lbs
    2nd: 212.4 lbs
    3rd: 212.8 lbs
    4th: 212.4 lbs
    5th: 213 lbs
    6th: 212.6 lbs
    7th: 211.6 lbs
    8th: 210.8 lbs
    9th: 211 lbs
    10th: Camping
    11th: Camping
    12th: Camping
    13th: 214 lbs
    14th: 211.6 lbs
    15th: 209.7 lbs (New low!)
    16th: 210.8 lbs
    17th: 210.6 lbs
    18th: 209.8 lbs

    Non weight Successes:
    - Went on another job interview and it seemed to go well
    - Had to tighten a work belt the other day, proving that my waist and hips are shrinking!
    - Decided to miss the gym Saturday, as I was a bit burnt out from people, but I ended up doing a small 10-15 floor workout at home while watching TV, and felt good that I naturally made the choice to move a bit.

    My steps haven't hit 10k any of the days this week, however I've been in a brain rot state since I have a licensing exam on Thursday. I have desperately needed to study but haven't been able to, due to mental block. I'm hoping to get a bit done tonight, but there's no pressure on me either way.

    On the bright side, I just had an influx of new people book in with me at work, which significantly lowers my financial stress! :)

    Here's to another week!
  • jenbroussard71
    jenbroussard71 Posts: 264 Member
    Re-started 4/24/24 - 236.2
    CW: 209.4
    GW: 165 (may adjust when I get there)
    5'3" Tall

    Monday weigh in:
    8/1 - 210
    8/5 - 209.6
    8/12 - 209.4
    8/19 - 209.4
    August loss - 0.6

    End of Summer Goal - onederland!

    Things I want to focus on in August:
    - Better sleep - I will wear my CPAP every night (now that I found a mask that works for me)
    - More H2O
    - Work on my balance and core
    - Weights / strength training 2x per week & walk 2x per week.

    I had 3 strength workouts and 2 treadmills this past week - it is way too hot to try to walk outdoors (triple digits and high humidity.) I tried a yoga video yesterday it was for beginners and very basic.

    I may ignore the scale until the 31st. I think my body is going through something - I guess I am building muscle while losing fat. That is the only thing that can be going on. I am not doing anything different food wise as I was when I was dropping 2 pounds a week. The only change is that I've incorporated exercise. I cannot wait until the shift and the scale starts moving again...patience is not one of my qualities.

    Hope your scale is moving down and you have a great day!
  • KeriA
    KeriA Posts: 3,321 Member
    @SirOnionKnight Congratulations making your goal.
    @LauraAnn52 I am 71 too. All the best getting ready for your trip.
    @tahitig I remember seeing your posts from before. I had a hiatus form here as well but just from working a lot. Now I am retired and focusing on health.

    I am seeing a lot of progress in the recent posts. I am not up to going around Stanley Park @jo_casey42 but today I am going to take a slow walk around Greenlake in Seattle which is less but will be a milestone for me since getting so weak this past year. I used to walk/run around it several times a week and now am just getting to be able to walk for 50 minutes but with small rests. I did that last Friday. So hoping I can make it around today.
  • Cinnamonpimp
    Cinnamonpimp Posts: 6 Member
    Hello all! Faith here, 26 years old. 😊

    GW: 150
    HT: 5'2"

    8/5: 258.94 lbs - 117.7 kg
    8/12: oops 😅
    8/19: 256.74 lbs - 116.7 kg

    YAY: I was on vacation for the last week or so and avoided a lot of my binge/bored eating habits even though I wasn't actively using the food diary to monitor. I also had a great time at a concert moving my body and feeling good.

    NAY: I Spent probably too much time of my vacation doing the same thing I do after work: absolutely nothingggg. I'm finding it really hard to scrounge up motivation to do anything, at least on my own.


    -Log food consistently, INCLUDING weekends; but not strictly enough to feel guilty for missing a day here and there.
    ...vacation really screwed me up here but I am back at it now that I'm in the routine again

    -Consistency with Monday weigh-ins, posting check ins, and interacting with the group!
    ...Missed one due to vaca, but overall getting there. Reading everybodies entries if not directly commenting!

    -Hit 6,000 steps on weekdays
    ...my watch started overheating at work and tbh nearly sent me into an anxiety attack so we are going to come back to this one

    -Limit mindless scrolling and incorporate at least 3 physical and/or happy hobby activities per week
    ...not going so well. I have the ideas but I just can't seem to push forward with them?

    Thank you for reading!
  • KeriA
    KeriA Posts: 3,321 Member

    71 years old
    Challenge Starting Weight: 260 Pre-retirement weight 262
    Challenge Aug weight: 254.8
    UGW: 167 (healthy weight for a senior woman my height)
    5'6" Tall
    I do check-ins when I lose:
    8/1: 254.8
    8/21: 254
    July Weight loss: 5.6 lbs.
    Weight loss since retiring 8lbs.

    August Goals:
    • August GW: If possible get into the 240s or very close Not really making much progress with this this month. However I have maintained and increased my recent loss.
    • Keep my water intake up Getting better
    • Keep getting 7+ hours of sleep Yes most nights
    • Meal plan and cook 3+ dinners (my husband and youngest will cook some dinners too) I am planning and am cooking more meals at home
    • Eat healthy breakfasts (only 1 day a week at a café with Latte etc.) – Yes.
    • Work up to 30 minutes of exercise 5-6 days a week – 1 day of aquafit, 1 day of weight training, 4 days of walking increasing lengths of time) Yes, I am exercising at least 30 minutes each week day. I do Aquafit for 50-55 minutes on Sundays. I am doing 1-2 days of strength training during the week. I am taking a longer walk in the last 2 weeks.
    • Up NEAT (non exercise activity) daily such as cooking and cleaning etc. I am improving but need to make more progress here.

    Getting stronger and getting exercise 6 days a week has been my focus this month and weight loss has consequently suffered. I stay between my BMR and my TDEE so I should be losing. Today I lost .8 lbs since I have been hovering around 255 but got back down to the 254 this week. So hoping to get to the low 250s by the end of the month.

    @Cinnamonpimp I totally identify with the doing nothing. I am a big reader but have been doing more scrolling this year. That is why I am retired (I am well beyond retirement age). I would come home and do nothing. I have always been able to lose and exercise when I wasn't working fulltime. We went to Aquafit once a week. Now I am planning healthy meals, cooking them and getting exercise 6 days a week, I still need to be more active. I am using a fitbit to track that. My eventual step goal is 7500 but this week I exceeded it one day. Each week my step average goes up. I like your goals.
  • kiteflyer105
    kiteflyer105 Posts: 159 Member
    Status update: I lost 10 lbs. and walked 4.4 miles! This is highest mileage yet, since I have gotten sick. I won't do that again until December. I start physical therapy soon. My insurance would not pay for my cardiac rehab. I saw my nutritionist today. 1400-1600 calories depending on the day.
  • jo_casey42
    jo_casey42 Posts: 115 Member
    SW: 253
    First Goal: Onederland
    UGW: TBD

    30-60 min walk most days of the week.
    Weigh in daily
    Track everything no matter what
    Eat lots and lots of zero point foods
    WW Workshop everyday
    Get 8 hours of sleep
    Drink lots of water
    20 sit ups a day
    stretch daily
    Gym 3-4x per week

    Weigh in day Thursdays
    Aug 1: 236.8
    Aug 8: 237.2 (going the wrong way :( had a rough weekend. Hopefully this week will be better)
    Aug 15: 235
    Aug 22: 233.4 (making progress!! have been working really hard)
    Aug 29:
  • jo_casey42
    jo_casey42 Posts: 115 Member
    34 years old
    Starting weight: 222 (Feb, 21)
    Lowest weight: 154 (Sep, 21)
    Re-starting weight: 195 (Feb, 23)
    Goal weight: 160-165

    August 1: 161.4
    August 8: 161.9
    August 22: 159.2

    Heyo! I stepped on the scale for the first time in two weeks and was quite pleased with what I saw. I haven’t seen the 150’s in 3 years!

    I’ve been on vacation with my family for the past 2 weeks, enjoying time together. Now that it’s over, I need to get back to strength workouts because that makes a big difference in how I feel. I’ve been saying it all summer but it’s still true! I was sick yesterday so the plan is to start easing back in tomorrow. Fingers crossed that I’ll end the month consistent!

    Keep it up, you lovely ladies! I believe in you!

    congrats on seeing the 150s!!!! huge step!!
  • mmatcha_latte
    mmatcha_latte Posts: 149 Member
    edited August 22
    Hey everyone! Sorry I'm late to the party this month. I've been dealing with some health issues and I'm on new medication but still chugging along with my goals, one day at a time.

    Age: 39
    Height: 5'8"
    SW: 263.4 lbs (Nov 1 2023), BMI 40
    CW: 191 lbs (Aug 22 2024), BMI 29
    UGW: 140 lbs, BMI 21.3

    I'd love to see 189.9 lbs by the end of the month but we'll see how it goes! I'm going to be put back on hormonal bc soon so that might affect things. I'll just do my best. ❤️
  • KeriA
    KeriA Posts: 3,321 Member

    71 years old
    Challenge Starting Weight: 260 Pre-retirement weight 262
    Challenge Aug weight: 254.8
    UGW: 167 (healthy weight for a senior woman my height)
    5'6" Tall
    I do check-ins when I lose:
    8/1: 254.8
    8/21: 254
    8/22: 253

    July Weight loss: 5.6 lbs.
    Weight loss since retiring 9lbs.

    Since I do check-ins when I lose I have to do another check-in this week. The 1st of the month I focused on exercise and achieved that goal but my weight stalled. Now I am doing both. Exercising and losing. 2 things that I observed when I lose is I am delaying my breakfast and making sure I have at least 12 hours between it and my last food the day before. I am not snacking and I am watching portion control for dinner. I also making sure I am not getting so hungry for lunch that I eat more. So now I have lost 9 lbs since retiring.

    @girlinkaz744 Congrats on getting to your goal weight and since we are the same height it is the same as mine.
    @kiteflyer105 Congrats on losing 10 lbs. and achieving your longest walk time. Take care.
    @jo_casey42 Nice progress!
    @mmatcha_latte nice to see you and glad you are better. I hope the rest of the month goes well.
  • KeriA
    KeriA Posts: 3,321 Member
    Mini check-in since I lost a bit more:
    71 years old
    Challenge Starting Weight: 260 Pre-retirement weight 262
    Challenge Aug weight: 254.8
    UGW: 167 (healthy weight for a senior woman my height)
    5'6" Tall
    I do check-ins when I lose:
    8/1: 254.8
    8/21: 254
    8/22: 253
    8/22: 252.6

    July Weight loss: 5.6 lbs.
    Weight loss since retiring 9.4 lbs. I can't wait to hit the 10 lbs lost mark.

    @jo_casey42 Congrats at a 20 lb+ loss!
  • Jensmakingprogress
    Jensmakingprogress Posts: 200 Member
    edited August 23
    Tried to delete this post, but I can’t find a delete button.