6 months ago today, I finally quit smoking for good. It was a tough battle, but I finally won in the end. It was something I had been trying to do unsuccessfully for a few years. Every once in a while I would decide it was time to quit because of all the health reasons and of course, the cost. However, i would unfortunately fail. After getting asthma and the cost of a pack kept rising, I decided it was definately time to quit. I went to my Dr and got a prescription for Welbutrin. Cold turkey was NOT for me, as my poor hubby could tell you. Finally, on March 30th I didn't pick up a cigarette in the AM and haven't since!! But don't think that i don't still crave a cigarette, bc believe me i do!! My new job is extremely stressful at some points (though there's no reason it should be) and I think about having one, but of course I don't because I remember all the reasons I quit, cost being the biggest reason, lol. Happy 6 month anniversary to me!!! Now time to go get my nails done and do some window shopping!!!


  • 3ball
    3ball Posts: 338
    Congrats, and way to go!
  • kms1981
    kms1981 Posts: 207 Member
    yay for you and all those around you! best gift to give yourself!
  • Meggles63
    Meggles63 Posts: 916 Member
    That's awesome! Congratulations. It really is one day at a time. I've been smoke free now for almost 10 years, and it DOES get easier, trust me!
  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
  • simplyychaos
    very inspiring. I'm strongly considering going to my doctor back home during winter break for some sort of perscription to help me stop. At 19, I find it really sad that I can't deny that I'm addicted. Every time I try to stop I find a reason to buy "just one" more pack...
    Thank you for sharing
  • mshannahb
    I quit on March 17! Doesn't it feel great?
  • cnsmith2
    cnsmith2 Posts: 539 Member
    SUPER huge kudos and congratulations to you. :)
  • Pancake86
    Congrats, im still struggling i can't seem to have a few drinks without the horrible things! Good to hear of your success makes me want to try and quit for good again!
  • CJK1959
    CJK1959 Posts: 279 Member
    Congrats to you! I also quit smoking this year (january 31st) and there are days that I really want one still, but ultimately we know it's better for our health (and pockets) to be done with it! I never thought I could do it....but hey, stranger things have happened.
  • FrozenTundra511
    FrozenTundra511 Posts: 206 Member
    Congrats! I went with Chantix for 2 1/2 weeks and have been smoke free for 4 1/2 years. Toughest thing in the world.
  • dakmom
    dakmom Posts: 18 Member
    Congratulations on quitting smoking! I quit in June 2010, but used Nicorette gum to help, which certainly took the edge off. Keep up the good work!!!!!! You should be very proud of yourself!!!!
  • reese66
    reese66 Posts: 2,920 Member
    Congratulations!!! Working on three years here :)
  • welcomenuts
    welcomenuts Posts: 119 Member
    I quit about 6 months ago as well! Hooray for all of us!
    I feel so much better now and love that I don't smell like the bottom of an ashtray. :wink:
  • SeasideOasis
    SeasideOasis Posts: 1,057 Member
    CONGRATS!! I stopped about 2 1/2 to 3 years ago and it was the best decision of my life. I'm glad you have been able to accomplish this!
  • sporter5
    sporter5 Posts: 71 Member
    Wow,, I don't even know you but you need to know how inspiring that is! I need to quit,, no, if ands or buts about it but,,,, I am full of excuses. Now it is that I always gain weight (LOTS) so this is my first step,, I will lose weight while changing my eating habits. Learn how to snack "appropriately" . Then I WILL quit smoking!! Baby steps :)

    Good JOB!
  • RocketsGirl75
    happy anniversary and great job!! it is very hard to do...I stopped 3 1/2 years ago...fell off the wagon about a month ago but moved past that day and haven't had one since! so kuddos to you!

  • elizahbeth
    Good going!

    I'm smoke free for over 20 years now. After the first year was over, the cravings were entirely gone, I've rarely thought of picking one up again.

    Happy you; to have joined the nicotine free crowd!
  • craft338
    craft338 Posts: 870 Member

    GOOD JOB!!!
  • MissMaryMac33
    MissMaryMac33 Posts: 1,433 Member
    Congrats, im still struggling i can't seem to have a few drinks without the horrible things! Good to hear of your success makes me want to try and quit for good again!

    Quit drinking :)
  • nalia08
    nalia08 Posts: 252
    Congrats! I hope that this story inspire others to quit!!!