October Weight Loss Challenge SIGN UPS



  • Hello! I am in for my first ever challenge!

    Your starting weight for October 134.5 (as of 9/30)
    Your personal goal for October 129.5
    Your personal self-challenge for October is to drink more water, a lot more water and to increase my weekly exercise time and intensity!
    Good luck everyone!
    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • SW as of 09/29: 226
    Goal for October: 216
    Self-Challenge: Walk, Swim, Elliptical, or Recumbent Bike at least 2 miles every day
  • SW September 30, 184
    Goal for october: 179
    Self Challenge: Keep up my 5 day a week gym routine!
  • Pammie1000
    Pammie1000 Posts: 365 Member
    I'm in
    goal weight for Oct. 140? I've hit a plateau the past couple of months and haven't lost much, really at this point I'll just be happy if I don't gain it back!
    Personal goal: Work out at least 20 minutes a day.
  • gdneff
    gdneff Posts: 279 Member
    Congratulations! :smile:
  • I am currently 168 lbs today (9/30/11). My goal is to lose 5 lbs by 10/31/11. Therefore, on October 31, 2011, my overall weight target is 163 lb. Ruth
  • I'm new to MFP.. so count me in
    SW - 154lbs
    October 144lbs
    Personal goal.. keep up with my p90x workout schedule no matter what gets thrown my way!! Stop snacking at night!
  • starting weight: 205.4
    goal for october: 195

    self challenge: workout at least 4 times a week for no less than 30 minutes.
  • This will be my first bc im new to the site...

    my goal: 143
    SW: 147

    need t exercise a little more..more strenth training than cardio..
  • I'm in!

    Weight- 150
    October goal- 145-140
    Personal challenge- Do my first 5k on 10/23 and 50 miles on my bicycle (big trip planned for my birthday 10/7)

    Good luck everyone!
  • suchtman30
    suchtman30 Posts: 4 Member
    SW: 197
    October Goal: 189
    Personal Challenge: Take vitamins regularly.
  • h3h8m3
    h3h8m3 Posts: 455 Member
    Sure, what the heck. I am in.

    SW as of 09/29 (my last weigh in from September): 230.2
    Goal for October: 220
    Self-Challenge: Do at least 3 resistance training, 2 interval cardio training, and 3 steady state cardio workouts per week.
  • I just signed up today so this challenge will help get me off to a good start

    SW 218 today
    GW 210
    Self-challenge - walk 2 miles every day
  • COUNT ME IN! !
  • tanyaMax
    tanyaMax Posts: 524 Member
    Your starting weight for October: 188

    Your personal goal for October: 183

    Your personal self-challenge for October: EAT MORE VEGGIES and have fish once a week
  • I want to join!

    My starting weight: 301.4
    My end of Oct. goal: 291.4

    My personal challenge: I will not analyze every little thing or feel guilty about trivial matters. I will simply ENJOY LIFE as it comes, each day of October. Right now I have a friendship that I have been warned about--because the friendship may not be good for my well being. I have gone back and forth over this until it has about made me sick! I see that the friendship is not really acceptable in my culture but I also know that this person's friendship has been true. So, for October, I won't persue the friendship but I won't run away from it and I sure won't feel guilty about it. Yeah... my goal: Just live and be happy.
  • Starting weight: 189lbs
    Personal goal: 180lbs.
    Your personal self-challenge for October: to stick to the 30 day shred every day (:
  • Starting weight: 189lbs
    Personal goal: 180lbs.
    Your personal self-challenge for October: to stick to the 30 day shred every day (:
  • Yvette2u
    Yvette2u Posts: 35 Member
    Your starting weight for October: 235.8
    Your personal goal for October: 227.8
    Your personal self-challenge for October: Try not to weigh myself daily and drink 8 glasses of water!
  • i am 288 pounds

    i would like to lose 25 pounds in oct

    to go walking everyday and not eat fastfood