I'm New!

Hello All,

I'm excited about my journey to lose weight. I am determined to make this work. I've tried at other times but would make one mistake and quit. Not this time! I will press on no matter what!


  • becky2967
    hi, im new to this site too, hope ur ok! i have away to go yet but ive lost 9lb so far.. hope this site helps you. x
  • lynheff
    lynheff Posts: 393 Member
    Hooray! Attitude is everything. My new favorite line I learned from this site " physical strength is due to mental will. Good luck!!
  • czechsmate
    czechsmate Posts: 556 Member
    Hi and welcome, I just started myself 2 weeks ago and absolutely love it! The people are great and so supportive and helpful!
  • Rogersgirl4ever
    Thanks for the encourgement! I am looking forward to the new me!