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Women 200lb+, Let's Stay Strong This September!!!



  • jenbroussard71
    jenbroussard71 Posts: 264 Member
    So far, I've been able to stay away from my husband's hurricane snacks. Waiting for this storm to be over. I am so thankful that it went to the east of us, and we will be on the "good side" of the storm. But I do feel horrible for the people who are directly in it's path. Praying for all of the people in SE Louisiana.
  • KeriA
    KeriA Posts: 3,321 Member
    71 years old

    Challenge Starting Weight (July 1st): 260, Pre-retirement weight 262
    Challenge Aug starting weight: 254.8
    UGW: 167 (healthy weight for a senior woman my height)
    5'6" Tall

    I do check-ins when I lose:
    8/1: 254.8
    8/28: 252.2 I met my August goal to be in the low 250s
    9/3: 254 I am just doing my usual weight variation.
    9/5: 253.2
    9/6: 252.2
    9/12: 251.8

    Weight loss since retiring 11 lbs.

    September Goals:
    • September GW: Get into the 240s – making some progress
    • Keep my water intake up - could do better
    • Keep getting 7+ hours of sleep – doing this
    • Meal plan and cook 3+ dinners (my husband and youngest will cook some dinners too)- We are doing okay with this.
    • Eat healthy breakfasts (only 1 day a week at a café with Latte etc.)Work up to that being a café
    that I can walk to and back. (1+ mile and back) – I am doing very well at this. I finally went to a café this week to journal but didn’t walk there. I was surprised to realize that I haven’t done this since retiring.
    • 30 minutes of exercise 5-6 days a week plus1 day of aquafit (50-55 minutes), 1 day of weight training, 4 days of walking increasing lengths of time on a few of those days)- I had a few weeks of less exercise but am back to it this week. So far I have exercised each day.
    • Up NEAT (non exercise activity) daily such as cooking and cleaning etc. – I think I am doing better with this.
    • Finish reading Outlive and decide how to address the information I read into my plan for my health. I am ¾ of the way through and on my favorite part of the book on Nutritional Biochemistry. I will do complete the main chapter today. He has already debunked some studies (on low fat diets for women and redmeat) and pointed out the stronger studies on nutrition (Spanish study on Olive oil and nuts -as in Mediterranean diet). I will still limit red meats and avoid processed meats but then I try to avoid processed foods as much as possible anyway. I realized the Outlive workbooks aren’t by the author just by someone who went through the book and outlined his recommendations. So my plan to do that is changed. I can do that for myself. This is not a weight loss book it is a book on longevity and healthspan.

    I plan to set up a nutritional and exercise plan after finishing Outlive. I have been holding off setting up my retirement routine until then since my 1st focus now is health.
  • KeriA
    KeriA Posts: 3,321 Member
    You all have already inspired me. I was finishing up my breakfast when I started to read through your posts but stopped and got some water before finishing my reading/replies.

    @nebsip I have a son (daughter-in-law and grandson) in Texas. I am wondering when we can get together again. I went there this spring. I too am working on my cardio vascular fitness. I try my best to have good posture when I walk and stop looking down so much. I am just realizing it is fall since we have had such nice weather recently here.

    @lisakatz2 I have to limit my sugar intake to very low. We have whole grain pancakes on the weekend and I have 1 dark chocolate treat at night. You have to watch out for the lead in dark chocolate though. I’ve told my family that they have to hide candy and unhealthy snacks too. I would have a hard time with extreme heat. Where I live 90 degree weather is extreme heat. I love pumpkin pie and the spices in it are good for us as well.

    @quolwy I have just gotten out of some fluctuations myself but that is usual for me. I like how you have the 10K step goal for 3x/week instead of daily. I am aiming for 7K steps daily for now. Later I like the idea of having a goal of a few 10K step days. Congrats on the new low. You are not far from your monthly goal and it is early days. Your last post reminds me of when I 1st started on here. I have a sweet tooth too. I had to have ways to make sure I didn’t feel deprived and still keep under my calorie goal. There is a range between your BMR and your TDEE that will allow for this and you don’t have to have a daily deficit if you meet your weekly deficit. That is when I lost 40 lbs before going back to work full-time and gaining a lot back. That is what I struggled with more having a busy schedule that made exercise and cooking at home so hard. Over the years I have lowered my sugar intake but I have a few times a week that I have something sweet. It just has gotten less and less. I used to every so often have my favorite candy or snack (the whole bag). I would just make up for it the rest of the week. Now I haven’t had a craving for that in quite a while. It gets easier as you limit it. I think eating healthier and getting in some good fruits helps me too. You are doing so well. You can do this.

    @mmatcha_latte I drink an organic green, ginger turmeric tea several times a week. I put cinnamon and black pepper in it and you could put nutmeg, cloves and other pumpkins spices in it. I tried clove and didn’t like it but I might try nutmeg. I like it more. Coconut milk is good for you if you want to make it creamier. It has a good fat with MCTs in it. We need essential fats. This tea is really good for you and weeks that I drink it more I usually lose weight. I don’t put the coconut milk in since I don’t usually have it around and I don’t put milks in my coffee or tea (only espresso), but I have put a drop of coconut oil in a few times. The reason I put black pepper in it is because it helps turmeric do all its wonderful things it can do for our bodies.

    @jenbroussard71 you restarted just a month before I did. Nice progress this month already. I finally got around to measuring myself a while ago. I will measure again when I have lost more. I already had a beginning photo on here. I too need to increase my daily steps. I am using this as a way of measuring NEAT on top of my walks or other exercise.

    I am glad you missed the hurricane. My son is in Houston and they have been hit hard this year. He now just takes his family away because your really don't know which way it will go in the end or if the wind force will increase. They have only lost their electricity but when there is a heat wave you can't stay in your home. They have a baby. One time they were here and just stayed longer when they found out about the hurricane coming. Another time they went on a short vacation to avoid one. However the worst storm hit their neighborhood hard and they had to move to a hotel due to the loss of electricity.

    @SirOnionKnight Glad your vacation was great!

    @torih941 I hear you about being tired of starting over. The reason I am retiring is so I don’t have to start over after this. I always gain when I work fulltime and times where I wasn’t (pandemic & economic downturn) I lost. I will never have to restart because this time I can keep going with a healthier lifestyle of getting regular exercise and cooking healthy meals at home. When I do this I lose although slowly. I had to look up 75 soft. I do this except the photo on day 75 and I am not quite up to 45 minutes a day
  • kiteflyer105
    kiteflyer105 Posts: 159 Member
    edited September 13
    quolwy-Good luck with your new career!

    Finally, I have lost 17 of the 20 lbs. I am starting to gain momentum. I gained in the Eating Disorder Clinic. It has been a mental battle for sure, less portions and more movement. I am switching to one dessert a week. I bought Little Debbie's fall cakes. I love sprinkles. I walked 2 miles before physical therapy. I can't wait until the cold front kicks in. I am making Weight Watchers veggie soup and cheeseburger soup for variety. I am sick of sandwiches for lunches.

    I am relieved I am in this space (mentally). I went to the apple orchard and picked up a bag of apples. It was a beautiful day. With the drought, the apples are small, instead of the massive ones at the grocery store.

    I have two types of fruit a day for my sweet tooth. This is the first good month I've had since last summer. I am relieved and thankful. Win!
  • KeriA
    KeriA Posts: 3,321 Member
    71 years old

    Challenge Starting Weight: 260, Pre-retirement weight 262
    Challenge September starting weight: 254.1
    UGW: 167 (healthy weight for a senior woman my height)
    5'6" Tall

    I do check-ins when I lose:
    8/1: 254.8
    8/28: 252.2 I met my August goal to be in the low 250s
    9/3: 254 I am just doing my usual weight variation.
    9/5: 253.2
    9/6: 252.2 back down to my low and ready to go for my goal.
    9/12: 251.8
    9/13: 250.8

    Weight loss since retiring almost 12 lbs.
  • lisakatz2
    lisakatz2 Posts: 499 Member

    I was searching around the Internet, and this is the best crustless/healthier pumpkin pie recipe I found.
    The directions are very clear, and it has lots of tips to make it perfectly. You can make several variations of this recipe too.

    I love pumpkin pie for breakfast!
  • GardenQueen30
    GardenQueen30 Posts: 17 Member
    Just need to share that this morning I finally crossed the threshold of losing 10 pounds since my first weigh-in in early August!! I truly can’t believe it. This has been a really challenging week with having my period and just feeling weary of all the measuring and weighing my food and careful attention to my macros…but this milestone is so motivating. Moving on to my next goal, which is 15 pounds loss. Crazy. God bless you all, I hope you’re having a wonderful weekend. This morning I’m off to my bootcamp class, which makes me feel like throwing up every time lol. Last night I did my first class in a series of 5 intro to safe and correct powerlifting moves. Tuesday I begin my running program with my new coach at the gym. Really excited for what is ahead.

    Ha! I meant to say my first weigh-in in early July, not August. I am playing the long long game here! ;)
  • mmatcha_latte
    mmatcha_latte Posts: 149 Member
    lisakatz2 wrote: »

    I was searching around the Internet, and this is the best crustless/healthier pumpkin pie recipe I found.
    The directions are very clear, and it has lots of tips to make it perfectly. You can make several variations of this recipe too.

    I love pumpkin pie for breakfast!

    That looks so delicious! I'm definitely going to try it out. 🎃

    I'm so thankful for y'all and glad I posted here again because I feel so much renewed motivation now. I'm trying to notice and appreciate some NSVs lately too, like being able to wrap my bath towel further around my body and not feel tired after ascending the stairs in my home. 🧡
  • myrabrand1
    myrabrand1 Posts: 36 Member
    I am most looking forward to the weather cooling off. I am worried about starting this journey again, after being away for a long, long, time and lots of life changes that happened and are happening. I am a teacher and I am also worried about my class.

    I was off this summer and it was great! I did fun things with part of my family and even went on my first cruise.
    My goal for September is to get back on track.

    I did well yesterday and woke up feeling better today. I also noticed that I did sleep better last night.
  • jenbroussard71
    jenbroussard71 Posts: 264 Member
    Jennifer - 53 years
    Re-started 4/24/24 - 236.2
    CW: 205.8
    GW: 165 (may adjust when I get there)
    Loss since 4/24/24 - 29 Pounds
    5'3" Tall

    Monday weigh in:
    9/2 - 207.8
    9/9 - 205.8
    9/16 - 207.2
    9/23 -
    9/30 -
    September loss - 0.6

    The scale was not my friend this morning, but I know I did not eat poorly, and I know I put in the work at the gym. So, this should correct itself by next weigh in. My trainer told me that I am her first client that she has given at home work outs to that has been accountable. She would like to use me as her test subject to develop a series of at home work outs. She thinks that she will branch out into online coaching in the future and is trying to lay the groundwork. I am excited about being a part of this. I worked out 6 times this past week - 3 were strength training and 3 treadmill. Yesterday was a rest day. I prepped my lunches for the week as well.

    Hope you all are doing fantastic!

  • tahitig
    tahitig Posts: 33 Member

    I’m checking in for September and seeing many of us reaching interim goals, while others are closing in on some really big ones – it’s truly inspiring.

    A special note for those who are nearing Onederland –
    I’m looking at you @jenbroussard71, @Jensmakingprogress, @quolwy, @SirOnionKnight, and @Back2here . ; )
    You’re so close! Keep going. All your efforts are worth it, and so are you!

    Special congrats also go to @kiteflyer105 who has persevered through health challenges and keeps making progress. As someone who is still clawing my way back from total paralysis, I do know what that’s like, and I admire your grit.

    And to @KeriA, thank you for remembering me, and for your encouraging message. I see your steady progress – what a great way to celebrate your retirement and an important investment in your future. Keep going!

    My September status:

    Starting weight: 218
    Current weight: 180 – down 5 pounds last month!
    Final goal weight: 150

    Tahiti is calling – and I’m halfway there! 🥥🌴🌺🍍🌸⛵🐚
  • GardenQueen30
    GardenQueen30 Posts: 17 Member
    @jenbroussard71 I am so impressed that you have been able to keep up with at-home workouts! I have never been able to do that, but it’s such an asset to have that discipline, and I so admire people who make the time and space in their homes to work out. That’s the kind of thing that will keep you active long-term. Bravo!
  • quolwy
    quolwy Posts: 73 Member
    Starting weight: 219 lbs (6/10/24)
    Ending weight: 207.2 lbs (8/31/24)
    Total loss: -11.8lbs
    Goal weight: 150-165lbs
    Goal Body Fat: 20-25%

    Goals for September: ✔
    - Work 4 days/week ✔
    - Walk 6k+ steps average/week ✔
    - Log meals daily and accurately ✔
    - Gym 3x/week (Keep only managing 2x/week)
    - Drink more water and less sugar ✔
    - Treat myself once/week with a self date ✔
    - Weigh in at 202lbs at the end of the month (-5.2lbs)
    - END OF YEAR GOAL: 190 lbs 😍

    1st: 206.6 lbs
    2nd: 207 lbs
    3nd: 205 lbs
    4th: 205.6 lbs
    5th: 206.6 lbs
    6th: 207.2 lbs
    7th: 208.4 lbs
    8th: 207.8 lbs
    9th: 206.4 lbs
    10th: 206.4 lbs
    11th: 203.4 lbs (New low!)
    12th: 203.8 lbs
    13th: 206 lbs
    14th: 204.4 lbs
    15th: 206 lbs
    16th: 206.6 lbs (Just goes to show you that weight fluctuates 😂)
    17th: dnw

    Non weight Successes:
    - Reworked my goals slightly to reflect reasonable expectations for the rest of the year

    Alright soooo, I finally got off track and had 2 days of poor eating habits. My first actual "failure" since beginning the journey in June, where I ended up binging on baked goods and not fueling my body with anything healthy. However, today I'm back on track, eating healthy balanced meals, AND making myself go to the gym today so I should hit 3x this week! I'd like to partially blame my slip up on how busy I'd been the last 2 weeks, but realistically I know it was a mixture of that, the weather this time of year, and also just the temptation of all the seasonal treats I've brought into my house. Now I'm going to focus on reminding my subconscious that I can enjoy these treats in moderation, and don't need to eat JUST those things. I didn't feel very well physically the last few days either because of those choices, so I'm excited to get back to making better choices again!

    Just another example that the process is never linear, but one mistake doesn't need to define the entire journey! Wishing everyone the best!