Depression and dieting



  • sinclare
    sinclare Posts: 369 Member
    This reminds me of a time in my life when I would go for a 4 mile walk every day. Trying to improve my moods. And I started coming home and crying for like an hour. For no reason.

    When it gets like this you need meds. Really. Working out helps if you are in a good place to start with, but if you are already sucked that deep into the black hole of depression (as far as it sounds from your post), then please try meds again. Get a different one.

    I was on like 10 differnt meds. Prozac actually worked the best for me.

    Take care of yourself. And don't worry about losing weight right now. Get your brain chemistry balanced out, then come back here and kick some a*s.
  • ranjithr82
    ranjithr82 Posts: 13 Member
    Hi Dear MFP,

    I believe all who have responded to you and all others outside for whom weight has been a problem has come across this problem, So its just to believe that this is our time make it happen for us, as it say, for everything there is right time.

    All we have to do is, believe that you are going to move out of the behaviour for your next meal or snack time. Once you over come this, then you have confidence from your previous meal time on how to control yourself. To boost all this, try to do some exercise,(walking for atleast 30 mins everyday), which will give rest of the energy to carry forward your goal.

    Believe me, if you get this to happen for a week, without giving much thinking in it, you can easily carry to next 15days, next month and so on....
    I want to loose 40kgs to discover my self. But I have managed to accomplish the above since 1 month and I have shed more than 6-7 kgs..... And I have no problem in controlling eating habits and excercise routine, which I have been failing since my 15years till my 29 ....

    So... dont worry on your past, give a push this time.. from your next meal and carry that confidence to your next meal and go on.
    I have heard a person who has ran the longest marathon saying, when asked "How you accomblish this mission, what was the training". I didnt do anything other than running to the next electric post. (kept running to the next post)/

    You will see the transformation happening within you, and your inate ability coming down the shutters which will make you defeat the rest of the world... Hearty wishes to you... I wish you overcome your depression and live the world around you.....
  • jackymenhennet
    jackymenhennet Posts: 12 Member
    I suffer with Bi-Polar disorder so HAVE to take medications which make me want to eat all the time - it just takes a bit of will power and strength to overcome this. I would suggest seeing a psychiatrist for your depression - it could be clinical in which case you will have to take medication to make it through the day. Once you feel happier with yourself, you can tend to your diet. Beleive me, I feel your pain but you really need some help right now. Hope we see you better soon x x
  • ashlinmarie
    ashlinmarie Posts: 1,263 Member
    I am a manic depressive and recovering anorexic. I spent most of my life (from the time I was about 8 years old) dealing with feelings I wasn't mature enough to understand and then once I did, giving in to them. I was about 17 when I really started trying to battle back with psychiatrists, medication, drugs, name it. It wasn't until I realized that you have to make your own happiness and live each day to the best of your abilities that I started to cope. You have to be able to love yourself and realize the awesome person you are, even if you aren't perfect. We're human, we make mistakes, we have trouble in doing challenging things (like losing weight). It is all about waking up each day and telling yourself it will be a good day and learning how to cope when things go wrong.

    Through everything, talking to a counselor that worked for Catholic Services (I am not religious, but they offer cheaper services for those without insurance) made the biggest difference in my life. She gave me a book on coping with anxiety which is what usually brought on my depression and now I feel more equipped than I ever did on medication. It is a long process (took me 5-6 years to start being comfortable with myself and dealing with issues) but you CAN work through it the au natural way!

    And I was too scared to diet because of the anorexia and a fear to go back to it, so I didn't feel I had the option of exercising and being healthy to make me feel better. Lolyballs was right! Tell yourself you can do it and that you feel good and eventually, you start to believe it. Medication is not necessarily the answer but just do what you can for your body and you should feel much better!

    Best of luck with dealing with it though. It is a very difficult way of thinking to overcome.
  • lstnlondry
    lstnlondry Posts: 1,794 Member
    Become a robot. Treat your calories and your workouts like a machine. Get though the hours.
    Get on the forums and me a troll and snarky. Most funny people are severely depressed. Are you funny?
    eventually I forget why I'm depressed. well until bed time. Just cry yourself to sleep, and get up fresh.

    Hahaha, I'm not very funny at all right now. But you are. And it made me smile. :)
    Me too!
  • dittos, I have been walking and exercising for almost a year now and feel no better. I actually have an appt today as I feel I need a little more help. I have heard that prozac is wonderful. how long did it take you to feel better after starting it?
  • blueviolet20
    blueviolet20 Posts: 317 Member
    dittos, I have been walking and exercising for almost a year now and feel no better. I actually have an appt today as I feel I need a little more help. I have heard that prozac is wonderful. how long did it take you to feel better after starting it?

    I'm not sure who you're posing this question to, but I've been on Prozac for a couple of years now. It helped when I was in the hospital for anorexia but I haven't really felt that it helps much. It could just be that without it, I'm a basketcase, but I certainly hope that's not the case.
  • blueviolet20
    blueviolet20 Posts: 317 Member
    I am sorry to hear you are going through advice is to go and talk to your doctor or make an appointment to talk to a mental health professional. There is no reason you should suffer from this type of depression......if you let it go too long, you may become suicidal. It sounds like you need intervention as soon as possible. I am a social worker and have seen many people get help through counseling and the use of anti-depressant medication. Sometimes people have to try a few different types of anti depressant before they see results. This is normal as everyone is different. Maybe your doctor will want you to start out with just counseling to see if you improve without medication. Most people need to take antidepressants but not always for long term. Just believe that you are not alone and there is help for you!!! If you don't know who to call, call your local county health department, they can for sure assist you in getting help!! Take care....

    I've been seeing therapists off and on for the past two years...and I've been on Prozac and Abilify for almost as long. I have issues taking the pills sometimes, but I try to remain pretty steady. Thank you for your advice. I will do what I can to make things better.
  • I'm really glad to see this post because I've been going through something similar. I am bipolar so being depressed about my weight can literally send me into a episode. It's hard sometimes feeling helpless about something you want to change but struggle with. What i have found is that for me the best thing is exercising ! I workout and the feeling that I get after is pure happiness ! Plus finding this site and all the support has been just what i needed to keep motivated. On this site I can be honest in a way that i can't be with anyone. Just know that you have so much support as demonstrated by all the support your getting just on this thread. Good Luck!
  • blueviolet20
    blueviolet20 Posts: 317 Member
    Update: My mood is improving. My psych has switched me to a new med in place of Prozac, and I think it's going well. It also helps that I quit a really crappy job, and am on my way to a really new, exciting, awesome one! Or at least, that's what I hope. I know I can't expect it to be spectacular every day, but I would like it to be more awesome than my last job. My husband and I are in the process of eliminating debt too, which is very nice. Anyway, if anybody else has updates, please let me know!
  • I deal with major depressive disorder (along with some other health issues). It's so hard since I'm a lazybutt even without depression.

    The med that helped me most is Lamictal. I've been on soooo many over the years. It made an amazing difference, compared to where I was.

    I wonder if there's a group on here for people with depression? Someplace to check in and encourage each other?