Cambridge diet/Lighterlife?

Is anyone on here following one of these diets? Joanne


  • beccarockslife
    beccarockslife Posts: 816 Member
    I did Cambridge for a while. I know someone who has done it for a year. She lost 5 stone. She's put on 3.5 stone since she finished.

    IMO it's not worth the sacrafice when you could lose weight with diet and exercise. 4 shakes a day and constant Ketosis - 500 calories a day is what makes you lose weight not the magic shakes. They don't taste bad, the soups are gross though!

    See your doctor first. My consultant was happy for me to do even though I have a heart condition. It made it worse and I passed out several times. I saw my doctor who went fricking mental at me about it.

    Plus bare in mind that if you rely on shakes to help you lose weight fast what are you going to learn about maintaining that goal weight? How will you know what is right for you?

    Plus, while my mate was thinner, she was skinny fat - lumpy thin - she had little to no muscle health at all, just looked smaller but just as wobbly.
  • supergirlsu
    I did lighterlife. Finished 2 years ago this xmas. Am almost a stone lighter than what i was when i finished. Feel free to add me or ask anything. For me, was best thing i ever did but i know everyone is different.
  • emilyajones
    No but I have tried meal replacement schemes before (Tony ferguson!). I only lasted 3 days and had severe headaches, low energy and one day couldnt even move out of bed!
    I wouldnt recommend them unless they do actually teach you how to maintain properly afterwards and not just reely on the shakes and things.
  • PhilipByrne
    PhilipByrne Posts: 276 Member
    I did the Cambridge many years ago. Of course it works short term. But do you just want to just lose weight short-term? Do you plan on consuming those disgusting, shakes, soups and bars for life? I guess the answer to both is no. Then forget the quick fixes and learn to eat all things in moderation and exercise to a reasonable extent. The weight will come off slowly and stay off. It's boring but it works.

  • amanda30ronan
    I am currently on the cambridge diet , its about half the price of lighterlife but u dont get the group meetings which suits me cos i dont like that kind of thing , u lose around a stone a month on these diets but i lose 13lbs in the first 2 weeks ! keeping it off is hard but then it is whatever diet u do . for me it was well worth it , quick results kept me motivated , it was actually supergirlsu who got me onto it after seein her amazing results on lighterlife !
  • supergirlsu
    I finished lighter life nearly 2 years ago and have managed to aintain (even lose a further stone through calorie counting) and i havent used the shakes since i finished the 14 week plan. So for some if us who do it, it s not just short term and certainly arent on the packs for rest of life. Its unfair to judge everyone the same and assume it doesnt work long term for anyone.
  • LadySylvanas
    LadySylvanas Posts: 133 Member
    I did the Cambridge many years ago. Of course it works short term. But do you just want to just lose weight short-term? Do you plan on consuming those disgusting, shakes, soups and bars for life? I guess the answer to both is no. Then forget the quick fixes and learn to eat all things in moderation and exercise to a reasonable extent. The weight will come off slowly and stay off. It's boring but it works.


    ehm, actually the shakes are so yummy my husband keeps nicking mine - just for the taste.